Appendix C: Survey Questions
The following questions were included in the Continuous Household Survey (CHS) between September and November 2023:
Qu 1: Awareness of NISRA
Before being contacted about this survey had you heard of NISRA, the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency?
- Yes
- No
If answered ‘yes’ to Qu1 then
Qu 2a: Aware statistics produced by NISRA
NISRA produces official statistics for Northern Ireland on a wide range of issues.
I am going to list a number of these and want you to tell me if you knew before today that this information was produced by NISRA statisticians.
Question | Aware produced by NISRA? |
The number of deaths in NI | Yes/No |
Recorded levels of crime in NI | Yes/No |
Qualifications of school leavers in NI | Yes/No |
The number of people who live in NI | Yes/No |
Statistics on hospital waiting times in NI | Yes/No |
The NI Census every ten years | Yes/No |
The unemployment rate in NI | Yes/No |
People living in poverty in NI | Yes/No |
Percentage of journeys made by walking, cycling or public transport in NI | Yes/No |
If answered ‘no’ to Qu1 then
Qu 2b: Aware of NISRA statistics
NISRA produces official statistics for Northern Ireland on a wide range of issues.
I am going to list a number of these and want you to tell me if you have heard of them or not.
Question | Heard of? |
The number of deaths in NI | Yes/No |
Recorded levels of crime in NI | Yes/No |
Qualifications of school leavers in NI | Yes/No |
The number of people who live in NI | Yes/No |
Statistics on hospital waiting times in NI | Yes/No |
The NI Census every ten years | Yes/No |
The unemployment rate in NI | Yes/No |
People living in poverty in NI | Yes/No |
Percentage of journeys made by walking, cycling or public transport in NI | Yes/No |
Qu 3: Trust – Institutions
I will name a list of institutions. For each, please indicate whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.
Qu 3a: Trust Civil Service
How much do you trust the Civil Service?
- Trust a great deal
- Tend to trust
- Tend to distrust
- Distrust greatly
Qu 3a: Trust elected bodies
How much do you trust elected bodies such as the NI Assembly or UK Parliament?
- Trust a great deal
- Tend to trust
- Tend to distrust
- Distrust greatly
Qu 3a: Trust media
How much do you trust the media?
- Trust a great deal
- Tend to trust
- Tend to distrust
- Distrust greatly
Qu 3a: Trust NISRA
How much do you trust NISRA?
- Trust a great deal
- Tend to trust
- Tend to distrust
- Distrust greatly
Qu 4: Trust NISRA Statistics
Personally, how much trust do you have in statistics produced by NISRA?
- Trust them greatly
- Tend to trust them
- Tend not to trust them
- Distrust them greatly
Qu 5: Value
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement ‘Statistics produced by NISRA are important to understand Northern Ireland?’
- Strongly agree
- Tend to agree
- Tend to disagree
- Strongly disagree
Qu 6: Political Interference
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement ‘I believe that the statistics produced by NISRA are free from political interference’
- Strongly agree
- Tend to agree
- Tend to disagree
- Strongly disagree
Qu 7: Confidentiality
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘I believe that personal information that is provided to NISRA will be kept confidential.’
- Strongly agree
- Tend to agree
- Tend to disagree
- Strongly disagree