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Appendix C: Survey Questions

The following questions were included in the Continuous Household Survey (CHS) between September and November 2023:

Qu 1: Awareness of NISRA

Before being contacted about this survey had you heard of NISRA, the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency?

  1. Yes
  2. No

If answered ‘yes’ to Qu1 then

Qu 2a: Aware statistics produced by NISRA

NISRA produces official statistics for Northern Ireland on a wide range of issues.

I am going to list a number of these and want you to tell me if you knew before today that this information was produced by NISRA statisticians.

Question Aware produced by NISRA?
The number of deaths in NI Yes/No
Recorded levels of crime in NI Yes/No
Qualifications of school leavers in NI Yes/No
The number of people who live in NI Yes/No
Statistics on hospital waiting times in NI Yes/No
The NI Census every ten years Yes/No
The unemployment rate in NI Yes/No
People living in poverty in NI Yes/No
Percentage of journeys made by walking, cycling or public transport in NI Yes/No

If answered ‘no’ to Qu1 then

Qu 2b: Aware of NISRA statistics

NISRA produces official statistics for Northern Ireland on a wide range of issues.

I am going to list a number of these and want you to tell me if you have heard of them or not.

Question Heard of?
The number of deaths in NI Yes/No
Recorded levels of crime in NI Yes/No
Qualifications of school leavers in NI Yes/No
The number of people who live in NI Yes/No
Statistics on hospital waiting times in NI Yes/No
The NI Census every ten years Yes/No
The unemployment rate in NI Yes/No
People living in poverty in NI Yes/No
Percentage of journeys made by walking, cycling or public transport in NI Yes/No

Qu 3: Trust – Institutions

I will name a list of institutions. For each, please indicate whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.

Qu 3a: Trust Civil Service

How much do you trust the Civil Service?

  1. Trust a great deal
  2. Tend to trust
  3. Tend to distrust
  4. Distrust greatly

Qu 3a: Trust elected bodies

How much do you trust elected bodies such as the NI Assembly or UK Parliament?

  1. Trust a great deal
  2. Tend to trust
  3. Tend to distrust
  4. Distrust greatly

Qu 3a: Trust media

How much do you trust the media?

  1. Trust a great deal
  2. Tend to trust
  3. Tend to distrust
  4. Distrust greatly

Qu 3a: Trust NISRA

How much do you trust NISRA?

  1. Trust a great deal
  2. Tend to trust
  3. Tend to distrust
  4. Distrust greatly

Qu 4: Trust NISRA Statistics

Personally, how much trust do you have in statistics produced by NISRA?

  1. Trust them greatly
  2. Tend to trust them
  3. Tend not to trust them
  4. Distrust them greatly

Qu 5: Value

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement ‘Statistics produced by NISRA are important to understand Northern Ireland?’

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Tend to agree
  3. Tend to disagree
  4. Strongly disagree

Qu 6: Political Interference

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement ‘I believe that the statistics produced by NISRA are free from political interference’

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Tend to agree
  3. Tend to disagree
  4. Strongly disagree

Qu 7: Confidentiality

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘I believe that personal information that is provided to NISRA will be kept confidential.’

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Tend to agree
  3. Tend to disagree
  4. Strongly disagree