Key Facts

Key variable This quarter Change since last quarter (%) Change since last year (%)
Optometrist/OMP Headcount 678 -1.2 3.2
Ophthalmic Practices 266 0.8 0.0
Sight Tests 117,122 2.6 -0.7
Vouchers 44,129 6.2 -4.2
Repairs & Replacements 9,627 11.6 -1.1
LES I 357 -12.1 -11.9
LES II 147 -16.0 21.5
OHT 513 22.4 28.9
NIPEARS 13,623 15.3 3.8
Total Claims 185,518 4.7 -1.2

Quarterly Series Tables

Download the quarterly general ophthalmic statistics by clicking on the button below. This quarterly series is a subset of the annual information with data provided for selected key tables relating to the following topics:

  • Claims submitted and paid by BSO by Type of Service
  • Sight Tests, Vouchers and Repairs & Replacements by Gender and Age Group
  • Sight Tests, Vouchers and Repairs & Replacements by Local Commissioning Group (Health Trust) and Local Government District
  • Enhanced Services LES I, LES II and NIPEARS by Local Commissioning Group (Health Trust)
  • Outcomes following assessment in LES I and LES II
  • Enhanced Service OHT by Service Type
  • Monthly GOS activities and associated cost including Covid-19 payments
  • Number of Ophthalmic Practices by Local Commissioning Group (Health Trust) and Local Government District
  • Number Of Ophthalmic Medical Practitioners (OMPs) & Optometrists

The quarterly updates within a year should be treated as provisional and may be revised when figures are finalised to produce the end of year annual report.

Download data:

Trend Charts

1.1 Sight Tests in Northern Ireland

Figure 1.1a: Number of Sight Tests by Gender and Financial Quarter

Figure 1.1b: Number of Sight Tests by Age and Financial Quarter

1.2 Vouchers in Northern Ireland

Figure 1.2a: Number of Vouchers by Gender and Financial Quarter

Figure 1.2b: Number of Vouchers by Age and Financial Quarter

1.3 Repairs & Replacements in Northern Ireland

Figure 1.3a: Number of Repairs & Replacements by Gender and Financial Quarter

Figure 1.3b: Number of Repairs & Replacements by Age and Financial Quarter

1.4 Ophthalmic Medical Practitioners & Optometrists in Northern Ireland

Figure 1.4: Ophthalmic Medical Practitioners & Optometrists headcount by financial quarter

1.5 Total Cost of General Ophthalmic Services including Covid-19 payments

Figure 1.5: Total Cost of General Ophthalmic Services including Covid-19 payments by Payment Month