1. Direct Payment figures for the Current Quarter (July to September 2024)

Select to view figures by HSC Trust, or Client Group

1a Direct Payment figures by Trust (July to September 2024)

Table 1a: Number of Direct Payments and Amount Paid (including One-Off and Payments which Ceased During the Quarter), by HSC Trust, During Quarter July to September 2024

Download Table 1a as an Excel worksheet:

1b Direct Payment figures by Client Group (July to September 2024)

Table 1b: Number of Direct Payments and Amount Paid (including One-Off and Payments which Ceased During the Quarter), by Client Group, During Quarter July to September 2024

Note 1: Figures for the number of direct payments in effect, excluding the Family and Child Care, Children with a Disability and CAMHS client groups, are reported as part of Programme for Government: Indicator 9.
Note 2: The Children with a Disability client group values also include a small number of payments to CAMHS.

Download Table 1b as an Excel worksheet:

2. Quarterly Direct Payments figures, by HSC Trust (3 Years)

Select to view Number of Direct Payments, or Amount Paid (£)

2a Number of Direct Payments Paid, by HSC Trust (3 Years)

Table 2a: Number of Direct Payments Paid During Quarter (including One-Off and Payments which Ceased During the Quarter), by HSC Trust (December 2021 to September 2024)

Download Table 2a as an Excel worksheet:

2b Amount Paid in Direct Payments, by HSC Trust (3 Years)

Table 2b: Amount Paid by Direct Payments During Quarter (including One-Off and Payments which Ceased During the Quarter), by HSC Trust (December 2021 to September 2024)

Note 1: Alongside the roll out of Self-Directed Support (SDS), a new, regional, minimum rate for direct payments is to be implemented across all Trusts. This may cause some inconsistency between quarters in regards to money paid out.
Note 2: Back payments for an earlier increase in the Direct Payment hourly rate were processed by Northern HSC Trust in November 2022, which is reflected in an increased total amount paid for quarter ending December 2022.
Note 3: Belfast HSC Trust processed this increase in January 2023, which is reflected in an increased total for quarter ending March 2023.

Download Table 2b as an Excel worksheet:

3. Quarterly Direct Payments figures, by Client Group (3 Years)

Select to view Number of Direct Payments, or Amount Paid (£)

3a Number of Direct Payments Paid, by Client Group (3 Years)

Table 3a: Number of Direct Payments Paid During Quarter (including One-Off and Payments which Ceased During the Quarter), by Client Group (December 2021 to September 2024)

Note 1: Figures for the number of Direct Payments in effect, excluding the Family and Child Care, Children with a Disability, and CAMHS client groups, are reported as part of Programme for Government: Indicator 9.
Note 2: The Children with a Disability client group values also include a small number of payments to CAMHS.

Download Table 3a as an Excel worksheet:

Note: Primary Health and Adult Community not included on the chart as values are too small to be clearly represented.

3b Amount Paid in Direct Payments, by Client Group (3 Years)

Table 3b: Amount Paid by Direct Payments During Quarter (including One-Off and Payments which Ceased During the Quarter), by Client Group (December 2021 to September 2024)

Note 1: Alongside the roll out of Self-Directed Support (SDS), a new, regional, minimum rate for direct payments is to be implemented across all Trusts. This may cause some inconsistency between quarters in regards to money paid out.
Note 2: Back payments for an earlier increase in the Direct Payment hourly rate were processed by Northern HSC Trust in November 2022, which is reflected in an increased total amount paid for quarter ending December 2022.
Note 3: Belfast HSC Trust processed this increase in January 2023, which is reflected in an increased total for quarter ending March 2023.
Note 4: Western HSC Trust are undertaking an audit and data cleansing exercise. This led to some payments being recoded from Family and Child Care to Children with a Disability. Values for these client groups may differ from previous publications.
Note 5: The Children with a Disability client group values also include a small number of payments to CAMHS.

Download Table 3b as an Excel worksheet:

Note: Primary Health and Adult Community not included on the chart as values are too small to be clearly represented.


Direct Payments are cash payments, made in lieu of social service provisions, to individuals who have been assessed as needing services. Direct Payments increase choice and promote independence.

Source: SPPG Direct Payment Return

Prior to quarter ending 31 December 2015, information was sourced from the CC8 community information return.

Direct payment information forms part of the Programme for Government measure used to calculate the number of adults receiving social care at home, or self directed support for social care, as a percentage of the total number of adults needing care. The information presented in this report is not directly comparable with that which is included in the measure. Further detail is provided alongside relevant tables within this publication.

Contact Details

Published by: Community Information Branch

Lead Statistician: Lee Beattie

Telephone: 028 90 522386

Email: CIB@health-ni.gov.uk

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