Key Facts

Key variable This quarter Change since last quarter (%) Change since last year (%)
Registered patients 2,058,672 0.2 0.8
GP headcount 1,441 -0.9 -0.6
GP practices 310 -0.6 -2.2
Registrations (new + transfers) 23,534 3.0 -1.6
Registrations per practice 76 4.1 1.3

Quarterly Series Tables

Download the quarterly general medical services statistics by clicking on the button below. This quarterly series is a subset of the annual information with data provided for selected key tables relating to the following topics:

  • GP Practice counts by Local Commissioning Group (Health Trust), Local Government District and GP Federation
  • Average number of Registered Patients per GP Practice by Local Commissioning Group (Health Trust), Local Government District and GP Federation
  • GP headcounts by Gender and Age and Local Commissioning Group (Health Trust)
  • Average number of GPs (headcount) per GP Practice by Local Commissioning Group (Health Trust), Local Government District and GP Federation
  • GP Registered Patient counts by Gender and Age, Local Commissioning Group (Health Trust), Local Government District, GP Federation and GP Practice
  • Counts of Patients registering for the first time in Northern Ireland and those transferring between Northern Ireland GP Practices
Download data:

Trend Charts

1.1 Number of GP practices

Figure 1.1a: Number of GP practices in NI by financial quarter

Figure 1.1b: Number of GP practices by financial quarter and Local Commissioning Group

1.2 Number of GPs (Headcount)

Figure 1.2: Number of GPs by gender and financial quarter

1.3 Number of Registered Patients

Figure 1.3: Number of registered patients by gender and financial quarter

1.4 Number of Patient Registrations

Figure 1.4: Number of patient registrations by type and financial quarter

Total refers to all patient registrations which comprises new registrations and transfers from another practice or within a practice.