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Registrar General
Quarterly Data

RG Quarterly

The quarter 2 (April to March) 2022 Registrar General Quarterly Tables were published on 23 August 2022.

Some of the key findings from the data are as follows. The number of births registered in Quarter 2 2022 was 5,053, which is continuing the slight downward trend observed before the pandemic.

A total of 2,701 marriages were registered in Quarter 2 2022, and 10 civil partnerships. This compares with 1,687 marriages registered in Quarter 2 of 2021, and is more in line with pre Covid-19 numbers for the same period. Whereas civil partnership registrations for the same period each year shows a lot of variation, even pre-pandemic.

The statistics show a provisional total of 4,077 deaths registered in Q2 of 2022. Of this total, 138 (3.4%) deaths had Covid-19 as the underlying cause. This compares with 1,177 (28.9%) deaths due to cancer, 386 (9.5%) deaths due to Ischaemic heart disease, and 439 (10.8%) due to respiratory diseases (excluding Covid-19 deaths).

There were 52 deaths due to suicide (including events of undetermined intent) registered in Quarter 2 2022. This figure cannot be interpreted as the number of suicides occurring during Quarter 2 2022, however, due to the time delay in such deaths being investigated by the Coroner and subsequently being registered. It should be noted that suicide statistics for the years 2015 to 2020 were reviewed by NISRA and Coroners’ Service NI, the findings of which were published in May. To reflect the finding this release contains the revised time series of quarterly data for those years.

Tables are available in Registrar General Quarterly Report web page (Opens in new tab).

2021 Annual Report of
the Registrar General

Annual RG 2021

The latest annual report of the Registrar General, the hundredth edition, was published on 21 September 2022. The report contains summary and detailed information on registrations made during 2021 relating to births, deaths, stillbirths, marriages and civil partnerships, and also contains summary information on divorces, civil partnership dissolutions, adoptions and re-registrations.

The pandemic still prominently featured and affected everyday life in 2021. However, the statistics contained in the hundredth Annual Report of the Registrar General show that some life events, such as marriages, were beginning to get back to normal in 2021. Whilst restrictions were still active in early 2021 on social gatherings and businesses operating, the subsequent easing of restrictions was reflected by a peak in the number of marriage registrations in mid-2021 with over 3,700 marriages registered in quarter 3 (July – September) alone. Procedures for registering life events began to return to normal in 2021 (although still maintaining necessary social distancing measures such as appointment-based registrations) and is reflected in how birth registration trends returned to typical levels. However, Covid-19 overtook respiratory disease as the third most common cause of death with a wave of infections at the beginning of the year coinciding with a peak in deaths.

The full report can be accessed on the NISRA Website (Opens in new tab)

100 Years of the NI
General Register Office


2022 marks 100 years of the General Register Office in Northern Ireland and 100 editions of the Annual Report of the Registrar General for Northern Ireland. To mark this Vital Statistics Unit will be producing a number of releases on how the profile of vital events have changed over the last 100 years. These releases will cover topics such as how causes of death have changed over the last 100 years; trends in the number of deaths, births and marriages; setting changes in trends in the context of significant wider events and changes in legislation.

Releases will be announced through the Vital Statistics publication scheme available on the NISRA website and through

Other announcements

User engagement

Vital Statistics Unit are planning to host the annual User Group meeting in November 2022. Users on the mailing list will be notified directly once registrations is open, but it will also be publicised through social media and a link to registration will be available on the website in the VS User Engagement section.

Vital Statistics Unit recently revamped their customer feedback survey following a peer review. The new feedback survey launched in April 2022 and will run to the end of March 2023.If you would like to provide any feedback on Vital Statistics unit publications, outputs or services then you can do so via the following link:

Customer Survey

If you would like to added to the Vital Statics mailing list then please let us know at NISRA.

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- Are there alternative or additional indicators you would like to see included?

Please e-mail comments to NISRA.

NISRA Vital Statistics,
Colby House,
Stranmillis Court,
Telephone: +44 (0)300 200 7836

NISRA website


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