Technical Notes

  1. The data for the Higher Lever Apprenticeships at Further Education (FE) is sourced from The FE colleges Learner Management System and the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) administration system.

  2. The number of enrolments is simply a count of the number of enrolment records within the relevant data return.

  3. The number of individual students for each academic year has been determined (using Student Reference and FE College as the unique identifier) within the specific academic year period.

  4. A student can enrol on a course for a matter of weeks (sometimes months) and then transfer to another course. In terms of outcome, the original enrolment recorded as a transfer will not have any outcome recorded against it and, therefore, the transferred enrolment cannot be measured in terms of performance.

  5. Full-time provision consists of either: at least 15 hours and at least 7 sessions per week; or more than 21 hours per week, with no sessional requirement. All other mode of attendance options are regarded as part-time.

  6. Regulated enrolments relate to courses at Level 3 or below that appear on the Register of Regulated Qualifications (RRQ), which contains qualifications on both the Qualifications and Credit Framework and the National Qualifications Framework or part of the Department’s Prescribed List of Approved Qualifications (PLAQ)/Access list) and Higher Education qualifications (‘Level 4 and above’).

  7. From 2015/16, the dependant status yes refers to any enrolment where an individual student has declared a responsibility for either an adult, child or person with a disability (Table S1).

  8. A student is categorised as being enrolled in a ‘Broad’ STEM subject if at least one of their enrolments is in a ‘Broad’ STEM course.

  9. A student is categorised as being enrolled in a ‘Narrow’ STEM subject if at least one of their enrolments is in a ‘Narrow’ STEM course.

  10. In 2020/21, 2022/23 and 2022/23, some students have different addresses relating to their enrolments, potentially resulting in different deprivation quintiles for different enrolments. For consistency, when identifying primary cases in different categories, a unique deprivation quintile must be assigned to each student. Primarily, total hours and mode of attendance have been considered in determining the deprivation quintile for these students. Other factors are then considered, such as start and end dates of course.

Data Rounding

To prevent the identification of individuals, figures in the tables are rounded to the nearest 5, with 0, 1, 2 rounded to 0. Due to rounding the sum of numbers in each row or column may not match the total shown. Percentages are based on unrounded figures and have been rounded to the nearest whole percentage. New rounding and suppression approach (further education and essential skills) | Department for the Economy (


Academic Year

Each academic year period is defined by each FE College and potentially could differ across all six colleges. An academic year traditionally starts in August and finishes in July the following year.

Achievement rate

Achievement rate relates to the percentage of final year regulated enrolments completed by students who achieve a qualification. The achievement rate does not include any enrolments classified as ‘Transferred’. HLA achievement rate includes full achievers only. ‘Completers’ include any enrolments not classified as ‘Withdrawn’ or ‘Transferred’.

Achievement rate = Number of achievements/Number of completers


Age is at 1st July of the previous academic year, based on the start date of the course.


The analysis presented in the publication utilises 5 groups or quintiles of Super Output Areas (SOAs), based on relative level of deprivation using the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM). Enrolments are assigned to SOAs using the postcodes provided on enrolment records.

For further details on deprivation measurement in Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure

Final year enrolments

A student can enrol on a course that is multiple years in length but will only have the opportunity to achieve within the final year of that course.

Final year completers

Enrolments of students in their final year of a course who do not withdraw from their course are regarded as final year completers.

Final year achievements

Enrolments of students in their final year of a course who have completed the course and subsequently achieve are regarded as final year achievements. HLA achievements include full achievements only.

Further Education College

Higher Level Apprenticeships at FE colleges are an extract from overall FE Sector. Please refer to the link below for further detail about FE Colleges in Northern Ireland.

Contextual-Information regarding the FE Sector


If the enrolment is regulated, the level is derived from the Register of Regulated Qualifications (RRQ). If the enrolment is not part of the RRQ, the level is based on the information entered against the enrolment by the FE College.

Each regulated qualification has a level between entry level and Level 8. Qualifications at the same level typically have a similar level of demand or difficulty. The content and size of qualifications at the same level may be quite different.

For further information on comparing qualifications across the UK, RoI and overseas, click here.


Qualifications are counted for those final year enrolments in regulated courses at FE Colleges and CAFRE. An individual can fully achieve, partially achieve or fail their qualification. Full achievement is measured for the HLA programme.


From academic year 2013/14, only those courses on the Register of Regulated Qualifications (RRQ) or DfE’s Prescribed List of Approved Non NQF/QCF Qualification (PLAQ) list (for Level 3 and below), or are Higher Education (HE) in FE courses (Level 4 and above), will be deemed as ‘regulated’ by the Department. Anything that falls outside this definition is not considered as ‘regulated’, regardless of whether it is considered to produce ‘outcomes’, for example, internal college certification.

Retention rate

Retention rate is defined as the percentage of final year regulated enrolments completed by students. The retention rate does not include any enrolments classified as ‘Transferred’.

Retention rate = Number of completers/Number of final year enrolments

Section 75 categories

Equality related data, such as religion brought up, disability and ethnicity, are self-reported by the student during the data capture process within FE colleges. This information is available within the supplementary tables S1 to S7. Dependent counts are based on individual questions, which is self-reported by the student, if they have any dependents which are adults, children or a person with a disability (Table S1).

Sector Subject Area

The Sector Subject Area (SSA) code is derived from the OFQUAL Register of Regulated Qualifications, which is based on the qualification or unit code. The SSA code registered against each qualification or unit has been assigned by the responsible awarding organisation. The SSAs were developed by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) and the Department for Education and Skills (Wales), along with other key educational bodies according to industry sector and academic subject area. They aim to allow more consistent reporting of data across the UK.

Further information on SSAs is available at:

Ofqual -Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation


STEM provision is identified by the subject code entered by the FE College. If the subject code starts with a letter between A and K (that is, Medicine, Dentistry and Allied Subjects; Biological and Physical Sciences; Agriculture; Mathematics and IT; Engineering and Technology; and Architecture, Building and Planning), it is regarded as ‘Broad’ STEM. ‘Narrow’ STEM comprises those enrolment records with a subject code starting with a letter C, F, G, H or J (that is, Biological and Physical Sciences; Mathematics and IT; and Engineering and Technology).


The number of students for each academic year has been determined (using Student Reference and FE College as the unique identifier) within the specific academic year period. The total number of students calculated over the entire time period, therefore, does not equal the summation of all individual students’ academic years. This is due to the fact an individual student may be enrolled in a number of academic years.

Success rate

Success rate is recognised as the overall measure of performance, which is the percentage of final year regulated enrolments of students who achieve a qualification.

The Success rate number of enrolments does not include any enrolments classified as ‘Transferred’.

Success rate = Number of achievements/Number of final year enrolments