Clinical / Social Care Negligence Cases in NI (2021/22)

Hospital Information Branch | Information & Analysis Directorate | Published 15 December 2022


Payments made in 2021/22
Cases open at any stage during the year
Payments up to 31 March 2022
Periodic payment orders
Payments by outcome   Reader information

What is clinical / social care negligence?

In this report, clinical / social care negligence is defined as:

‘A breach of duty of care by members of the health and social care professions employed by HSC organisations or by others consequent on decisions or judgments made by members of those professions acting in the course of their employment, and which are admitted as negligent by the employer or determined as such through the legal process.’

The information presented in this publication is sourced from two Departmental returns:

CN1a - aggregate information on cases including the amount paid out each quarter.

CN1 - annual patient level return including the amount paid on each case since it opened.

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Section 1

Payments in 2021/22:

£40.3m paid in total

£30.7m paid in damages

£5.9m paid in plaintiff costs

£3.7m in defence costs

Payments made in 2021/22

During 2021/22, £40.3 million was paid on clinical / social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland, with over three quarters (76.2%, £30.7 m) paid in damages, £5.9 million (14.7%) in plaintiff costs and £3.7 million (9.1%) in defence costs (Figure 1).

During the last five years, the amount paid in clinical / social care negligence cases increased by £4.6 million (12.9%), from £35.7 million in 2017/18 to £40.3 million in 2021/22 (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Amount paid out in each year (2017/18 - 2021/22)

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1a Information Return

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Section 2

Cases open at any stage during the year

Between 2017/18 and 2021/22, the number of cases opened increased by 253 (6.8%), from 3,734 to 3,987 (Figures 2 & 3).

Figure 2: Cases open at any stage (2017/18 - 2021/22) *

Cases open at any stage in 2021/22:

Belfast: 1,730

Northern: 516

South Eastern: 546

Southern: 519

Western: 539

Legacy HSS Boards: 108


Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

Outcome of cases at 31 March 2022

Of the 3,987 cases open at any stage in 2021/22, over three quarters (81.1%, 3,234) remained open at 31 March 2022, 351 (8.8%) were settled and 402 (10.1%) were closed. Of the 3,987 cases, 523 were newly opened during 2021/22 (Figures 3 - 6).

Open cases

Across HSC Trusts, the number of cases open ranged from 108 in the Legacy HSS Boards, NIAS & NIBTS to 1,490 in Belfast HSC Trust (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Open cases at 31 March (2018 - 2022)

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

Settled cases

Between 31 March 2018 and 2022 the Belfast HSC Trust reported the largest increase (31%, 37) in settled cases, from 120 to 157 at 31 March 2022 (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Settled cases at 31 March (2018 - 2022)

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

Closed cases

Since 2017/18, the number of cases closed in the Northern HSC Trust increased, from 99 to 106 in 2021/22 (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Closed cases (2017/18 - 2021/22)

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

New cases

Since 2017/18, the Northern HSC Trust reported the largest percentage decrease in the number of new cases opened during the year (-60, -54%), from 111 to 51 in 2021/22 (Figure 6).

Figure 6: New cases (2017/18 - 2021/22)

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

Age of case

Age of case:

The average length of time a case had been open in 2021/22 was 3.2 years.

On average, 2.5 years pass between the alleged incident taking place and a case being opened.

Of the 3,234 cases that remained open at 31 March 2022, 1,622 (50.2%) had been open for less than three years, whilst 134 (4.1%) had been open for 10 years or more (Figure 7).

Cases open at any stage in 2021/22, had been open on average for 3.2 years.

Figure 7: Cases open at any stage during the year, by age of case

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

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Section 3

Payments up to 31 March 2022

Cases with largest damages:

46 cases accounted for four fifths (£111.2m) of damages paid

At 31 March 2022, £177.4 million had been paid on the 3,987 clinical / social care negligence cases that were open at any stage in 2021/22. Of this, £139 million (78.4%) had been awarded in damages, £25million (14.1%) in plaintiff costs and £13.4 million (7.6%) in defence costs (Figure 8).

The plot below details the amount of money paid on cases from the open date to 31 March 2022 on the x-axis, and the amount of this paid in 2021/22 on the y-axis. Information on damages, defence costs and plaintiff costs are included for each HSC Trust / Legacy HSS Board, with larger circles indicating larger payments.

Figure 8: Paid from open date to 31 March 2022 vs paid in 2021/22 only

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

The Belfast HSC Trust paid the largest amount in damages and legal costs (£56.2m) on cases which were open in 2021/22, 31.7% of all monies paid (Figure 8).

Almost three quarters (80%, £111.2m) of the total amount paid in damages related to 46 (1.2%) of the 3,987 open during 2021/22.

Payments by specialty and nature of incident

Over three fifths (62%, £109.2m) of the amount paid out on cases open at any stage in 2021/22 related to the ‘Obstetrics’ specialty (Figure 9).

The ‘Pregnancy/Childbirth’ nature of incident group accounted for over two fifths (40.8%, £72.4m) of the total amount paid to date, on clinical / social care negligence cases open at any stage during 2021/22 (Figure 9).

The plot below details the amount of money paid by specialty and nature of incident from the open date to 31 March 2022 on the y-axis, and the number of cases on the x-axis, with larger circles indicating larger payments.

Figure 9: Amount paid on cases by specialty and nature of incident (2021/22)

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

The plot below details the average (median) amount paid by specialty and case outcome from the open date to 31 March 2022. Each circle represents the average payment for a particular specialty.

The largest average payouts by specialty related to settled obstetrics cases, with a median payment of £0.8 million (Figure 10).

Figure 10: Average amount paid on cases by specialty (2021/22) *

*To avoid disclosure of personal data only specialties with more than one payment are included.

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

The plot below details the average (median) amount paid by nature of incident and case outcome from the open date to 31 March 2022. Each circle represents the average payment for a particular nature of incident.

The largest average payouts by nature of incident related to settled admissions/referral cases, with a median payment of £1.6 million (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Average amount paid on cases by nature of incident (2021/22) *

*To avoid disclosure of personal data only specialties with more than one payment are included.

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

PPO cases:

17 PPOs accounted for 25% of all monies paid

Periodic payment orders

Of the £177.4 million paid up to 31 March 2022, over half (25%, £43.7m) had been paid on 17 PPO cases.

Of the £43.7 million paid in cases with PPOs, £36.1 million (83%) was paid in damages, £5.3 million (12%) in plaintiff costs and £2.2 million (5.1%) in defence costs.

Figure 12: Amount paid on PPO cases (2017/18 - 2021/22)

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

Payments by outcome

Median payments by outcome:

Open cases: £2,400

Settled cases: £62,185

Closed cases: £26,854

Of the £177.4 million that had been paid on cases up to 31 March 2022, 94% (£167.6m) was paid on settled cases, £4.8 million (3%) on closed cases and £5.1 million (3.0%) on open cases.

During 2021/22, 402 (10%) cases were closed, 77% (311) closed without payment.

The plot below details the amount paid by nature of incident and case outcome from the open date to 31 March 2022. Each circle represents the average payment for a particular nature of incident.

The plot below details the amount paid on each case, by the case outcome, from the open date to 31 March 2022. Each circle represents a payment on a particular case. The dashed vertical grey line indicates the average (median) payment for all cases, whilst the three larger circles indicate the median payment by outcome at 31 March.

Figure 13: Amount paid by case outcome at 31 March 2022 *

*To avoid disclosure of personal data only cases with £500 or more paid are included.

Source: Hospital Information Branch - CN1 Information Return

Payments on cases closed with no damages

24 (6.0%) cases closed in 2021/22 had no damages awarded but had legal fees amounting to £0.2 million. This accounted for 3.6% of all monies paid out on cases closed during 2021/22.

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Reader information


This statistical release summarises information collected from Health & Social Care (HSC) Trusts, Agencies and Legacy Health and Social Services (HSS) Boards on clinical / social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland open during the year ending 31 March 2022. Information includes all cases currently open and settled, including those withdrawn or closed with details of any monies paid.


Issued by

Hospital Information Branch
Information & Analysis Directorate
Department of Health
Stormont Estate

Contact information

We invite you to feed back your comments on this publication to Kieran Taggart.

Statistical quality

Information detailed in this release has been quality assured with HSC Trusts and other Agencies prior to release.

Target audience

DoH, Chief Executives of HSC Trusts in Northern Ireland, health care professionals, academics, Health & Social Care stakeholders, media and general public.

Click here for a pdf version of this report.

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