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Northern Ireland Good Relations Indicators 2023 Report

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Published on 12th December 2024

Our Children and Young People
Our Shared Community
T:BUC Strategy
Key Priority Areas
Our Safe Community
Our Cultural Expression

The Together: Building a United Community Strategy (2013) outlines a vision of a united community, based on equality of opportunity, the desirability of good relations and reconciliation.

This publication monitors indicators for the four key priorities of the T:BUC Strategy: our children and young people; our shared community; our safe community; and our cultural expression.

Click here to view guidance on the interactive figures used throughout this report

Executive Summary

Our Children and Young People

  • 40% of adults and 31% of young people think that relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago. There was a significant decrease on the corresponding 2022 figure of 37% for young people (2023: 31%; 2022: 37%) but there was no significant difference in the change for adults.

  • In 2023, 63% of young people have been involved in shared education with another school. Of those who have been involved in shared education, 50% have ‘done projects’ with pupils from other schools; 54% have ‘shared classes’; and 27% ‘shared sports facilities or equipment’ where the pupils are from a different religious background.

Our Shared Community

  • 90% of adults in 2023 think that leisure centres in their area are ‘shared and open’ to both Catholics and Protestants; 90% think this about parks; 94% think this about libraries and 96% think this about shopping centres.

  • 86% of adult respondents prefer a mixed religion workplace; 73% a mixed religion neighbourhood; and 67% mixed religion schools.

Our Safe Community

  • 45% of adult respondents see town centres as safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life. There is no significant change in this measure since 2022.

  • In 2023, 65% of adult respondents feel ‘very’ or ‘quite’ safe going to events held in a GAA club; 54% to events held in an Orange Hall; 81% to events held in a Protestant Secondary School; and 79% to events held in a Catholic Secondary School.

Our Cultural Expression

  • 70% of adult respondents in 2023 think that the culture and traditions of Catholic communities add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society; 65% think this about Protestant communities; and 65% think this about Minority Ethnic communities.

  • Since 2022 there has been no significant change in the proportion of adults who feel they have an influence on decisions in their neighbourhood (20%) or on Northern Ireland decisions (14%).

1. Our Children and Young People

Indicator 1.1a

Percentage (%) who think that relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago

Why is this indicator important?

Improving attitudes, as perceived by young people responding to the Young Life and Times (YLT) survey, is an invaluable measure of attitudinal change. Direct comparisons can be made with adults using the Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT) survey.

Current Year (2023):

In 2023, 40% of adults and 31% of young people think that relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago.

Figure 1:

% who think that relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago

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Source: NILT/YLT

Note: The YLT survey did not run in 2020.

How we got here:

Since 2022, there has been no significant change in the proportion of adult respondents who think relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago. The proportion of young people who think relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago has decreased significantly since 2022 (2023: 31%; 2022: 37%). This is the second lowest proportion for young people since the launch of the T:BUC strategy in 2013.

From 2022 to 2023 there was no significant change in the proportion of adults identifying as Protestant who think relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago, while there was a significant decrease of 14 percentage points among young people who identify as Protestant (2023: 27%; 2022: 41%). There was no significant change in the proportion of either adults or young people, either with no religion or who identify as Catholic, who think relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago.

Indicator 1.1a

Percentage (%) who think that relations between Protestants and Catholics will be better in five years' time

Why is this indicator important?

Improving attitudes, as perceived by young people responding to the Young Life and Times (YLT) survey, is an invaluable measure of attitudinal change. Direct comparisons can be made with adults using the Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT) survey.

Current Year (2023):

In 2023, 34% of adults and 30% of young people think that relations between Protestants and Catholics will be better in five years’ time.

Figure 2:

% who think that relations between Protestants and Catholics will be better in five years' time

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Source: NILT/YLT

Note: The YLT survey did not run in 2020.

How we got here:

Since 2022, there has been no significant change in the proportion of adult respondents who think relations will be better in five years' time; the corresponding figure for young people has significantly decreased by 7 percentage points (2023: 30%; 2022: 37%).

From 2022 to 2023, there was no significant change in the proportion of either adults or young people, identifying as either Protestant or with no religion, who think relations between Protestants and Catholics will be better in five years' time. There was also no significant change among adult respondents identifying as Catholic who think relations between Protestants and Catholics will be better in five years' time, however, among young people who identify as Catholic there was a significant decrease of 8 percentage points (2023: 30%; 2022: 38%).

Indicator 1.1b

Percentage (%) who feel favourable towards people from: Catholic communities, Protestant communities, Minority Ethnic communities

Why is this indicator important?

Improving attitudes, as perceived by young people responding to the Young Life and Times (YLT) survey, is an invaluable measure of attitudinal change. Direct comparisons can be made with adults using the Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT) survey.

Current Year (2023):

58% of young people feel favourable towards people from Catholic communities; 46% towards people from Protestant communities; and 53% towards people from Minority Ethnic communities. This remains significantly lower than the proportion of adults who feel favourable towards people from: Catholic communities, 72%; Protestant communities, 69%; and Minority Ethnic communities, 59%.

Figure 3:

% who feel favourable towards people from: Catholic communities, Protestant communities, Minority Ethnic communities

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Source: NILT/YLT

Note: The YLT survey did not run in 2020.

How we got here:

There has been no significant change in young people's attitudes towards people from Catholic, Protestant, and Minority Ethnic communities since 2022. Young people in 2023 are more positive than their counterparts in 2013 towards Catholic Communities (2023: 58%; 2013: 44%) and Minority Ethnic communities (2023: 53%; 2013: 41%). However, there was no significant change in young people's attitudes towards Protestant communities since 2013.

Among adults, attitudes towards people from Minority Ethnic communities have shown a significant decline since 2022 (2023: 59%; 2022: 63%). However, there was no significant change in adults' attitudes towards Catholic or Protestant Communities. Adults in 2023 are more negative than their counterparts in 2014 towards Catholic communities (2023: 72%; 2014: 84%), Protestant Communities (2023: 69%; 2014: 84%), and Minority Ethnic communities (2023: 59%; 2014: 64%).

Indicator 1.2a

Percentage (%) of young people who regularly socialise or play sport with people from a different religious community

Why is this indicator important?

The number of young people regularly socialising or playing sport with people from a different community shows the extent of positive cross-community contact.

Current Year (2023):

64% of young people ‘very often’ or ‘sometimes’ socialise or play sport with people from a different religious community. A significantly lower proportion of Catholic young people report this (55%) than Protestant young people (72%) or young people with no religion (66%). There is no significant difference in the proportions of young males and young females who report this.

Figure 4:

% of young people who regularly socialise or play sport with people from a different religious community

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Source: YLT

Note: The YLT survey did not run in 2020.

How we got here:

Between 2022 and 2023, the proportion of young people who regularly socialise or play sport with young people from a different religious background has increased for the first time since 2019. This is a significant increase of 6 percentage points (2023: 64%; 2022: 58%). However, there was a significant decrease in the proportion of young people playing sport with people from a different community between 2013 and 2023 (2023: 64%; 2013: 68%).

Indicator 1.2b

Percentage (%) of young people who have: shared sports facilities or equipment; shared classes; or done projects, with pupils from other schools where the pupils are from a different religious background

Why is this indicator important?

Finding out the opinions of young people who have done projects, and shared classes or facilities with pupils from other schools where the pupils are from a different religious background helps to show what works, and where resources are best allocated.

Current Year (2023):

63% of young people have been involved in shared education with another school. Of those who have been involved in shared education, 50% have ‘done projects’ with pupils from other schools, while 54% have ‘shared classes’, and 27% ‘shared sports facilities or equipment’.

Figure 5:

% of young people who have: shared sports facilities or equipment; shared classes; or done projects, with pupils from other schools where the pupils are from a different religious background

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Source: YLT

Note: % of young people refers to those who took part in shared education. Respondents were able to select multiple categories.

How we got here:

Since 2022, there has been a significant decrease in the proportion of young people who have done projects with another school (2023: 50%; 2022: 60%), whilst the proportion who have shared classes has seen a significant increase (2023: 54%; 2022: 48%). There has been no significant change to the proportion of young people who have shared equipment with another school.

2. Our Shared Community

Indicator 2.1a

Percentage (%) who think that Protestants and Catholics tend to go to different local shops or use different GP surgeries and other services in their area

Why is this indicator important?

It is important that all public services and shared spaces are seen as accessible to the whole community.

Current Year (2023):

28% of respondents do not think Protestants and Catholics use different shops and services in their area, while 56% of respondents think this does tend to happen. A significantly higher proportion of Catholic respondents (63%) think that this happens ‘a little’ or ‘a lot’ compared to Protestant respondents (54%) or those with no religion (54%). There is no significant difference between male and female respondents who think that this happens ‘a little or a lot’.

Figure 6:

% who think that Protestant and Catholics tend to go to different local shops or use different GP surgeries and other services in the area

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Source: NILT

How we got here:

Since 2022, there has been no significant change in the proportion of adults who think Catholics and Protestants tend to go to different local shops or use different GP surgeries and other services in their area. There was also no significant change in the proportion of adults who think this does not happen.

Since 2013, there has been a significant overall increase in the proportion who think this happens either a little or a lot (2023: 56%; 2013: 34%).

Indicator 2.1b

Percentage (%) who think that leisure centres, parks, libraries, and shopping centres in their area are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics

Why is this indicator important?

It is important that all public services and shared spaces are seen as accessible to the whole community.

Current Year (2023):

Considering public spaces in their area, the vast majority of respondents report that leisure centres (90%), parks (90%), libraries (94%) and shopping centres (96%) are ‘shared and open’ to both Protestants and Catholics. Catholic respondents (92%) are significantly more likely than respondents with no religion (88%) to say leisure centres in their area are shared and open. There are no other significant differences when analysed by religion. There are no significant differences based on the gender of the respondent.

Figure 7:

% who think that leisure centres, parks, libraries, and shopping centres in their area are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics

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Source: NILT

Note: Figures exclude those who responded “None in this area” to ensure comparability with previous years.

How we got here:

Since 2022, there have been no significant changes in the proportions of respondents who think leisure centres, parks, libraries or shopping centres are 'shared and open' to both Protestant and Catholics.

Since 2013, there have been significant increases in the proportion of respondents who think leisure centres (2023: 90%; 2013: 86%), parks (2023: 90%; 2013: 86%), libraries (2023: 94%; 2013: 92%), and shopping centres (2023: 96%; 2013: 93%) in their area are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics.

Indicator 2.1c

Percentage (%) of those who have children at school who think that their child's school is somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity

Why is this indicator important?

With education playing such a fundamental role in the development of children, it is important that schools are seen as places where they feel they can be open about their cultural identity.

Current Year (2023):

78% of respondents who have children at school think that their child’s school is somewhere their children can be open about their cultural identity. Respondents with no religion (69%) less often report that their child’s school is somewhere their children can be open about their cultural identity than either Catholic (81%) or Protestant (81%) respondents. There are no differences in responses when analysed by gender.

Figure 8:

% of those who have children at school who think that their child's school is somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity

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Source: NILT

How we got here:

Since 2022, there has been no significant change in the proportion of those with children at school who think that their child's school is somewhere their children can be open about their cultural identity.

Since 2014, there has been a significant decrease in the proportion of those with children at school who think that their child's school is somewhere their children can be open about their cultural identity (2023: 78%; 2014: 83%).

Indicator 2.1d

Percentage (%) whose school has been involved in shared education with another school in the last academic year, broken down by type of activity

Why is this indicator important?

Shared education is being taken forward as one of the key elements of the Together: Building a United Community strategy.

Current Year (2022):

56% of schools were involved in shared education with another school in the last academic year. Of those schools who were involved in shared education with another school in the last academic year; 73% had participated in projects; 42% shared resources; 12% shared teachers; 39% had shared classes under the entitlement framework; 18% shared equipment; 24% had shared classes which were provided other than through the entitlement framework; 25% of schools had developed shared policies; 21% had shared extra-curricular activities; and 20% had shared education in ‘other’ ways.

Figure 9:

% whose school has been involved in shared education with another school in the last academic year, broken down by type of activity

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*entitlement framework sets out the minimum number and range of courses a school should offer at Key Stage 4 and Post-16

Source: School Omnibus Survey 2022

Note: The 2020 School Omnibus Survey was cancelled due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It should also be noted that there are a number of issues which may affect the representativeness and comparability of the 2022 School Omnibus data. Please see the Data Sources section of the Technical Notes for more detail.

How we got here:

Since 2018 there has been a 7 percentage point decrease in the proportion of schools involved in shared education (2022: 56%; 2018: 63%). The three main areas in which education is shared is in schools that have done projects with other schools (2022: 73%; 2018: 80%), shared resources (2022: 42%; 2018: 63%) and shared classes under the entitlement framework (2022: 39%; 2018: 33%).

Indicator 2.1e

Percentage (%) who see the area they live in as Protestant, Catholic or mixed

Why is this indicator important?

If shared spaces in Northern Ireland are to thrive, perception of segregation in housing needs to be reduced.

Current Year (2016):

38% of respondents see the area they live in as “totally” or “mainly” Protestant. A significantly lower proportion (25%) see the area they live in as “totally” or “mainly” Catholic. 31% see their area as mixed.

Figure 10:

% who see the area they live in as Protestant, Catholic or mixed

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Source: House Condition Survey 2016

Note: The most recent House Condition Survey was conducted in 2023. At the time of writing, the quality assurance process was underway and a publication date had not been announced.

How we got here:

Since 2001, there has been little change in how people describe the religious make-up of the area they live in.

Indicator 2.2a

Percentage (%) who would define their neighbourhood/workplace as somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity

Why is this indicator important?

The accessibility of Shared Space to all, including neighbourhoods and workplaces is a central tenet of good relations policy going forward.

Current Year (2023):

80% of respondents define their neighbourhood as somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity. There is no significant difference in the proportion of people who say this about their workplace (77%). Respondents with no religion (72%) are significantly less likely than either Catholic (80%) or Protestant (87%) respondents to define their neighbourhood as somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity, while Catholic respondents are significantly less likely than Protestant respondents to report this. Respondents with no religion (83%) are significantly more likely than either Catholic (76%) or Protestant (75%) respondents to define their workplace as somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity. There is no significant difference in the proportion of Catholic and Protestant respondents who report this.

Figure 11:

% who would define their neighbourhood/workplace as somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity

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Source: NILT

How we got here:

Since 2022, there has been no significant change in the proportions who define either their workplace or their neighbourhood as a shared space.

Since this question was first asked, in 2014, the proportion who define their workplace as a shared space has seen a significant decrease of 6 percentage points (2023: 77%; 2014: 83%). Those who say the same of their neighbourhood is consistently higher and has seen an 8 percentage point decrease (2023: 80%; 2014: 88%).

Indicator 2.2b

Percentage (%) who would prefer mixed religion neighbourhoods, workplaces, and schools

Why is this indicator important?

Preference for mixed neighbourhoods and workplaces is an important indicator of attitudes towards other communities, as well as an indicator of preference for a shared community.

Current Year (2023):

Preference for mixed religion workplaces among all survey respondents is currently 86%. This is significantly higher than the proportion of all survey respondents who prefer to live in a mixed religion neighbourhood (73%). A significantly lower proportion of all survey respondents would prefer to send their children to a mixed religion school (67%) than work in a mixed religion workplace or live in a mixed religion neighbourhood. A significantly higher proportion of those with no religion (84%) would prefer mixed religion schools when compared with Catholic respondents (59%) and Protestant respondents (63%).

Figure 12:

% who would prefer mixed religion neighbourhoods, workplaces, and schools

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Source: NILT

How we got here:

There has been little change in preference for mixed religion neighbourhoods, workplaces, and schools, since 2022. Since 2013, preference for mixed religion workplaces has increased significantly by 8 percentage points (2023: 86%; 2013: 78%) and preference for mixed religion schools has increased significantly by 11 percentage points (2023: 67%; 2013: 56%). There has been no significant change since 2013 in preference for mixed religion neighbourhoods.

Indicator 2.2c

Percentage (%) of first preference applications to post-primary integrated schools that do not result in admissions

Why is this indicator important?

Preference for integrated education is an important indicator of attitudes towards other communities, as well as an indicator of preference for a shared community.

Current Year (2023/24):

In 2023/24, 23% of first preference applications to post-primary integrated schools did not result in admission to that particular school. Of all pupils enrolled at grant-aided schools in 2023/24, 8.2% attended integrated schools.

Figure 13:

% of first preference applications to post-primary integrated schools that do not result in admissions

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Source: NI School Census

How we got here:

In 2023/24, there has been no significant change in the proportion of first preference applications to post-primary integrated schools that did not result in admission to that particular school since 2022/23.

Since 2013/14, there has been a significant increase in the percentage of first preference applications to post-primary integrated schools that do not result in admissions to that particular school – an increase of 13 percentage points (2023/24: 23%; 2013/14: 10%). This represents an increasing over-subscription to popular post-primary integrated schools.

3. Our Safe Community

Indicator 3.1a

Number of hate crimes

Why is this indicator important?

An increase in good relations should result in lower numbers of hate crimes and incidents being committed.

Current Year (2023/24):

In 2023/24, 839 racially motivated and 730 sectarian hate crimes were recorded. All other categories of hate crimes when combined accounted for 20% of hate crimes.

Figure 14:

Number of hate crimes

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Source: PSNI

Note: Prior to 2022/2023, the “Sexual Orientation” category was labelled as “Homophobic”, and prior to 2023/2024, the “Transgender Identity” and “Race” categories were labelled as “Transphobic” and “Racial” respectively. These have been changed to remain in line with how the PSNI present these data.

How we got here:

Unlike last year, the number of racially motivated hate crimes has surpassed that of sectarian hate crimes. While both have shown a decrease since 2022/23 (a decrease of 41 (racial) and 191 (sectarian)), it should be noted that increases or decreases in the number of crimes may be attributed to changes in reporting; detection; or confidence in the police.

Indicator 3.1b

Number of people presenting as homeless as a result of intimidation

Why is this indicator important?

The number presenting as homeless due to intimidation is an indicator of people's fears around safety, as well as allowing us to measure the prevalence of intimidation.

Current Year (2023/24):

78% of the 204 households that presented as homeless due to intimidation in 2023/24 did so because of paramilitary intimidation.

Figure 15:

Number of NIHE clients presenting as homeless due to intimidation

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Source: NIHE

Note: the data in the time series also includes NIHE clients who presented as homeless by intimidation on racial grounds, grounds of disability and grounds of sexual orientation, however, there were too few presentations in these categories to present discretely in 2023/24, so these reasons for presentation have been combined into an “Other” category.

How we got here:

Paramilitary intimidation (78%) has been the most prevalent form of intimidation leading to homeless presentation every year since 2016/17.

Indicator 3.1c

Percentage (%) of people who felt: annoyed by republican murals; intimidated by republican murals; annoyed by loyalist murals; intimidated by loyalist murals

Why is this indicator important?

A reduction in the use of murals, kerb-paintings and flags to mark territory will result in a community where people feel safe moving around and are not inhibited by fear.

Current Year (2023):

38% of respondents had been annoyed by republican murals, kerb-paintings or flags in the last year, while significantly more respondents had been annoyed by loyalist murals, kerb-paintings or flags (49%). 27% of respondents had been intimidated by republican murals, kerb-paintings or flags in the last year, while significantly more respondents had been intimidated by loyalist murals, kerb-paintings or flags (36%).

Figure 16:

% of people who felt: annoyed by republican murals; intimidated by republican murals; annoyed by loyalist murals; intimidated by loyalist murals

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Source: NILT

How we got here:

Since 2022 there has been a significant decrease in the proportion of adults who felt annoyed by loyalist murals (2023: 49%; 2022: 55%), however there was no significant change in the proportion of adults who felt annoyed by republican murals. There were no significant changes in the proportions of adults who felt intimidated by either loyalist or republican murals.

Since 2013 there has been a significant increase in the proportion of adults who felt annoyed by loyalist murals (2023: 49%; 2013: 33%) with a similar significant change in the proportion of adults who felt annoyed by republican murals (2023: 38%; 2013: 22%). There has been a significant increase in the proportion of adults who felt intimidated by loyalist murals (2023: 36%; 2013: 20%) and there was also a significant increase in the proportion of adults who felt intimidated by republican murals (2023: 27%; 2013: 10%).

Indicator 3.2a

Percentage (%) of people who see town centres as safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life

Why is this indicator important?

Town centres must be seen as places where people can feel safe in moving around, and where life choices are not inhibited by fears around safety.

Current Year (2023):

45% of respondents see town centres as safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life. 44% of Catholic respondents, 48% of Protestant respondents and 40% of respondents with no religion report this.

Figure 17:

% of people who see town centres as safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life

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Source: NILT

How we got here:

In 2023, 45% of respondents said that they see town centres as safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life. There has been no significant change in this measure since 2022, however, this is a significant decrease of 9 percentage points since 2014 (2023: 45%; 2014: 54%).

Indicator 3.2b

Percentage (%) of people feeling safe going to events held in: a GAA club, an Orange Hall, a Protestant secondary school, a Catholic secondary school

Why is this indicator important?

Asking people about where they feel safe helps to measure whether all communities are perceived as welcoming for everybody. This helps to identify what extra steps we can take to overcome negative perceptions.

Current Year (2023):

In 2023, 65% of respondents feel ‘very’ or ‘quite’ safe going to events held in a GAA club; 54% to events held in an Orange Hall; 81% to events held in a Protestant secondary school; and 79% to events held in a Catholic secondary school.

Figure 18:

% of people feeling safe going to events held in: a GAA club, an Orange Hall, a Protestant secondary school, a Catholic secondary school

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Source: NILT

How we got here:

Since 2022, there have been no significant changes in feelings of safety in GAA Clubs, Orange Halls, Catholic Secondary Schools or Protestant Secondary Schools.

Feelings of safety have significantly decreased since 2013: 5 percentage points in GAA clubs (2023: 65%; 2013: 70%); 9 percentage points in Orange Halls (2023: 54%; 2013: 63%); 8 percentage points in Protestant Secondary Schools (2023: 81%; 2013: 89%); and 8 percentage points in Catholic Secondary Schools (2023: 79%; 2013: 87%).

Indicator 3.2c

Percentage (%) who would like to see peace lines come down now or in the near future

Why is this indicator important?

Peace Lines impact on the delivery of services and reduce the potential for communities living in these areas to attract and benefit from inward investment. This indicator helps identify where more work is needed to create the conditions and gain the confidence of the community that will allow the peace lines to come down.

Current Year (2023):

In 2023, 66% of all respondents want the Peace Lines to come down now or in the future and 44% of those who live within a few streets of the Peace Lines want this.

Figure 19:

% who would like to see peace lines come down now or in the near future

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Source: NILT

*residents are defined as those that indicate they live “within a few streets of the nearest Peace Lines”

How we got here:

In 2023, 44% of residents want the peace lines to come down now or in the future, this does not represent a significant change from 2022 (57%). Similarly, there was no significant change in the corresponding figures for all respondents.

4. Our Cultural Expression

Indicator 4.1a

Percentage (%) who feel a sense of belonging to: their neighbourhood; Northern Ireland

Why is this indicator important?

This indicator measures people's sense of belonging towards their neighbourhood and Northern Ireland as a whole; and compares young people to adults.

Current Year (2023):

81% of adults feel a sense of belonging to their neighbourhood, while 79% feel a sense of belonging to Northern Ireland. A significantly lower proportion of young people say the same (68% belonging to their neighbourhood; 63% to Northern Ireland).

Among adults, respondents with no religion (73%) are significantly less likely than either Catholic (83%) or Protestant respondents (85%) to feel a sense of belonging to their neighbourhood. There are no significant differences in feelings of belonging to their neighbourhood between Catholic and Protestant respondents. For young people, significantly more Protestant (78%) and Catholic (80%) respondents than respondents with no religion (53%) felt a sense of belonging to their neighbourhood. Among adults, significantly more Protestant respondents (91%) than either Catholic respondents (71%) or respondents with no religion (76%) felt a sense of belonging to Northern Ireland. Among young people, significantly more Protestant respondents (83%) than either Catholic respondents (64%) or respondents with no religion (54%) felt a sense of belonging to Northern Ireland.

Figure 20:

% who feel a sense of belonging to: their neighbourhood; Northern Ireland

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Source: NILT/YLT

How we got here:

Since 2022, there has been a significant decrease in the proportion of adults who feel a sense of belonging to their neighbourhood (2023: 81%; 2022: 84%). There has been no significant change in the proportion of adults who feel a sense of belonging to Northern Ireland, nor has there been any significant change in the proportion of young people who feel a sense of belonging to either their neighbourhood or Northern Ireland.

Since 2013, the proportion of adults who feel a sense of belonging to their neighbourhood has decreased significantly (2023: 81%; 2013: 85%), while there has been no significant change in adults who feel a sense of belonging to Northern Ireland. The proportion of young people who feel a sense of belonging to their neighbourhood (2023: 68%; 2013: 74%) and to Northern Ireland (2023: 63%; 2013: 69%) has also decreased significantly.

Indicator 4.1b

Percentage (%) of people who feel they have an influence on decisions made in: their neighbourhood; Northern Ireland

Why is this indicator important?

For people to feel like they belong to their community, it is important that they feel like they have an influence when it comes to decisions made in their neighbourhood and in Northern Ireland.

Current Year (2023):

One in five adults feel they have an influence on decisions made in their neighbourhood (20%), with a smaller proportion of adults (14%) feeling they have an influence on decisions made in Northern Ireland. The proportion of young people who think this is significantly lower - 10% feel like they have an influence on decisions made in their neighbourhood, and 7% on decisions made in Northern Ireland.

There are no significant differences in the proportions of male adults and female adults who feel they have an influence on decisions made in their neighbourhood, however, among adults, males (17%) are significantly more likely than females (11%) to feel they have an influence on decisions made in Northern Ireland. There are no significant differences in feelings of influence over decisions taken in either their neighbourhood or Northern Ireland based on the religion of adult respondents. Catholic (14%) and Protestant (13%) young people are both more likely than young people with no religion (5%) to feel they have an influence on decisions made in their neighbourhood. There is no significant difference between the proportion of Catholic and Protestant young people who report this. Protestant young people (10%) are significantly more likely than young people with no religion (4%) to feel to feel they have an influence on decisions made in Northern Ireland. There are no other significant differences between young people based on religion.

Figure 21:

% of people who feel they have an influence on decisions made in: their neighbourhood; Northern Ireland

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Source: NILT/YLT

How we got here:

Since 2022, there have been no significant changes in the proportion of adults who feel they have an influence on local decisions (2023: 20%; 2022: 19%) or on Northern Ireland decisions (2023: 14%; 2022: 16%). There has been no significant change to young people's perception of influence since 2022. Young people feel less influential than adults at both neighbourhood (2023: 10%; 2022: 8%) and Northern Ireland (2023: 7%; 2022: 7%) level.

Since 2013, there has been a significant decrease in the proportion of adults who feel they have an influence on both local (2023: 20%; 2013: 31%) and Northern Ireland (2023: 14%; 2013: 23%) decisions. There has also been a significant decrease in the proportion of young people who feel they have an influence on local decisions (2023: 10%; 2013: 14%), however there has been no significant change in the proportion of young people who feel they have an influence on Northern Ireland decisions.

Indicator 4.2a

Percentage (%) who think the culture and traditions of: Catholic communities; Protestant communities; Minority Ethnic communities, add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society

Why is this indicator important?

Embracing cultural diversity and celebrating cultural expression will be key to good relations in the future.

Current Year (2023):

Over two-thirds (70%) of respondents think that the culture and traditions of Catholic communities add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society. 65% think this about Protestant communities, and 65% think this about Minority Ethnic communities. There are no significant differences in these proportions.

Figure 22:

% who think the culture and traditions of: Catholic communities; Protestant communities; Minority Ethnic communities, add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society

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Source: NILT

How we got here:

There was no significant change since 2022 in the proportion of respondents who think the culture and traditions of Catholic, Protestant and Minority Ethnic communities add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society.

The proportion of respondents who think the culture and traditions of Catholic and Protestant communities add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society has significantly decreased since 2013 (by 5 percentage points (2023: 70%; 2013: 75%) and 9 percentage points (2023: 65%; 2013: 74%) respectively. The proportion who think this in relation to Minority Ethnic communities has significantly increased by 6 percentage points (2023: 65%; 2013: 59%).

Indicator 4.2b

Percentage (%) who feel their own cultural identity is respected by society

Why is this indicator important?

If our society is to be based on mutual respect, then everyone must feel that their own cultural identity is respected by the society in which they live.

Current Year (2023):

Just under a half of adult respondents (47%) feel that their own cultural identity is respected by society. 50% of Catholic respondents, 48% of Protestant respondents and 44% of respondents with no religion feel this.

Figure 23:

% who feel their own cultural identity is respected by society

Download data:

Source: NILT

How we got here:

Since 2022, there has been no significant change in the proportion of those who feel their own cultural identity is respected by society.

Since 2014, there has been a significant decrease in the proportion of those who feel their own cultural identity is respected by society (2023: 47%; 2014: 64%).

Indicators by Outcome

Improved attitudes between young people from different backgrounds
% who think that relations between Protestants and Catholics are better than they were five years ago
% who think that relations between Protestants and Catholics will be better in five years' time
% who feel favourable towards people from: Catholic communities, Protestant communities, Minority Ethnic communities
Young people engaged in bringing the community together
% of young people who regularly socialise or play sport with people from a different religious community
% of young people who have: shared sports facilities or equipment; shared classes; done projects, with pupils from other schools where the pupils are from a different religious background
Increased use of shared space and services
% who think that Protestants and Catholics tend to go to different local shops or use different GP surgeries and other services in their area
% of people who think that leisure centres, parks, libraries, and shopping centres in their area are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics
% of those who have children at school who think that their child's school is somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity
% whose school has been involved in shared education with another school in the last academic year, broken down by type of activity
% of people who see the area they live in as Protestant, Catholic or mixed
Shared space is accessible to all
% who would define their neighbourhood/workplace as somewhere they can be open about their cultural identity
% who would prefer mixed religion neighbourhoods, workplaces, and schools
% of first preference applications to post-primary integrated schools that do not results in admissions
Reduction in the prevalence of hate crime and intimidation
Number of hate crimes
Number of people presenting as homeless as a result of intimidation
% of people who felt: annoyed by republican murals; intimidated by republican murals annoyed by loyalist murals; intimidated by loyalist murals
A community where places and spaces are safe for all
% of people who see town centres as safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life
% of people feeling safe going to events held in: a GAA club, an Orange Hall, a Protestant secondary school, a Catholic secondary school
% who would like to see peace walls come down now or in the near future
Increased sense of community belonging
% who feel a sense of belonging to:
  • their neighbourhood
  • Northern Ireland
% who feel they have an influence on the decisions made in:
  • their neighbourhood
  • Northern Ireland
Cultural diversity is celebrated
% who think the culture and traditions of: Catholic communities; Protestant communities; Minority Ethnic communities, add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society
% who feel their own cultural identity is respected by society

Timeline of Indicator 1.1a

Figure 24:

% who think that relations between Protestants and Catholics are better now than they were five years ago

Download data:

NB: Data points and event lines are shown at mid-year points, rather than exact dates when data collection and/or events happened.

Reader information

Data to monitor and report on Together: Building a United Community Strategy (2013) key priorities.

Date of publication
12th December 2024

Northern Ireland


Reporting period
Data are from late 2023/early 2024 unless indicated otherwise.

Statistical quality
Information detailed in this report has been quality assured prior to release.

Target audience
The Executive Office (TEO), educational professionals, academics, media, members of good relations interest groups and the public.

This publication is Crown copyright and may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium. Acknowledgement should be given for any material used, and the title of the publication specified.

Comments on this publication are welcome. Please fill in our readership survey or contact

Official statistics
Our statistical practice is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR). OSR sets the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics that all producers of official statistics should adhere to. You are welcome to contact us directly with any comments about how we meet these standards. Alternatively, you can contact OSR by emailing or via the OSR website.

Code of Practice
This report has been produced in accordance with the principles of trustworthiness, quality and value outlined in the Code of Practice for Statistics. The data sources used are robust and known to collect data in accordance with best practice, and the presentation of the data in the report is thoroughly quality assured. The report is needed to monitor the progress of the T:BUC strategy and the state of community relations in Northern Ireland.

Thanks are offered to all the individuals who took part in the surveys contributing to the findings presented in this report. Without their help this report would not have been possible.


Daniel Nelson-Donaghy

Statistics and Research Branch

The Executive Office

Telephone: (028) 90522280

Background to the Good Relations Indicators

Why are good relations indicators needed?

Good Relations Indicators are needed to measure the progress of the ‘Together: Building a United Community (T:BUC) Strategy’.

What is the Together: Building a United Community Strategy?

The T:BUC Strategy was published by the Northern Ireland Executive in May 2013. The strategy reflects the Executive’s commitment to improving community relations and continuing the journey towards a more united and shared society. This strategy represents a major change in the way that good relations will be delivered across government.

The vision of the strategy is:

“a united community, based on equality of opportunity, the desirability of good relations and reconciliation - one which is strengthened by its diversity, where cultural expression is celebrated and embraced and where everyone can live, learn, work and socialise together, free from prejudice, hate and intolerance.”

The strategy sets out a range of actions and commitments for government departments, communities and individuals who will work together to build a united community and achieve change against four key strategic priorities:

  • Our Children and Young People
  • Our Shared Community
  • Our Safe Community
  • Our Cultural Expression

Each of these key priorities is supported by the following shared aims:

  • Our Children and Young People: to continue to improve attitudes amongst our young people and to build a community where they can play a full and active role in building good relations.
  • Our Shared Community: to create a community where division does not restrict the life opportunities of individuals and where all areas are open and accessible to everyone.
  • Our Safe Community: to create a community where everyone feels safe in moving around and where life choices are not inhibited by fears around safety.
  • Our Cultural Expression: to create a community, which promotes mutual respect and understanding, is strengthened by its diversity and where cultural expression is celebrated and embraced.

How were the indicators decided?

The good relations indicators were developed by NISRA statisticians with input from an expert advisory group. Based on the T:BUC vision and four key strategic priorities, a set of outcomes that would be expected if the strategy is successful were outlined;

  • Our Children and Young People
    • Improved attitudes between young people from different backgrounds
    • Young people engaged in bringing the community together
  • Our Shared Community
    • Increased use of shared space and services (e.g. leisure centres, parks, libraries, shopping centres, education, housing)
    • Shared space is accessible to all
  • Our Safe Community
    • Reduction in the prevalence of hate crime and intimidation
    • A community where places and spaces are safe for all
  • Our Cultural Expression
    • Increased sense of community belonging
    • Cultural diversity is celebrated

More information about how the outcomes and indicators were chosen can be found in the technical notes.

Are the indicators monitored?

The indicators are monitored on an annual basis using a range of robust data sources. More information about these data sources can be found in the technical notes at the back of this document, or within the associated data files available on The Executive Office website.

More information about how the outcomes and indicators were chosen can be found in the technical notes.

What are the strengths of the indicators?

The T:BUC strategy and Good Relations indicators have been developed and agreed through consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. The data sources used to monitor progress are robust and known to collect data in accordance with best practice.

Technical Notes


When reporting differences in the report, the data are tested to see if they are statistically significant at the 5% level. A reported increase or decrease means there is at least a 95% probability that there is a genuine difference between results and the difference is not simply explained by random chance or sample error.

Please note that, due to rounding, percentages in both this report and the relevant data tables may not always sum to 100.

In some cases, where answer categories have been combined, figures presented in the graphs may not sum to the same total as figures presented in the relevant commentary, due to rounding.

Due to COVID-19, some questions in the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey were reworded in 2020, and these changes were maintained in 2021, and reverted back to their original format in 2022. The questions were altered to include the phrase “In a world without coronavirus (COVID-19)…”. These changes affected the following Indicators: 2.2a, 3.2a, 3.2b.

Prior to 2019, the Good Relations Indicators Report was produced as a PDF document, with all calculations performed in SPSS Statistics. Since 2019, the report has been produced in HTML format, with all calculations performed in R. Due to minor differences in how the two programs make calculations, there can sometimes be small differences between the results produced. These differences are never more than 1%.

Good Relations Indicators Criteria

The criteria for selecting the indicators as agreed by an expert advisory group (comprised of key stakeholders from departments, District Councils and the community and voluntary sector) are that indicators should be:

  • Outcome focussed, rather than process focussed. In other words the indicator will give an indication that the outcome is being achieved;
  • Relevant, that is, relevant to one or more of the high level priorities or aims of the Strategy;
  • Available, that is, published regularly; and
  • Robust, in other words the sample should be representative of the relevant population and collected using recognised best practice in surveys.

A draft set of outcomes and indicators was agreed by the Advisory Group and consulted on more widely between 22nd January and 31st March 2014. Consultees were invited to provide comments on the indicators via an online survey on the OFMdFM website, or by hardcopy. OFMdFM is the precursor to The Executive Office; renamed as part of departmental restructure in May 2016.

The indicators are measured using a range of data sources. The data from each source are not available at the same time, but those contained within this report are the most current at the time of this publication.

Data Sources

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey was launched in the autumn of 1998. Its mission is to monitor the attitudes and behaviour of people across Northern Ireland annually to provide a time-series and a public record of how our attitudes and behaviour develop on a wide range of social policy issues. The Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT) Survey is a direct descendent of the Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey (NISA) which ran from 1989 to 1996.

Until 2020, the NILT survey was conducted as a series of face-to-face household interviews. However, these were suspended as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and instead interviews were conducted by Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) and Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI). The move to remote interviewing resulted in a much lower response rate of 9%, compared to 56% in 2019. The new interview format has been adopted since then and was used again in 2023, with 97% of total interviews being completed using CAWI, and the remaining 3% being conducted using CATI, giving a full response rate of 15% and a partial response rate of 3%.

The 2023 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey received ethical approval from the Ethics Committee in the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast, where the survey coordinator is based. The survey involved 1200 fully completed surveys and 212 partially completed surveys with adults aged 18 years or over from a systematic random sample of 8000 eligible addresses selected from the Postcode Address File database, resulting in an overall response rate of 18%.

All analyses of the adult data are weighted in order to ensure representation of the general population of Northern Ireland. In other words individuals living in large household have a lower chance of being included in the sample than individuals living in small households. Weighting is the process of correcting for sample differences by increasing the relative importance (or weight) of underrepresented groups and decreasing the importance of overrepresented groups (where over/under representation is determined by comparing to a target). Given the method of collection, a weighting variable to account for age, gender and location based on Northern Ireland Census data (2021) was added. Random Iterative Method (RIM) weighting was selected as the most appropriate technique as this is most commonly used to weight market research data to known demographics, without intrinsically altering the findings of the raw data. Northern Ireland Census targets were used, given that Census data are the most accurate counts of the population at a specific point in time. A RIM weighting factor was calculated by comparing the NILT data population proportions to the known population statistics for each variable (age, gender and location). This weighting factor was calculated using an advanced analytics tool which accounts for the differences in the survey population to the general population of Northern Ireland using a pre-calculated algorithm. When applied, the weighting factor will weight the data accordingly to ensure research findings are representative of the general population in Northern Ireland. (ARK)

Young Life and Times Survey

From 1998 to 2000, the Young Life and Times (YLT) survey sought the views of all 12 to 17 year olds living in the same household as the respondent to the Northern Ireland Life and Times survey. However, in 2003, the aims and methodology of the survey were changed. From 2003 onwards, the Young Life and Times survey recorded the attitudes of 16 year olds only. The YLT sample is drawn from the Child Benefit Register and usually contains the names and addresses of all young people resident in Northern Ireland who celebrated their 16th birthday during February and March.

Until 2018 YLT had been primarily a postal survey, but in 2019 the viability of conducting the survey online was tested. As this approach proved successful, the decision was taken that the YLT survey would move, primarily, to online completion, although participants would have the option to request paper or phone completion. As such, in conjunction with the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis (CDDA) at QUB, a customised online survey tool which complies with university and HMRC confidentiality and data security regulations was designed and utilised for the 2021 survey.

The YLT survey did not run in 2020 due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, there is no YLT data for 2020 referenced in this report. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us at the email address listed in the Contacts section of this report, and a NISRA statistician working in The Executive Office will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

The high level of interest in the YLT survey in 2023 and the respective number of questions included meant that a split survey was required, with respondents randomly selected to complete version 1 or version 2 respectively.

In 2023, 5717 names of eligible respondents were received, 5647 of which were contactable and 5632 of which were willing to complete the survey. A further single respondent turned out to not have a birthday in the specified period and was removed as ineligible, leaving a base sample of 5631 young people. 2139 logged onto the survey platform with their ID. After removal of the most incomplete responses (i.e., responses where only very few or no questions were completed), 2065 responses remained. This represents an overall response rate of 36.7%. The response rates varied little between version 1 (35.3%) and version 2 (37.2%). The YLT data does not require weighting. (ARK)

School Omnibus Survey

The School Omnibus Survey is a multi-purpose survey of all Principals in grant-aided schools, designed to collect a range of required information as determined by DE policy teams. Having previously been conducted annually, in 2016 the decision was taken to conduct the survey biennially effective from 2018. The 2020 survey was cancelled due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the survey was next run in 2022.

The questions produced both quantitative and qualitative data, generally using yes/no and multiple response questions as well as open-ended response types. The survey was web-based, with the option to complete in either English or Irish, and each school received the link to the survey via email, along with a unique username and password to maximise security. The survey was issued in October 2022, with a four week period given for survey returns.

The survey period in 2022 coincided with industrial action by the Northern Ireland teaching unions known as Actions Short of Strike (ASOS). As part of ASOS union members were advised not to comply with some data collections undertaken by DE. As a result, the response rate for the 2022 Omnibus (21.5% primary, post-primary, and special schools) was below the rate in 2018 (39%). Caution should therefore be used when making inferences about the analysis for schools in 2022 due to the lower-than-normal response rate. The reader should also keep in mind that several questions asked the Principal or School leader to consider the academic year 2021/22. During 2021/22 there was disruption to normal teaching and school / pre-school activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic and this may have an impact on responses given. More information on the representativeness of the 2022 School Omnibus Survey is available in the 2022 School Omnibus Survey Report.

The shared education section received 173 responses out of a total of 220 responses for primary, post-primary and special schools. (Dept. of Education)

Northern Ireland House Condition Survey

The 2016 Northern Ireland House Condition Survey (HCS) was based on a random sample of 3,000 dwellings completed in two stages. It was next due to run in 2021, however, it was delayed due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The next survey took place in 2023, but has not yet been published or announced.

The first stage involved including all the full surveys completed as part of the 2011 HCS (resample: 1,434 surveys). Consideration had to be given to the location of addresses because the 2011 HCS eleven council areas were approximations only, based on the grouping of existing LGDs, as boundaries were not finalised at the time of the 2011 HCS sampling. Consequently, this meant there were some sample variations in the final totals by the eleven council areas in the 2016 HCS sample.

The second stage was a fresh random sample of 1,566 properties selected by council area to ensure that each area total (fresh and resample) added to approximately 200. In Belfast Council Area, a total of 635 households were selected (150 in North, 151 in East, 171 in South and 163 in West Belfast). In addition the Causeway Coast Council area was divided into two areas to allow for more detailed information on holiday homes in Northern Ireland.

The fresh sample frame, in 2016, was Pointer (see ‘Sample frame’). This database (Pointer) contained a subset of the computerised records for domestic residential property maintained by the LPS and had been subject to extensive quality assurance and validation since 2011.

Addresses were selected at random and no substitution of addresses was allowed. In instances where surveyors encountered a multi-dwelling address and there was no sub-number on their contact sheet, there were processes in place to ensure the correct address was selected. In the case of a fresh sample address a kish grid was used to randomly select the sub-number. In the case of a resample address the statistics team looked up the details of the previous survey in order to identify which sub number had been surveyed, and the same sub-number was surveyed in 2016. If the address was a single-dwelling address in the previous survey, but had subsequently changed to a multi-dwelling address, a kish grid was used to randomly select the sub-number. (NIHE)

School Census

Information on pupil enrolments is collected annually from schools, as part of what is commonly known as the schools census. This data collection exercise is an annual snapshot of pupil and school level data for each pre-school centre, nursery, special, primary, post-primary, hospital and independent school in Northern Ireland. As well as data relating to school enrolments and numbers, information in relation to attendance is collected as part of the overall school return. (Dept. of Education)

Integrated Education

Data on numbers of first preference applicants admitted to post-primary schools is collated each year at the end of the annual admissions process by the regional offices of the Education Authority. The figures for integrated post-primary schools have been extracted from this. (Dept. of Education)

PSNI Hate Crime Statistics

Unlike the Northern Ireland Crime Survey (NICS), police recorded crime figures do not include crimes that have not been reported to the police or those that the police decide not to record, but they do cover crimes against those aged under 16, organisations such as businesses, and crimes ‘against the state’ i.e. with no immediate victim (e.g. possession of drugs). Like any administrative data, police recorded crime statistics are affected by the rules governing the recording of data, systems in place and operational decisions in respect of the allocation of resources. More proactive policing in a given area could lead to an increase in crimes recorded without any real change in underlying crime trends. These issues need to be taken into account when using these data. (PSNI)

Northern Ireland Housing Executive Homeless Presentation Figures

Statistics on Homelessness are sourced from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE). They are published in the DfC’s annual Housing Statistics report. The figures reported for each reason for presentation from 2011-12 onwards are not fully comparable with other published figures. Data migration issues and coding variations following the introduction of a new operational Housing Management System (HMS) in July 2011 meant that no data on reason for presentation was recorded for 3,731 cases in 2011-12 and 835 cases during April-June 2012. (DfC)


Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey

Young Life and Times Survey

Young People
The YLT sample is drawn from the Child Benefit Register and typically contains the names and addresses of all young people resident in Northern Ireland who celebrated their 16th birthday during January, February or March

We describe communities as either religious, Minority Ethnic or both depending on the indicator. This is made clear by the interviewer in the case of NILT and YLT

Those who said "very often" or "sometimes" in response to the question "How often do you socialise or play sport with people from a different religious community to yourself?"

Shared Space
Shared Space is defined as a place where you feel you can be open about your own cultural identity

Cultural Identity
Cultural Identity is defined as things like your ethnicity, nationality, religious, or political background

Shared Education
Shared education means the organisation and delivery of education so that it:
  • meets the needs of, and provides for the education together of learners from all Section 75 categories and socio-economic status;
  • involves schools and other education providers of differing ownership, sectoral identity and ethos, management type or governance arrangements; and
  • delivers educational benefits to learners, promotes the efficient and effective use of resources, and promotes equality of opportunity, good relations, equality of identity, respect for diversity and community cohesion.
Entitlement Framework
Entitlement Framework sets out the minimum number and range of courses a school should offer at Key Stage 4 and Post-16. These courses should be economically relevant and individually engaging with clear progression pathways. The Entitlement framework on the Department of Education website.