3.5 Primary energy source for heating of residential buildings
Source: House Condition Survey
Notes: No further update, due to Covid-19 the NIHCS 2021 was postponed and the commencement of fieldwork remains under review.
Status: Official Statistics
Publication date: 05 December 2024
Gross Value Added (GVA) is used to measure NI’s economic output, since 1998 it has grown substantially, while greenhouse gas emissions have declined. The ratio of total greenhouse gas emissions to GVA, in NI, decreased 70% from 1998 to 2022.
In 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity for NI was estimated at around 0.43 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per £ of GVA. In 1998 this figure stood at 1.41 kilograms.
GHG emissions per capita decreased 39% from 18.2 tonnes CO2 equivalent per person in 1990 to 11.2 tonnes in 2022. The population increased by 20% over this period, while greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 26%
GHG emissions per unit of electricity generated decreased 56% from 658 grams CO2 per kWh in 2004 to 289 grams in 2022. This has been driven by the growth of renewable energy generation in NI, a shift away from coal use towards gas for electricity generation, and improvements in energy efficiency.
Residential GHG emissions per household have decreased 17% from 3.76 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per household in 2008 to 3.11 tonnes in 2022. Fuel switching to natural gas from more carbon-intensive fuels such as coal and oil has reduced emissions, but more households create greater demand for energy.
The average CO2 emissions from licensed cars has declined over the years from 149.8 g/km in 2014 to 132.3g/km in 2022.
Total emissions (excluding sequestration) related to milk production decreased from an average of 1,927 grams of CO2 equivalent per kilogram of Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) in 1990 to 1,214 grams in 2021. Whilst milk production in the dairy sector has expanded by 85% since 1990, the total number of dairy cows over this period has increased by only 13%, meaning this improvement in carbon footprint has been driven by substantial increases in milk yield per cow.
Waste management emissions per capita have decreased 68% from 1,264 kilograms of CO2 equivalent per person in 1990 to 403 kilograms in 2022. The population increased by 20% over this period while greenhouse gas emissions from waste management fell by 62%, due in a large part to the introduction of methane capture and oxidation systems at landfill sites.
To complement the emissions data available from the historic GHG Inventory and the Northern Ireland (NI) GHG Projections and to help Government track the effectiveness of carbon reduction policies, a set of local Carbon Intensity (CI) indicators were developed during the work programme of the then Cross Departmental Working Group on Climate Change. The indicators will continue to inform the work of the Green Growth Strategy and NI Climate Action plan.
Rather than measuring absolute emissions levels, emissions intensity is concerned with capturing the amount of CO2 equivalent generated per unit of output or per capita, e.g., power sector emissions per unit of electricity generated or total NI emissions per head of population.
The value of taking such an approach is that, whilst overall emissions might be seen to be increasing for a particular sector in line with an expanding economy, the carbon intensity might be decreasing which could still be viewed as a positive outcome. The CI indicators are therefore another way of measuring progress made in NI towards reducing GHG emissions in terms of intensity as opposed to absolute emissions.
Estimated absolute emissions for NI are available in the Northern Ireland Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990 to 2022
The CI indicators are supplemented by a set of associated proxy indicators which, whilst not intensity indicators as such, are logically linked to emissions and/or emissions intensity levels. Consideration of proxy indicators allows a greater range of indicators to be monitored as there are less data constraints. It can also be easier to see how indicators are linked to various policy initiatives. Examples here could be the proportion of travel undertaken by sustainable means such as walking or cycling, or the energy efficiency of the building stock.
This report presents a series of indicators, for each of the key emissions sectors, with each section generally beginning with an intensity indicator (where available), supplemented by proxy indicators. For ease of reference, the intensity indicators have been highlighted in blue in Table 1 to distinguish them from supporting proxy indicators.
Trend data are presented as graphs, from as far back as practical to collect up to the latest year available. Separate tables with full time-series data are available on the Northern Ireland Carbon Intensity Indicators 2024 page. For some indicators, data may only recently have become available. In such cases, the current year will be the base year with the trend building from that point onwards. The intention is to update indicators on an annual basis.
A User Guidance document has been produced to support this report, which will develop over time. Users are strongly encouraged to refer to the Northern Ireland Carbon Intensity Indicators User Guidance 2024 when considering particular indicators. This will ensure a proper understanding of what each indicator measures, its significance in terms of emissions and intensity, and any notable limitations.
When the report is reviewed, some additional indicators may be added and in some instances indicators may need to be removed.
Table 3.5 - Due to delays in the NIHE House Conditions Survey, we have included data from the 2011 and 2021 Censuses for Northern Ireland. This data is shown in table 3.5.2.
Table 6.1 - Due to resource constraints, it was not possible to update this indicator at the time of publishing. It is expected that the update will be available by mid-December 2024 and this table will be updated accordingly.
Table 6.5 - Previous publications sourced data from Forest Research, but this year and going forward they’re sourced from NI Forest Service. This is to ensure consistency with the NI Environmental Statistics report.
Where future changes occur they will be included here. Some of the data in this publication have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In some instances, data collection was disrupted and data are not available. In other instances the impacts of travel restrictions are apparent e.g. in transport data. Where data have been impacted, detail will be provided in the notes section for the relevant indicator.
The table below summarises the long term and recent trend for each CI indicator (highlighted in blue) and proxy indicator. Changes in trend are colour coded; green shows positive change, red shows negative change and amber shows no, or unclear, change (e.g. an increase in total kilometres travelled is not necessarily a negative trend from a carbon reduction perspective if a greater proportion of travel is undertaken by walking/cycling or public transport rather than by car). The time period covered by the long-term and recent trends will vary per indicator. For the majority of indicators, the long-term trend refers to the trend from the first year data are available, until the most recent year. The recent trend refers to the trend between the current and previous year. Separate tables with full time-series data are available on the Northern Ireland Carbon Intensity Indicators 2024 page.
Indicator | Long term trend | *Recent trend |
1.1 Ratio of greenhouse gas emissions to gross value added | Positive | Positive |
1.2 Greenhouse gas emissions per capita | Positive | Positive |
2.1 Emissions per unit of electricity generated | Positive | Positive |
2.2 Electricity generation by fuel type - Coal | Positive | Positive |
2.2 Electricity generation by fuel type - Oil | Positive | Positive |
2.2 Electricity generation by fuel type - Gas | Negative | Negative |
2.2 Electricity generation by fuel type - Renewables | Positive | Positive |
3.1 Residential greenhouse gas emissions per household | Positive | Positive |
3.2 Housing stock with energy efficiency measure - Full Cavity wall | Positive | No Change |
3.2 Housing stock with energy efficiency measure -Loft insulation | Positive | Positive |
3.2 Housing stock with energy efficiency measure -Full double-glazing | Positive | Positive |
3.3 Standard Assessment Procedure ratings for residential buildings | Positive | Positive |
3.4 Affordable Warmth Scheme grants processed - Insulation | Positive | Positive |
3.4 Affordable Warmth Scheme grants processed - Heating | Positive | Negative |
3.5 Primary energy source for heating of residential buildings - Oil | Negative | No Change |
3.5 Primary energy source for heating of residential buildings - Gas | Positive | Positive |
3.5 Primary energy source for heating of residential buildings - Solid fuel | Positive | Positive |
4.1 Number of participants in the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme | Negative | No Change |
4.2 CO2 emissions from participants in the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme | Positive | Positive |
5.1 Average CO2 of Licensed cars | Positive | Positive |
5.1 Licensed cars by C02 emissions 0-100 g/kg | Positive | Positive |
5.1 Licensed cars by C02 emissions Over 170g/kg | Positive | Positive |
5.2 Road transport emissions per vehicle kilometre travelled | Positive | Positive |
5.3 Average distance travelled per person per year by mode of transport - All modes of transport | Positive | Negative |
5.3 Average distance travelled per person per year by mode of transport - Walking/cycling | Positive | Negative |
5.4 Mode of transport - Car, motorcycle, private taxis | Positive | Negative |
5.4 Mode of transport - Walking/cycling | Positive | Negative |
5.4 Mode of transport - Public transport | Negative | Negative |
5.5 Bus operating kilometres | Negative | Positive |
5.6 NI Rail operating kilometres | Negative | No Change |
5.7 Plug-in cars, vans and quadricycles licensed | Positive | Positive |
6.1 Emissions intensity of milk production *see note | Positive | No Change |
6.2 Area of new forest and woodland plantings | Positive | Negative |
6.3 Soil nitrogen balance | Positive | Positive |
6.4 Average daily carcase gain of steers | Positive | Negative |
6.4 Average daily carcase gain of heifers | No Change | Negative |
6.5 Metabolic energy from grass silage | Negative | No Change |
7.1 Greenhouse gas emissions from waste management per capita | Positive | Positive |
7.2 Local authority collected municipal waste - Arisings | Positive | Positive |
7.2 Local authority collected municipal waste - Recycling (including composting) | Positive | No Change |
7.2 Local authority collected municipal waste - Energy Recovery | Positive | Positive |
7.2 Local authority collected municipal waste - Landfill | Positive | Positive |
Indicator 2.2: Whether an increase/decrease in gas/oil use is good or bad with respect to greenhouse gas emissions will depend on the electricity source in the absence of the gas/oil.
Indicator 5.1 – caution should be applied when making comparisons because of breaks in time series.
Indicator 6.1 - Data for this indicator was not available at publication and will be updated when available.
Source: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-2022
Source: Regional Gross Value added (balanced) per head and income components, ONS
Notes: GVA (Income Approach) at current basic prices
Figures for greenhouse gas emissions and gross value added are updated annually due to ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques
Source: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-2022
Source: NISRA, 2023 mid-year population estimates(https://www.nisra.gov.uk/publications/2023-mid-year-population-estimates-northern-ireland-statistical-bulletin-charts-tables)
Notes: Figures for greenhouse gas emissions are updated annually due to ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques
Source: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-2022
Source: BEIS Energy Trends Special Feature
Notes: Figures for greenhouse gas emissions are updated annually due to ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques
Source: BEIS Energy Trends Special Feature
Notes: Includes generation from both Major Power Producers (MPP) and other generators
Whether an increase/decrease in gas use is good or bad with respect to greenhouse gas emissions will depend on the electricity source in the absence of the gas. For example, burning less coal and more natural gas would help reduce emissions because natural gas results in lesser emissions than coal
Source: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-2022
Source: NI Annual housing stock statistics
Notes: Housing stock figures include vacant properties
Figures for greenhouse gas emissions are updated annually due to ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques
Source: House Condition Survey
Notes: No further update, due to Covid-19 the NIHCS 2021 was postponed and the commencement of fieldwork remains under review.
Source: House Condition Survey
Notes: No further update, due to Covid-19 the NIHCS 2021 was postponed and the commencement of fieldwork remains under review.
Source: Department for Communities, Strategic Planning & Resources Branch
Notes: The Warm Homes Scheme ended on 31 March 2015 and has been replaced by the Affordable Warmth Scheme. The heating options for these schemes are quite different, so they cannot be directly compared. The Affordable Warmth Scheme started in September 2014, however the numbers between then and March 2015 are too small to report.
Insulation measures includes loft, cavity wall and solid wall insulation.
Numbers for 2020/21 likely to be affected by COVID-19, during lockdown the NIHE Grants Offices were only able to address emergency cases (those without heating).
Source: House Condition Survey
Notes: No further update, due to Covid-19 the NIHCS 2021 was postponed and the commencement of fieldwork remains under review.
Source: UK Environment Agency, Carbon reduction Commitment Annual report publication
Notes: Taken from the spreadsheet by filtering on those where ‘NI Environment Agency’ is the Regulator. No further updates available, scheme closed in March 2019
Source: UK Environment Agency, Carbon reduction Commitment Annual report publication
Notes: Due to changes to the Carbon Reduction Commitment energy efficiency scheme, it is not possible to directly compare 2010/11 - 2011/12 with 2012/13 - 2013/14 or 2014/15 - 2018/19
Reductions in emissions should be treated with caution due to the loss of participants because of mergers, site closures and the economic downturn
These figures were revised in October 2020 to maintain consistency with the figures published in the annual report, these may be revised as a result of internal review or audit
No further updates available, scheme closed in March 2019
Source: Department for Transport, Licensed Cars (VEH206)
Notes: [b] Break in series due to various factors. As a result, figures in each period are not directly comparable with other periods
2017 Q2: Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) bands are changed for cars registered for the first time
2018 Q3/Q4: Cars registered prior to September 2018 reported a NEDC figure; those between September 2018 and December 2018 reported either a NEDC or an e-NEDC figure
2019 Q1: Cars registered from January 2019 to March 2020 reported an e-NEDC figure
2020 Q2: Cars registered from April 2020 onwards reported a WLTP figure. Whilst the e-NEDC figure was designed to be broadly ‘equivalent’ with an NEDC figure, the new WLTP figure is typically about 20% higher for petrol and diesel cars
More information on VED is available at: Vehicle Excise Duty
More information on the NEDC and WLTP measurements is available at: Vehicle Licensing Statistics- Notes and Definitions
Data are presented where over half of licensed cars have available CO2 emissions data
Source: Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy to 2030 Annual Statistical Report 2024; Table 5
Source: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-2022
Notes: Figures for greenhouse gas emissions are updated annually due to ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques. The 2022 figure may be reviewed on further published data.
The VKT for 2020 is calculated using data from the Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (Department for Infrastructure). Normally 3 years of data are combined as sample size is relatively small, however, the 2020 data is reported as a single year in the Travel Survey. This is due to methodological changes and because 2020 was an exceptional year with travel restrictions in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source: Travel Survey for Northern Ireland headline report 2021
Notes: There were a number of significant changes to the survey methodology in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes, and the fact that 2020 was an exceptional year, mean that data is reported as a single year and not directly comparable to previous years.
Source: Travel Survey for Northern Ireland headline report 2021
Notes: There were a number of significant changes to the survey methodology in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes, and the fact that 2020 was an exceptional year, mean that data is reported as a single year and not directly comparable to previous years.
Source: 2021/22 data Statutory Accounts and management information from Translink. Previously, Northern Ireland Transport Statistics
Notes: These data are supplied by Translink and should be viewed as management information rather than Official Statistics
CityBus became Metro with effect from 2005. Glider was introduced in September 2018 Whether a decrease in passenger journeys by bus is good or bad for greenhouse gas emissions will depend on why the journeys have decreased
For example, if it is a result of more car journeys then this would mean higher greenhouse gas emissions, whereas cycling would result in lower emissions
During 2020/21 there were movement restrictions in place across NI due to COVID-19
Source: 2021/22 data Statutory Accounts and management information from Translink. Previously, Northern Ireland Transport Statistics
Notes: These data are supplied by Translink and should be viewed as management information rather than Official Statistics
There has been a discontinuity in this series due to a methodological change. Figures for 2013/14 and onwards cannot be compared with earlier years
During 2020/21 there were movement restrictions in place across NI due to COVID-19
Source: Department for Transport, Vehicle Licensing Statistics, Table VEH0131
Notes: Figures include all models identified as being battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or range-extended electric, most but not all of these will be models eligible for the Department for Transport Plug In Car or Van grants
For more details, see: Low-emission vehicles eligible for a plug-in grant
The location of the registered keeper is based on the contact address held by DVLA, and does not necessarily reflect where the vehicle is kept
Source: [Greenhouse Gas Emissions on NI Dairy Farms, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs]
Notes: Due to minor updates to the Dairy Greenhouse Gas calculator used to calculate figures for this indicator, caution should be applied when making comparisons between 2020 and the previous five years - see user guidance document for further details.
Source Northern Ireland Forest Service
Notes: Private sector planting, based on areas for which grants were paid during the year.
Source: Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Northern Ireland
Source: Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Northern Ireland
Source: Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Northern Ireland
Notes: No further updates available
Source: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland: 1990-2022
Source: NISRA, 2023 mid-year population estimates
Notes: Figures for greenhouse gas emissions are updated annually due to ongoing improvements to data collection or estimation techniques
Published by: Statistics and Analytical Services Branch, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Lead Statistician: Hugh McNickle
Telephone: 028 90 765878
Email: branch.stats@daera-ni.gov.uk
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