Reader information

Key points

  • The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers is 19,363.4. This represents an increase of 446.8 from 18,916.6 in 2020/21.

  • The median age of teachers is 42.3 years, an increase from 41.5 years in 2017/18. There are more teachers aged under 30 this year (12.4%) compared to 2017/18 (11.1%).

  • The teacher headcount is 20,936, this represents an increase of 526 teachers from 2020/21.

  • The headcount of male teachers in 2021/22 is 4,779, this is an increase of 122 from last year. The proportion of teachers working in all schools who are male has been declining between 2017/18 and 2021/22.

  • The overall PTR in 2021/22 is 17.7, a decrease of 0.3 from the overall PTR in 2020/21.


The purpose of this statistical bulletin is to provide analysis of the latest annual data collections relating to teacher numbers and pupil: teacher ratios in grant-aided schools in 2021/22. This information is analysed by school type and teacher characteristics including gender, age, full-time/part-time working and principal/vice principal breakdown.

The information collected throughout this process is used by policy branches within the Department of Education to inform education workforce policy. The data are also used to respond to Assembly questions.

Information in this statistical bulletin relates to teacher numbers and Pupil: Teacher Ratios. All figures referred to are included in the main body of the text. All tables are included as annexes and can be downloaded as excel or csv files.

Section 1: Full-time equivalent teacher numbers

Figure 1 - Full time equivalent teachers 2012/13 - 2021/22

  • Figure 1 shows the number of FTE teachers since 2012/13. The number of FTE teachers rose from 18,327.9 in 2012/13 to 19,363.4 in 2021/22 an increase of 1,035.5. The number of FTE teachers increased this year by 446.8 from 18,916.6 in 2020/21 to 19,363.4 in 2021/22.

  • The number of FTE teachers recorded in 2021/22 might have been affected by the Engage Programme which was launched by the Department of Education in 2020/21, which provided funding to both primary and post-primary schools to provide additional teaching support for pupils.

  • Between 2020/21 and 2021/22 preparatory schools saw no change in FTE teachers while primary schools saw an increase of 85.2 in their number of FTE teachers. Meanwhile, nursery schools saw a slight decrease in their FTE teachers (1.5). During this period non-grammar and grammar schools both saw an increase in their numbers of FTE teachers, which rose by 203.9 and 93.6 respectively. Since last year the number of FTE teachers in special schools has increased by 65.7. This information is given in table 1.

Section 2. Teacher Headcount and Characteristics

Figure 2 - Proportions of teachers by age band 2017/18 - 2021/22

  • Figure 2 shows the distribution of teachers’ ages over a five year period. The median age of teachers is 42.3 years, increasing from 42.2 years in 2020/21. There are proportionally more teachers aged under 30 this year (12.4%) than in 2017/18 (11.1%). The age group which has seen the largest change is the 30-39 category, which saw a decrease of 4.5%, going from 33.7% in 2017/18 to 29.2% in 2021/22. This information is shown in tables 2 and 3.

Figure 3 - Teacher headcount by full time and part time working 2017/18 - 2021/22

  • Figure 3 shows the teacher headcount since 2017/18, broken down by full-time/part-time working. The headcount has increased this year by 526, following the previous year which saw an increase of 506. The proportion of teachers working part-time has increased with 20% in 2021/22, compared to 18.1% in 2017/18. The proportion of teachers working part-time was highest in 2019/20 with 20.2%. (This information is shown in tables 4 and 5)

Figure 4 - Teacher headcount by gender 2017/18 - 2021/22

  • Figure 4 shows that 77.2% of all teachers are female and 22.8% are male in 2021/22, compared to 77% of females and 23% of males in 2020/21. Table 5 shows that since 2017/18 there has been a 1.1 percentage point increase in the proportion of male teachers working part-time compared with a 2.1 percentage point increase for female teachers working part-time. This information is shown in tables 4 and 5.

Figure 5 - Proportions of female and male teachers 2021/22

  • Figure 5 shows how the relative proportions of male and female teachers vary by school type. Most notable, is the lack of male teachers in nursery schools (noted at 0%). In primary and preparatory schools 15.6% of teachers are male, in post primary schools 30.1% of teachers are male and in special schools 19.8% of teachers are male. This information is given in table 4.

Figure 6 - Proportions of principals and vice principals by gender and school type 2021/22

  • Figure 6 illustrates how the relative proportions of principals and vice principals vary by gender and school type. Most notable is the low percentage of male principals and vice principals (33.3% and 22.2% respectively) in special schools.

  • In nursery, primary and preparatory schools 36.1% of principals and 29.5% of vice principals are male and in post-primary schools 53.6% of principals and 42.6% of vice principals are male. Table 7 gives a breakdown of the number of principals and vice principals by gender and school type.

  • In primary and preparatory schools 59.6% of principals are female, compared to 84.4% of all teachers in primary and preparatory schools being female. Similarly, in all post primary schools 46.4% of all principals are female compared to 69.9% of all post primary teachers being female (Figure 5 and Figure 6).

Section 3. Pupil: Teacher Ratios

Figure 7 - Pupil Teacher Ratios 2012/13 - 2021/22

  • Figure 7 details the PTRs for nursery, primary and post-primary schools from 2012/13 to 2021/22. Over this period the overall PTR saw an increase of 0.2, going from 17.5 in 2012/13 to 17.7 in 2021/22 (table 8). Nursery schools saw a decrease of 0.1, going from 25.6 in 2012/13 to 25.5 in 2021/22. Primary schools saw an increase of 0.2, going from 21.2 in 2012/13 to 21.4 in 2021/22. While post-primary schools went from 15.3 in 2012/13 to 15.6 in the current year (an increase of 0.3).

Figure 8 - Pupil Teacher Ratio by school type 2020/21 - 2021/22

  • Figure 8 shows a comparison of PTRs by school type, over the last two academic years. This year saw a decrease of 0.3 in the overall PTR figure, going from 18 in 2020/21 to 17.7 in 2021/22 (table 8). This decrease is due to an increase of 2,276.5 FTE pupils, while the number of FTE teachers increased proportionately more (446.9), resulting in a lower number of pupils per teacher.

  • PTRs have dropped slightly this year for grammar schools (down by 0.2). Although FTE pupil numbers increased for grammar schools (915), the number of FTE teachers increased proportionately more (93.6), hence a lower PTR. Compare this with non-grammar schools which have also seen a slight decrease in their PTR (down by 0.1). This was due to an increase in FTE pupils (2,068) and a proportionately larger increase in FTE teachers (203.9).

  • In primary schools, PTRs have seen a decrease (down by 0.4). This was due to a decrease in FTE pupils (903.5), whereas the number of FTE teachers increased (85.2). Preparatory departments in grammar schools have also seen a decrease in their PTR (down by 0.3). This was due to the number of FTE teachers remaining approximately constant while the number of FTE pupils decreased by 30. Meanwhile the PTR for nursery schools has remained constant this year at 25.5.

  • Special schools’ have seen their PTR slightly decrease this year (down by 0.2). FTE pupil numbers increased (250) but the number of FTE teachers increased proportionately more (65.7), hence a lower number of pupils per teacher.

Figure 9 - Overall Pupil to Teacher Ratios by UK region


  1. An overall PTR figure for the Republic of Ireland is not available.

  2. See notes for readers, paragraph 19.

  • Figure 9 shows that the overall PTR is lower than in England and Wales, but higher than in Scotland. However, direct comparisons are not advised, as there are differences in the coverage and scope of the data collections. This information is broken down by school type in table 9.

Notes for readers

National Statistics

  1. The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

  2. Teacher workforce statistics in grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland were assessed by the Statistics Authority in July 2010. Following work to address recommendations that were identified from the assessment (Assessment and action plan of statistics on workforce; opens in new window) the UKSA confirmed the designation of these statistics as National Statistics in June 2011. It is a producer’s responsibility to maintain compliance with the standards expected for National Statistics. If we become concerned about whether these statistics are still meeting the appropriate standards, we will discuss any concerns with the Authority promptly. National Statistics status can be removed at any point when the highest standards are not maintained, and reinstated when standards are restored.

  3. Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics:

  • meet identified user needs;
  • are well explained and readily accessible;
  • are produced according to sound methods, and
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest.
  1. For general enquiries about National Statistics, contact the National Statistics Public Enquiry Service on 0845 601 3034
    minicom: 01633 812399
    Fax: 01633 652747
    Letters: Customer Contact Centre, Office for National Statistics, Rm 1.101, Government Buildings, Cardiff Road, Newport, NP10 8XG

  2. You can also find National Statistics on the Internet.

Local Management of Schools

  1. Since the introduction of Local Management of Schools (LMS) all schools have had fully delegated budgets. This means decisions on staffing levels have been taken by all post-primary schools since 1991/92 and since 1998/99 for all primary schools.

Pupil: Teacher Ratio and Teacher Numbers

  1. The teacher numbers are based on a reference week in the autumn term: 22-26 November 2021.

  2. The following types of teacher are included when aggregating teacher numbers and calculating the Pupil: Teacher Ratio:

  • full-time permanent teachers;
  • part-time permanent teachers; and
  • temporary teachers filling vacant posts, secondments or career breaks.
  1. Excluded from all calculations are:
  • Substitute teachers;
  • Peripatetic teachers;
  • Classroom support staff.
  • Teachers employed through the Engage Programme.
  1. For the Pupil: Teacher Ratio (PTR) calculation, numbers are expressed as full-time equivalents, with part-time hours being converted on the basis that a full-time working week is 32.4 hours.

  2. The median age of a population is the age at which half the population is older than this age and half the population is younger than this age. Median age is used as a comparative measure of the age of the teaching population as it more resistant than other measures of central tendency to being skewed by outlier data.

  3. Prior to 2003/04, the figures for nursery, primary, non-grammar and special schools were extracted from the computerised teachers’ payroll system, whilst the figures for grammar schools were obtained from an aggregate statistical return completed by the schools. Now, every grant-aided school is sent a list of teachers derived from the computerised teachers’ payroll system, and asked to mark any amendments. This checking process was introduced from 2003/04 for nursery, primary, non-grammar and special schools, from 2005/06 for controlled grammar schools, and from 2007/08 for voluntary grammar schools. The net effect of this change in 2003/04 was that the number of teachers as verified by schools was some 400 lower than the number of teachers extracted from the payroll system, because, for example, substitute teachers had been incorrectly recorded.

  4. From 2009/10, schools have been asked to verify the gender of their teaching staff.

  5. From 2011/12, schools have been asked to verify who is the principal/acting principal and vice principal/acting vice principals in their school.

  6. More detail about the collection of teacher workforce statistics may be found at: DE website.

  7. Pupil figures are taken from the Annual Schools’ Census conducted in October 2021.

  8. Pupil figures are expressed as full-time equivalents. A pupil on a part-time attendance mode is counted as 0.5 of a full-time pupil.

  9. Statistics relating to enrolments can be found on the facts and figures section of the Department of Education website: School enrollments - 2021/22 statistical bulletins | DE website


  1. Comparisons of PTR between management types and territories must be interpreted with caution, as differences may be spurious, reflecting other factors such as distributions of school and class sizes, and the proportions of schools of each type (nursery, primary and post-primary). There is also variation in the coverage and scope of the data collection between territories. Data for other regions may also be found at:
    England - ONS Website; School workforce in England: November 2020 (opens in new window)
    Scotland - Summary Statistics For Schools In Scotland 2021 (opens in new window)
    Wales - Schools’ census results: April 2021 (opens in new window)
    Republic of Ireland - School workforce in Republic of Ireland (opens in new window)

Revisions Policy

  1. The figures included in this release may be subject to minor revision and these will be notified in accordance with our revisions policy, see Statistical Revisions documentation (.pdf file, size: 25.4 kB).

Definition of management types

  • Controlled schools are owned and managed by the Education Authority through boards of governors. Primary and secondary school Boards of Governors consist of representatives of transferors (mainly the Protestant Churches) along with representatives of parents, teachers and the Education Authority. Controlled nursery, grammar and special school boards of governors consist only of representatives of the latter 3 categories. Within the controlled school sector there are a number of integrated schools and a small but growing number of Irish-medium schools.
  • Catholic maintained schools are voluntary schools owned by trustees (appointed by the Roman Catholic Church) and managed by CCMS through boards of governors. Board of governors consist of members nominated by the trustees along with representatives of parents, teachers and the Education Authority. Within the Catholic maintained sector there are a small number of Irish-medium schools.
  • Other maintained schools are voluntary schools owned by trustees and managed by boards of governors which consist of members nominated by trustees along with representatives of parents, teachers and the Education Authority. This sector includes a number of Irish-medium schools.
  • Voluntary grammar schools are owned by trustees and managed by boards of governors which consist of members nominated by trustees along with representatives of parents, teachers, the Department and, in most cases, the Education Authority. (Voluntary grammar schools vary in the rates of capital grant to which they are entitled depending on the management structure they have adopted, with the vast majority entitled to capital grants of 100%)
  • Grant-maintained integrated schools are owned and managed by their boards of governors, which consist of foundation governors along with representatives of parents, teachers and the Department.
  • All of the above are types of grant-aided school. Independent schools do not receive any funding from the Education Authority or the Department of Education.


  1. The following symbols are used in the tables in this Press Release:
    * = Relates to fewer than 5 cases
    # = Number (5 or more) suppressed to prevent disclosure of small numbers elsewhere

Open Government Licence

All content in this report is licensed and available under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

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Contact information

Request for further information should be addressed to:-

Christine Bowden
Paul Rodgers

Statistics and Research Team
Department of Education
Rathgael House
Balloo Road
Co. Down
BT19 7PR

Telephone (028) 9127 9985/(028) 9185 8000

Special analyses of the workforce statistics can be undertaken on request.

Press enquiries should be made to the Department’s Press Office at the same address, telephone (028) 9127 9772.

Feedback on this publication can be provided directly to Christine Bowden (contact details above) or contact the Statistics and Research Team

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List of Tables

  • Table 1 Full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers in Northern Ireland by school type and management type: 2012/13 – 2021/22

  • Table 2 Teachers in Northern Ireland by gender and age band: 2017/18 – 2021/22

  • Table 3 Teachers in Northern Ireland by full-time/part-time working and age band: 2017/18 – 2021/22

  • Table 4 Teachers in Northern Ireland by gender, full-time/part-time working and school type: 2021/22

  • Table 5 Teachers in Northern Ireland by gender and full-time/part-time working: 2017/18 – 2021/22

  • Table 6 Teachers in Northern Ireland by gender, age band and school type: 2021/22

  • Table 7 Principals and vice principals in Northern Ireland by gender and school type: 2021/22

  • Table 8 Pupil: Teacher Ratios in Northern Ireland by school type and management type: 2012/13 – 2021/22

  • Table 9 Pupil: Teacher Ratios in Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and Republic of Ireland

  • Table 10 Full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers in Northern Ireland by District Council, school type and management type: 2021/22

  • Table 11 Pupil: Teacher Ratios in Northern Ireland by District Council, school type and management type: 2021/22

  • Table 12 Pupil: Teacher Ratios for individual schools in Northern Ireland, 2021/22


Table 1

Table 1. Full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers in Northern Ireland by school type and management type: 2012/13 - 2021/22

School type Management type 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Nursery Controlled 130.4 127.9 127.9 128.2 128.1 127.8 126.1 127.9 126.4 125.9
Controlled integrated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Catholic Maintained 62.6 65.3 66.3 65.2 63.1 64.1 63.2 63.7 65.5 63.5
Total 193 193.1 194.1 193.4 191.1 191.9 189.3 191.5 191.9 190.4
Primary Controlled 3,570.9 3,635 3,715.5 3,722.4 3,719.5 3,737.7 3,696.1 3,670.7 3,760.3 3,794.9
Controlled Integrated 163.9 172.4 173.8 185.6 194.7 196.4 198.5 198.1 209.9 228.6
Catholic Maintained 3,590.4 3,684.4 3,782.3 3,798.4 3,798.6 3,788.9 3,726.9 3,682.7 3,776.9 3,803.6
Grant Maintained Integrated 255.3 258.8 268.4 269 270 276.2 279.5 281.2 284.7 292.5
Other Maintained 168.3 180.3 188.7 190.2 193.8 200.4 199.3 200 209.9 207.3
Total 7,748.7 7,930.9 8,128.7 8,165.6 8,176.7 8,199.6 8,100.4 8,032.7 8,241.7 8,326.9
Preparatory departments Controlled 15.1 14.9 16.5 9.8 7 6 5.8 5.8 5.8 4.8
Voluntary 100.7 103.3 106.6 97.2 99.9 98.8 96.9 95.1 93 94
Total 115.8 118.2 123.1 107 106.9 104.8 102.7 100.9 98.8 98.8
Non Grammar Controlled 2,010.7 1,956.8 1,933.5 1,902.8 1,848.9 1,846.5 1,867 1,941.3 2,033.3 2,083.8
Controlled Integrated 189.7 183 183.5 192.8 196.2 195.8 197 204.2 211.4 215.6
Catholic Maintained 2,757.1 2,694.2 2,696.3 2,612 2,577.2 2,532.3 2,497.2 2,527.5 2,616.7 2,712.9
Grant Maintained Integrated 631.6 638.5 653.7 652.9 647.2 642.7 650.3 655.6 681.3 728.9
Other Maintained 42.8 42.6 44.5 49.6 54.2 60.9 63.1 71.4 79.4 84.8
Total 5,631.8 5,515.2 5,511.5 5,410.2 5,323.7 5,278.1 5,274.5 5,400 5,622.1 5,825.9
Grammar schools Controlled 920.6 914.2 964.6 906.7 856.7 853.7 843.6 850.8 851.1 873.4
Voluntary 2,940.9 2,920.8 2,906.3 2,992.4 2,994.7 2,972 2,936.2 2,919.8 2,955.9 3,027.2
Total 3,861.5 3,835 3,870.9 3,899 3,851.4 3,825.8 3,779.8 3,770.6 3,807.1 3,900.6
Post-primary schools Total 9,493.3 9,350.2 9,382.4 9,309.2 9,175.1 9,103.9 9,054.3 9,170.6 9,429.1 9,726.6
Special Controlled 718.9 741.6 727.9 751.7 782 831.1 828.3 865.7 889 949.7
Catholic Maintained 45.5 45.1 30.9 29.9 42.6 43.1 44.1 44.5 50.5 55.5
Other Maintained 12.7 14.7 14.7 14 15 15.2 17.2 16.8 15.6 15.6
Total 777.1 801.4 773.6 795.6 839.6 889.5 889.6 927 955.1 1,020.8
All grant-aided schools Controlled 7,366.5 7,390.4 7,485.9 7,421.6 7,342.3 7,402.8 7,367 7,462.1 7,665.9 7,832.5
Controlled Integrated 353.6 355.4 357.3 378.5 390.8 392.1 395.5 402.3 421.3 445.2
Catholic Maintained 6,455.6 6,489 6,575.7 6,505.5 6,481.5 6,428.4 6,331.4 6,318.4 6,509.6 6,635.5
Grant Maintained Integrated 886.8 897.3 922.1 922 917.3 918.9 929.8 936.8 966 1,021.4
Other Maintained 223.8 237.7 247.9 253.8 263 276.5 279.6 288.2 304.9 307.7
Voluntary 3,041.6 3,024.1 3,012.9 3,089.6 3,094.6 3,070.9 3,033.1 3,014.8 3,048.9 3,121.2
Grand total 18,327.9 18,393.8 18,601.9 18,570.9 18,489.4 18,489.6 18,336.4 18,422.6 18,916.6 19,363.4

Table 2

Table 2. Teachers in Northern Ireland by gender and age band: 2017/18 - 2021/22

Sex Age group 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Male 24 and under 77 77 86 74 93
25-29 429 429 435 468 498
30-34 603 619 630 645 655
35-39 806 785 764 735 742
40-44 745 729 754 785 802
45-49 717 734 713 720 711
50-54 607 595 637 637 673
55-59 456 438 406 455 454
60 and above 126 126 122 138 151
Total 4,566 4,532 4,547 4,657 4,779
Female 24 and under 271 264 280 362 402
25-29 1,421 1,367 1,460 1,499 1,603
30-34 2,434 2,337 2,189 2,124 2,089
35-39 2,852 2,783 2,772 2,704 2,637
40-44 2,616 2,633 2,686 2,789 2,910
45-49 2,533 2,574 2,586 2,585 2,630
50-54 1,762 1,911 2,037 2,186 2,291
55-59 1,079 1,023 1,029 1,161 1,255
60 and above 333 338 318 343 340
Total 15,301 15,230 15,357 15,753 16,157
All 24 and under 348 341 366 436 495
25-29 1,850 1,796 1,895 1,967 2,101
30-34 3,037 2,956 2,819 2,769 2,744
35-39 3,658 3,568 3,536 3,439 3,379
40-44 3,361 3,362 3,440 3,574 3,712
45-49 3,250 3,308 3,299 3,305 3,341
50-54 2,369 2,506 2,674 2,823 2,964
55-59 1,535 1,461 1,435 1,616 1,709
60 and above 459 464 440 481 491
Total 19,867 19,762 19,904 20,410 20,936

Table 3

Table 3. Teachers in Northern Ireland by full-time/part-time working and age band: 2017/18 - 2021/22

Mode of working Age group 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Full-time 24 and under 285 270 280 357 418
25-29 1,634 1,566 1,646 1,754 1,892
30-34 2,510 2,436 2,303 2,302 2,307
35-39 2,873 2,745 2,665 2,577 2,526
40-44 2,655 2,599 2,655 2,768 2,824
45-49 2,664 2,692 2,649 2,660 2,664
50-54 2,021 2,118 2,242 2,354 2,441
55-59 1,293 1,211 1,184 1,325 1,386
60 and above 331 314 258 277 287
Total 16,266 15,951 15,882 16,374 16,745
Part-time 24 and under 63 71 86 79 77
25-29 216 230 249 213 209
30-34 527 520 516 467 437
35-39 785 823 871 862 853
40-44 706 763 785 806 888
45-49 586 616 650 645 677
50-54 348 388 432 469 523
55-59 242 250 251 291 323
60 and above 128 150 182 204 204
Total 3,601 3,811 4,022 4,036 4,191
All 24 and under 348 341 366 436 495
25-29 1,850 1,796 1,895 1,967 2,101
30-34 3,037 2,956 2,819 2,769 2,744
35-39 3,658 3,568 3,536 3,439 3,379
40-44 3,361 3,362 3,440 3,574 3,712
45-49 3,250 3,308 3,299 3,305 3,341
50-54 2,369 2,506 2,674 2,823 2,964
55-59 1,535 1,461 1,435 1,616 1,709
60 and above 459 464 440 481 491
Total 19,867 19,762 19,904 20,410 20,936

Table 4

Table 4. Teachers in Northern Ireland by gender, full-time/part-time working and school type: 2021/22

Sex Mode of working Nursery Primary & Preparatory Non-Grammar Grammar Special Total
Male Full-time 0 1,388 1,667 1,254 207 4,516
Part-time 0 60 98 94 11 263
Total 0 1,448 1,765 1,348 218 4,779
Female Full-time 166 5,822 3,427 2,125 689 12,229
Part-time 47 2,013 974 698 196 3,928
Total 213 7,835 4,401 2,823 885 16,157
All Full-time 166 7,210 5,094 3,379 896 16,745
Part-time 47 2,073 1,072 792 207 4,191
Total 213 9,283 6,166 4,171 1,103 20,936

Table 5

Table 5. Teachers in Northern Ireland by gender and full-time/part-time working: 2017/18 - 2021/22

Sex Mode of working 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Male Full-time 4,365 4,300 4,293 4,407 4,516
Part-time 201 232 254 250 263
Total 4,566 4,532 4,547 4,657 4,779
Female Full-time 11,901 11,651 11,589 11,967 12,229
Part-time 3,400 3,579 3,768 3,786 3,928
Total 15,301 15,230 15,357 15,753 16,157
All Full-time 16,266 15,951 15,882 16,374 16,745
Part-time 3,601 3,811 4,022 4,036 4,191
Total 19,867 19,762 19,904 20,410 20,936

Table 6

Table 6. Teachers in Northern Ireland by gender, age band and school type: 2021/22

Sex Age group Nursery Primary & Preparatory Non-Grammar Grammar Special Total
Male 24 and under 0 26 48 # * 93
25-29 0 182 193 # # 498
30-34 0 263 217 135 40 655
35-39 0 229 267 209 37 742
40-44 0 211 312 240 39 802
45-49 0 170 288 235 18 711
50-54 0 200 234 211 28 673
55-59 0 138 153 146 17 454
60 and above 0 29 53 59 10 151
Total 0 1,448 1,765 1,348 218 4,779
Female 24 and under 0 195 119 # # 402
25-29 7 746 477 # # 1,603
30-34 24 1,017 596 309 143 2,089
35-39 38 1,305 703 425 166 2,637
40-44 35 1,308 862 565 140 2,910
45-49 35 1,233 742 494 126 2,630
50-54 39 1,231 526 405 90 2,291
55-59 25 643 295 244 48 1,255
60 and above 10 157 81 63 29 340
Total 213 7,835 4,401 2,823 885 16,157
All 24 and under 0 221 167 71 36 495
25-29 7 928 670 360 136 2,101
30-34 24 1,280 813 444 183 2,744
35-39 38 1,534 970 634 203 3,379
40-44 35 1,519 1,174 805 179 3,712
45-49 35 1,403 1,030 729 144 3,341
50-54 39 1,431 760 616 118 2,964
55-59 25 781 448 390 65 1,709
60 and above 10 186 134 122 39 491
Total 213 9,283 6,166 4,171 1,103 20,936

Note: See notes for readers, paragraph 21.

Table 7

Table 7. Principals and Vice Principals in Northern Ireland by gender and school type: 2021/22

Sex Principal/Vice Principal Nursery Primary & Preparatory Non-Grammar Grammar Post Primary Special Total
Male Principal 0 317 65 38 103 13 433
Vice Principal 0 124 59 59 118 10 252
Total 0 441 124 97 221 23 685
Female Principal 94 468 61 28 89 26 677
Vice Principal 0 296 108 51 159 35 490
Total 94 764 169 79 248 61 1,167
All Principal 94 785 126 66 192 39 1,110
Vice Principal 0 420 167 110 277 45 742
Total 94 1,205 293 176 469 84 1,852

Table 8

Table 8. Pupil: Teacher Ratios in Northern Ireland by school type and management type: 2012/13 - 2021/22

School Type Management Type 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Nursery Controlled 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.3 25.5 25.4 25.7 25.3 25.6 25.3
Controlled integrated 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.0
Catholic Maintained 26.7 26.0 25.8 26.2 26.1 25.6 26.0 25.8 25.2 26.0
Total 25.6 25.5 25.4 25.6 25.7 25.5 25.8 25.5 25.5 25.5
Primary Controlled 21.3 21.4 21.3 21.7 22.0 22.1 22.5 22.5 21.8 21.4
Controlled Integrated 21.4 21.0 22.0 21.0 21.6 22.0 22.2 22.1 21.1 21.2
Catholic Maintained 21.2 21.0 20.9 21.1 21.5 21.8 22.1 22.3 21.7 21.4
Grant Maintained Integrated 22.5 22.6 22.2 22.4 22.9 23.0 23.2 23.7 23.5 23.3
Other Maintained 17.0 16.9 17.0 17.9 18.3 18.8 19.7 19.8 19.3 19.7
Total 21.2 21.1 21.1 21.4 21.7 21.9 22.3 22.4 21.8 21.4
Preparatory departments Controlled 15.6 14.2 11.3 11.6 12.3 13.3 11.4 9.8 10.3 14.0
Voluntary 15.9 15.4 15.3 16.9 16.2 16.5 16.4 16.2 16.1 15.6
Total 15.8 15.2 14.7 16.4 15.9 16.3 16.2 15.9 15.8 15.5
Non-Grammar Controlled 14.8 14.7 14.4 14.4 14.8 15.0 15.3 15.2 15.1 15.1
Controlled Integrated 13.8 14.0 13.6 12.9 12.7 13.2 14.1 14.5 14.7 15.0
Catholic Maintained 14.7 14.8 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.6 15.1 15.2 15.0 14.8
Grant Maintained Integrated 15.0 15.0 14.5 14.4 14.7 14.9 15.0 15.3 15.2 14.6
Other Maintained 12.6 13.2 13.1 12.5 12.8 12.1 12.7 12.5 12.8 13.1
Total 14.7 14.7 14.5 14.4 14.5 14.7 15.0 15.1 15.0 14.9
Grammar Controlled 16.5 16.6 16.4 16.4 16.7 16.5 16.6 16.7 17.0 16.8
Voluntary 16.1 16.3 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.6 16.9 16.9 16.7
Total 16.2 16.3 16.2 16.2 16.4 16.4 16.6 16.8 16.9 16.7
Post-primary schools Total 15.3 15.4 15.2 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.7 15.8 15.8 15.6
Special Controlled 6.1 6.0 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.8 6.7 6.7 6.5
Catholic Maintained 5.0 4.9 7.6 7.5 5.4 6.2 6.4 6.3 6.6 6.3
Other Maintained 4.0 4.3 4.5 5.3 5.2 5.2 4.6 4.5 4.9 5.4
Total 6.0 5.9 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.5
All grant-aided schools Controlled 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.7 18.0 18.0 18.3 18.1 17.8 17.5
Controlled Integrated 17.3 17.4 17.7 16.9 17.1 17.6 18.1 18.2 17.9 18.2
Catholic Maintained 18.4 18.4 18.3 18.5 18.7 18.9 19.3 19.4 18.9 18.6
Grant Maintained Integrated 17.2 17.1 16.8 16.8 17.1 17.4 17.5 17.8 17.7 17.1
Other Maintained 15.4 15.4 15.6 16.2 16.4 16.5 17.1 17.1 16.9 17.2
Voluntary 16.1 16.2 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.6 16.8 16.9 16.7
Grand total 17.5 17.6 17.5 17.6 17.8 18.0 18.3 18.3 18.0 17.7

Table 9

Table 9. Pupil: Teacher Ratios in Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and Republic of Ireland

School type NI England Scotland Wales Ireland
Nursery 25.5 21.8 NA 13.6 NA
Primary 21.4 20.5 15.1 21.9 14.5
Post-Primary 15.6 16.6 12.4 17.2 12.6
Overall 17.7 18.0 13.2 19.2 NA

Table 10

Table 10. Full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers in Northern Ireland by District Council, school type and management type: 2021/22

School type Management type Antrim and Newtownabbey Ards and North Down Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Belfast Causeway Coast and Glens Derry City and Strabane
Nursery Controlled 15.2 9.7 18 31.4 8.9 16
Controlled Integrated 0 0 0 1 0 0
Catholic Maintained 2.1 1 6 39.2 0 0
Total 17.3 10.7 24 71.6 8.9 16
Primary Controlled 350.8 437 530.2 649.2 319.4 202.7
Controlled Integrated 53 51.5 0 46.2 30.2 0
Catholic Maintained 164.4 82.3 405.5 762.9 208.5 501.4
Grant Maintained Integrated 6.2 0 47.5 49.1 24.7 15.8
Other Maintained 13.9 0 17 76.8 11 23.6
Total 588.3 570.8 1,000.2 1,584.2 593.8 743.5
Preparatory departments Controlled 0 4.8 0 0 0 0
Voluntary 0 9.6 3 63.9 0 0
Total 0 14.4 3 63.9 0 0
Non-Grammar Controlled 181.9 202.6 372.8 258.1 168.1 95.2
Controlled Integrated 83.3 45.4 26.2 0 0 0
Catholic Maintained 72.9 66.6 295.6 561.1 128.1 344.7
Grant Maintained Integrated 0 55.2 42.5 130.6 35.6 43.8
Other Maintained 0 0 0 59.2 25.6 0
Total 338.1 369.8 737 1,009.1 357.4 483.7
Grammar schools Controlled 124.3 150.4 154.6 150.7 51.9 42
Voluntary 52.7 114.5 205.3 943 222.2 269
Total 177 265 359.9 1,093.7 274.1 311
Post-primary Total 515.2 634.8 1,096.9 2,102.8 631.5 794.7
Special Controlled 85.6 69.6 65.6 222.6 53.4 75.4
Catholic Maintained 0 0 0 55.5 0 0
Other Maintained 15.6 0 0 0 0 0
Total 101.2 69.6 65.6 278.1 53.4 75.4
All grant-aided schools Controlled 757.9 874.1 1,141.2 1,312 601.8 431.3
Controlled Integrated 136.3 96.9 26.2 47.2 30.2 0
Catholic Maintained 239.4 149.9 707 1,418.8 336.6 846.1
Grant Maintained Integrated 6.2 55.2 90 179.7 60.3 59.6
Other Maintained 29.5 0 17 136 36.6 23.6
Voluntary 52.7 124.2 208.3 1,006.9 222.2 269
Grand total 1,221.9 1,300.3 2,189.7 4,100.6 1,287.7 1,629.6

Table 10 (ctd)

Table 10 (ctd). Full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers in Northern Ireland by District Council, school type and management type: 2021/22

School type Management type Fermanagh and Omagh Lisburn and Castlereagh Mid and East Antrim Mid0Ulster Newry, Mourne and Down Total
Nursery Controlled 4.6 4 6.5 7.2 4.4 125.9
Controlled Integrated 0 0 0 0 0 1
Catholic Maintained 0 2 2 2 9.2 63.5
Total 4.6 6 8.5 9.2 13.6 190.4
Primary Controlled 163.6 384 393 210.3 154.7 3,794.9
Controlled Integrated 0 8.5 14.3 0 24.9 228.6
Catholic Maintained 338.5 115.9 91.3 469.2 663.7 3,803.6
Grant Maintained Integrated 29 43.6 30.5 27.4 18.7 292.5
Other Maintained 12.6 0 0 34.2 18.2 207.3
Total 543.7 552 529.1 741.1 880.2 8,326.9
Preparatory departments Controlled 0 0 0 0 0 4.8
Voluntary 0 17.5 0 0 0 94
Total 0 17.5 0 0 0 98.8
Non-Grammar Controlled 82.2 195.2 227.4 156.2 144.2 2,083.8
Controlled Integrated 0 60.6 0 0 0 215.6
Catholic Maintained 234.4 36.4 87.8 411.3 473.9 2,712.9
Grant Maintained Integrated 73.8 98.1 100.2 84.8 64.2 728.9
Other Maintained 0 0 0 0 0 84.8
Total 390.4 390.3 415.4 652.3 682.3 5,825.9
Grammar schools Controlled 41.6 0 100 0 57.8 873.4
Voluntary 254.8 131.6 188.2 280.7 365.1 3,027.2
Total 296.4 131.6 288.3 280.7 422.9 3,900.6
Post-primary Total 686.8 521.9 703.7 933 1,105.3 9,726.6
Special Controlled 49.1 137.4 72.2 47.9 70.9 949.7
Catholic Maintained 0 0 0 0 0 55.5
Other Maintained 0 0 0 0 0 15.6
Total 49.1 137.4 72.2 47.9 70.9 1,020.8
All grant-aided schools Controlled 341.1 720.6 799.1 421.6 431.9 7,832.5
Controlled Integrated 0 69.1 14.3 0 24.9 445.2
Catholic Maintained 572.9 154.3 181.1 882.5 1,146.9 6,635.5
Grant Maintained Integrated 102.8 141.7 130.8 112.2 82.9 1,021.4
Other Maintained 12.6 0 0 34.2 18.2 307.7
Voluntary 254.8 149 188.2 280.7 365.1 3,121.2
Grand total 1,284.2 1,234.7 1,313.5 1,731.3 2,069.9 19,363.4

Table 11

Table 11. Pupil: Teacher Ratios in Northern Ireland by District Council, school type and management type: 2021/22

School type Management type Antrim and Newtownabbey Ards and North Down Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Belfast Causeway Coast and Glens Derry and Strabane
Nursery Controlled 24.0 25.9 26.7 25.8 21.8 27.0
Controlled Integrated 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.0 0.0 0.0
Catholic Maintained 25.7 26.0 30.8 25.3 0.0 0.0
Total 24.2 25.9 27.7 25.5 21.8 27.0
Primary Controlled 21.7 22.7 22.6 20.0 20.7 20.3
Controlled Integrated 19.7 21.6 0.0 22.3 22.2 0.0
Catholic Maintained 21.9 20.7 22.3 20.4 21.3 21.2
Grant Maintained Integrated 26.1 0.0 24.4 22.7 23.1 25.6
Other Maintained 21.2 0.0 21.6 20.3 20.2 19.8
Total 21.6 22.3 22.5 20.4 21.0 21.0
Preparatory departments Controlled 0.0 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Voluntary 0.0 19.0 12.0 14.8 0.0 0.0
Total 0.0 17.3 12.0 14.8 0.0 0.0
Non Grammar Controlled 15.3 16.1 15.8 14.8 14.7 16.1
Controlled Integrated 14.5 15.5 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Catholic Maintained 15.4 14.4 15.0 13.8 15.7 15.2
Grant Maintained Integrated 0.0 15.1 15.1 13.6 12.1 13.2
Other Maintained 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.2 10.6 0.0
Total 15.1 15.6 15.4 14.0 14.5 15.2
Grammar schools Controlled 16.9 16.7 17.1 17.2 16.8 14.4
Voluntary 18.0 17.3 16.7 16.8 16.1 16.7
Total 17.2 17.0 16.9 16.8 16.3 16.4
Post-primary schools Total 15.8 16.2 15.9 15.5 15.3 15.6
Special Controlled 7.0 6.1 6.5 5.9 7.2 6.6
Catholic Maintained 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 0.0 0.0
Other Maintained 5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total 6.7 6.1 6.5 6.0 7.2 6.6
All grant-aided schools Controlled 17.8 18.8 18.8 16.4 17.5 16.6
Controlled Integrated 16.5 18.7 16.0 22.4 22.2 0.0
Catholic Maintained 20.0 17.9 19.3 17.4 19.1 18.7
Grant Maintained Integrated 26.1 15.1 20.0 16.1 16.6 16.5
Other Maintained 12.8 0.0 21.6 17.7 13.5 19.8
Voluntary 18.0 17.4 16.7 16.7 16.1 16.7
Grand total 18.0 18.4 18.8 16.9 17.6 17.8

Table 11 (ctd)

Table 11 (ctd). Pupil: Teacher Ratios in Northern Ireland by District Council, school type and management type: 2021/22

School type Management type Fermanagh and Omagh Lisburn and Castlereagh Mid and East Antrim Mid-Ulster Newry, Mourne and Down Total
Nursery Controlled 22.7 26.0 24.1 25.4 24.4 25.3
Controlled Integrated 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.0
Catholic Maintained 0.0 26.0 26.5 27.0 25.5 26.0
Total 22.7 26.0 24.6 25.8 25.2 25.5
Primary Controlled 19.6 22.7 21.8 21.2 20.3 21.4
Controlled Integrated 0.0 28.0 17.9 0.0 20.2 21.2
Catholic Maintained 21.1 24.7 22.0 21.7 21.2 21.4
Grant Maintained Integrated 23.8 21.2 22.6 24.2 22.7 23.3
Other Maintained 19.8 0.0 0.0 17.5 18.1 19.7
Total 20.8 23.1 21.8 21.4 21.0 21.4
Preparatory departments Controlled 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.0
Voluntary 0.0 17.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.6
Total 0.0 17.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.5
Non Grammar Controlled 13.1 14.3 15.0 15.4 14.3 15.1
Controlled Integrated 0.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0
Catholic Maintained 13.8 15.2 15.0 15.6 15.0 14.8
Grant Maintained Integrated 14.4 14.6 16.7 15.4 13.8 14.6
Other Maintained 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.1
Total 13.8 14.6 15.4 15.5 14.8 14.9
Grammar schools Controlled 16.2 0.0 17.1 0.0 16.7 16.8
Voluntary 16.5 16.8 16.7 17.2 16.4 16.7
Total 16.5 16.8 16.8 17.2 16.4 16.7
Post-primary schools Total 14.9 15.1 16.0 16.0 15.4 15.6
Special Controlled 6.5 7.4 7.3 6.6 5.5 6.5
Catholic Maintained 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3
Other Maintained 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.4
Total 6.5 7.4 7.3 6.6 5.5 6.5
All grant-aided schools Controlled 15.8 17.5 18.0 17.5 15.4 17.5
Controlled Integrated 0.0 16.6 17.9 0.0 20.2 18.2
Catholic Maintained 18.1 22.5 18.7 18.8 18.7 18.6
Grant Maintained Integrated 17.0 16.6 18.1 17.5 15.8 17.1
Other Maintained 19.8 0.0 0.0 17.5 18.1 17.2
Voluntary 16.5 16.8 16.7 17.2 16.4 16.7
Grand total 17.1 17.9 17.9 18.1 17.5 17.7

Table 12

Table 12. Pupil: Teacher Ratios for individual schools in Northern Ireland, 2021/22

DE school reference number School name Postal town Full-time equivalent teachers Full-time equivalent pupils Pupil: Teacher Ratio
1010012 Belmont Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.6 252 23.8
1010063 Currie Primary School, Belfast Belfast 15.6 207.5 13.3
1010146 Euston Street Primary School, Belfast Belfast 18.7 358 19.1
1010157 Rosetta Primary School Belfast 15.4 312 20.3
1010205 Forth River Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.2 212 20.8
1010221 Springfield Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10 174 17.4
1010252 Strandtown Primary School, Belfast Belfast 40.8 976 23.9
1010255 Elmgrove Primary School, Belfast Belfast 33.6 610 18.2
1010266 Seaview Primary School, Belfast Belfast 20.4 457 22.4
1010267 Nettlefield Primary School, Belfast Belfast 17.6 409 23.2
1010273 Orangefield Primary School, Belfast Belfast 19 464 24.4
1010282 Carr’s Glen Primary School, Belfast Belfast 18.2 345.5 19
1010301 Taughmonagh Primary School, Belfast Belfast 16.2 261 16.1
1010304 Greenwood Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.9 284 26
1010307 Springhill Primary School, Belfast Belfast 9 162 18
1010323 Edenbrooke Primary School, Belfast Belfast 23.4 371 15.9
1010324 Stranmillis Primary School, Belfast Belfast 16.8 437.5 26
1010325 Ligoniel Primary School, Belfast Belfast 9.4 177 18.8
1010806 Finaghy Primary School, Belfast Belfast 14.4 396 27.5
1010831 Cavehill Primary School, Belfast Belfast 16.2 403 24.9
1013018 Knocknagoney Primary School, Belfast Belfast 13.5 275 20.4
1016059 Black Mountain Primary School, Belfast Belfast 11 183 16.6
1016060 Donegall Road Primary School, Belfast Belfast 11.2 216 19.3
1016076 Ballysillan Primary School Belfast 10.4 234 22.5
1016205 Fane Street Primary School, Belfast Belfast 15.5 262 16.9
1016207 Blythefield Primary School, Belfast Belfast 9.5 169 17.8
1016242 Dundela Infants Primary School, Belfast Belfast 13 280 21.5
1016485 Glenwood Primary School, Belfast Belfast 35 521 14.9
1016498 Malvern Primary School, Belfast Belfast 7.8 115 14.8
1016499 Botanic Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10 215 21.5
1016532 Wheatfield Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.4 146 14
1016537 Lowwood Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.4 238 22.9
1016604 Harmony Primary School, Belfast Belfast 15.6 272 17.4
1016647 Bunscoil Mhic Reachtain, Belfast Belfast 5.8 78 13.4
1016655 Victoria Park Primary School Belfast 16.4 395 24.1
1030194 Holy Cross Boys’ Primary School, Belfast Belfast 18.5 393 21.2
1030313 Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, Belfast Belfast 24.6 627 25.5
1030326 Our Lady’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 12.4 257 20.7
1030327 Holy Rosary Primary School, Belfast Belfast 27.6 483 17.5
1030331 Holy Cross Girls’ Primary School, Belfast Belfast 11 192 17.4
1030868 St Anne’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 35 890 25.4
1036041 Mercy Primary School, Belfast Belfast 12.2 237 19.4
1036042 St Vincent de Paul Primary School Belfast 15 303 20.2
1036048 St Mary’s Star of the Sea Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.6 133 12.5
1036075 St Bride’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 35 871 24.9
1036132 St Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast Belfast 18.8 426 22.7
1036140 St Michael’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 16.6 415 25
1036246 St Joseph’s Primary School, Holland Dr Belfast 15 383 25.5
1036388 St Mary’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 9.4 128 13.6
1036466 St Malachy’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 20.4 388 19
1036471 Sacred Heart Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.3 157 15.2
1036505 St Matthew’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 15.6 319 20.4
1036565 St Kevin’s Primary School Belfast 31.4 591 18.8
1036566 Holy Family Primary School, Belfast Belfast 23.7 482 20.3
1036576 Holy Child Primary School, Belfast Belfast 22 510 23.2
1036589 St Teresa’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 32 589 18.4
1036602 St Oliver Plunkett Primary School, Belfast Belfast 33 663 20.1
1036620 St Peter’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 20.9 318 15.2
1036621 St Joseph’s Primary School, Slate Belfast 19 322 16.9
1036623 Holy Trinity Primary School, Belfast Belfast 33.6 637 19
1036624 St Paul’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 22.3 385 17.3
1036630 St Clare’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 24.4 475 19.5
1036688 St John the Baptist Primary School, Belfast Belfast 13.6 370 27.2
1036697 John Paul II Primary School, Belfast Belfast 16 327 20.4
1036698 St Patrick’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 22.6 468 20.7
1046501 Bunscoil Phobal Feirste Belfast 17.6 417 23.7
1046571 Gaelscoil Na Bhfal, Belfast Belfast 11 221 20.1
1046593 Bunscoil an Tsleibhe Dhuibh, Belfast Belfast 9.2 216 23.5
1046596 Bunscoil Bheann Mhadagain Belfast 10.2 196 19.2
1046641 Scoil an Droichid, Belfast Belfast 9.6 181 18.9
1046671 Gaelscoil na Mona, Belfast Belfast 6.2 116.5 18.7
1046672 Gaelscoil an Lonnain, Belfast Belfast 4 58 14.5
1050232 Harding Memorial Primary School, Belfast Belfast 11.4 215 18.9
1056483 Cliftonville Integrated Primary School, Belfast Belfast 19 412 21.7
1056535 Forge Integrated Primary School, Belfast Belfast 15.8 402 25.4
1066531 Hazelwood Integrated Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 18.8 457 24.3
1066580 Cranmore Integrated Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.6 216 20.4
1110001 Arellian Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1110002 Mcarthur Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1110003 Edenderry Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1110007 Glenbank Nursery School Belfast 1 26 26
1110025 Tudor Lodge Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1110036 New Lodge Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1110038 Shaftesbury Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1116011 Victoria Nursery School Belfast 1 26 26
1116074 Glendhu Nursery School Belfast 1 26 26
1116155 Hope Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1116157 Stanhope Street Nursery School Belfast 2 53 26.5
1116158 Ravenscroft Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1116159 Oldpark Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1116160 Sandbrook Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1130027 Bethlehem Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136106 St Martin’s Nursery School Belfast 2 53 26.5
1136228 St Bernadette’s Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136229 St Mary’s Nursery School Newtownabbey 2 53 26.5
1136251 Our Lady’s Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136289 Holy Rosary Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136314 St Teresa’s Nursery School Belfast 2.6 54 20.6
1136315 St Michael’s Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136316 Holy Child Nursery School Belfast 2.4 51 21.2
1136340 St Peter’s Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136349 Matt Talbot Nursery School Belfast 2 53 26.5
1136353 St Maria Goretti Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136360 Holy Cross Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136383 St Oliver Plunkett Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
1136603 The Cathedral Nursery School Belfast 2 53 26.5
1150028 Brefne Nursery School Belfast 1 26 26
1210014 Ashfield Girls’ High School, Belfast Belfast 44.6 727 16.3
1210015 Ashfield Boys’ High School, Belfast Belfast 58.9 909 15.4
1210021 Belfast Model School for Girls Belfast 74.8 1,108 14.8
1210022 Belfast Boys’ Model School Belfast 79.7 1,074 13.5
1230053 St Louise’s Comprehensive College Belfast 101.3 1,529 15.1
1230104 Mercy College, Belfast Belfast 52.6 764 14.5
1230155 St Genevieve’s High School, Belfast Belfast 69.8 1,037 14.9
1230182 De La Salle College Belfast 64.6 789 12.2
1230275 St Joseph’s College, Belfast Belfast 55.5 830 15
1230321 Blessed Trinity College Belfast 102 1,299 12.7
1230324 All Saints College Belfast 70.6 897 12.7
1240291 Colaiste Feirste Belfast 59.2 841 14.2
1260269 Hazelwood College, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 82 1,078 13.1
1260294 Malone Integrated College Belfast 48.6 693 14.3
1310003 Cedar Lodge School Belfast 28.7 229 8
1310012 Fleming Fulton School Belfast 21.9 136 6.2
1310014 Harberton School Belfast 63.8 312 4.9
1310016 Mitchell House School Belfast 15.6 101 6.5
1310017 Greenwood Assessment Centre Belfast 8.6 64 7.5
1316500 Park Education Resource Centre Belfast 20 161 8.1
1316569 Glenveagh School Belfast 28.6 181 6.3
1316582 Oakwood School and Assessment Centre Belfast 17.6 111 6.3
1316584 Clarawood School Belfast 17.4 29 1.7
1336548 St Gerard’s Resource Centre Belfast 55.5 352 6.3
1410079 Grosvenor Grammar School, Belfast Belfast 65.5 1,115 17
1410270 Wellington College, Belfast Belfast 45 769 17.1
1410315 Bloomfield Collegiate School, Belfast Belfast 39.2 704 18
1420020 Campbell College, Belfast Belfast 70.8 1,015 14.3
1420021 St Mary’s Christian Brothers Grammar School, Belfast Belfast 71.1 1,202 16.9
1420022 Methodist College, Belfast Belfast 103 1,801 17.5
1420027 The Royal Belfast Academical Institution Belfast 62 1,069 17.2
1420028 Belfast Royal Academy Belfast 83.7 1,440 17.2
1420029 St Dominic’s High School, Belfast Belfast 61.6 1,070 17.4
1420030 St Malachy’s College, Belfast Belfast 63.1 1,152 18.3
1420082 Dominican College, Fortwilliam Belfast 64.8 1,076 16.6
1420089 Strathearn School, Belfast Belfast 48.6 812 16.7
1420095 Rathmore Grammar School Belfast 78 1,277 16.4
1420264 Victoria College Belfast 53.2 924 17.4
1420265 Hunterhouse College, Belfast Belfast 42.9 718 16.7
1420277 Aquinas Grammar School, Belfast Belfast 52.9 895 16.9
1620020 Campbell College Junior School, Belfast Belfast 13.9 199 14.4
1620022 Fullerton House Preparatory School, Belfast Belfast 8.5 121 14.2
1620023 Downey House Preparatory School Belfast 8.6 96 11.1
1620027 Inchmarlo Belfast 7.4 128 17.3
1620028 Ben Madigan Preparatory School Belfast 7.2 114 15.9
1620089 Strathearn Preparatory School, Belfast Belfast 8.4 145 17.3
1620264 Victoria College Prep Department, Belfast Belfast 8.1 143 17.7
2010380 Londonderry Model Primary School Londonderry 14.8 272 18.4
2010382 Ebrington Primary School Londonderry 20.4 465 22.8
2011787 Kesh Primary School Enniskillen 9.6 232.5 24.2
2011789 Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea Enniskillen 6.4 139 21.7
2011860 Belleek No 2 Primary School Enniskillen 2.4 33 13.8
2011873 Aghadrumsee Primary School, Roslea Enniskillen 2.5 36 14.4
2011879 Newtownbutler Primary School Enniskillen 2 35 17.5
2011881 Florencecourt Primary School Enniskillen 5.5 120 22
2011893 Ballinamallard Primary School Enniskillen 6 132 21.9
2011894 Brookeborough Primary School Enniskillen 3.4 68 20
2011899 Derrygonnelly Primary School Enniskillen 3 65 21.7
2012052 Culmore Primary School Londonderry 3.4 60 17.6
2012095 Ballougry Primary School Londonderry 3.2 44 13.8
2012227 Drumahoe Primary School Londonderry 15 296 19.7
2012245 Eglinton Primary School Londonderry 8.6 186.5 21.6
2012261 Newbuildings Primary School Londonderry 9.4 180 19.1
2012298 Ballykelly Primary School Limavady 15.4 289 18.8
2012344 McClintock Primary School, Seskinore Omagh 4.4 114 25.9
2012378 Dunmullan Primary School, Knockmoyle Omagh 2.2 5 2.3
2012638 Edwards Primary School, Castlederg Castlederg 11.6 243 20.9
2012641 Killen Primary School, Castlederg Castlederg 5.4 118 21.9
2012648 Gillygooley Primary School, Omagh Omagh 2 24 12
2012660 Denamona Primary School, Fintona Omagh 4 78 19.5
2012669 Queen Elizabeth II Primary School, Kilskeery Omagh 3 47 15.7
2012671 Langfield Primary School, Drumquin Omagh 2.2 28 12.7
2012691 Omagh County Primary School Omagh 17.8 322 18.1
2012707 Dromore Primary School, Tyrone Omagh 3 43 14.3
2012708 Strabane Primary School Strabane 12.3 267 21.7
2012711 Donemana Primary School, Strabane Strabane 5.4 101 18.7
2016003 Jones Memorial Primary School, Enniskillen Enniskillen 10 155 15.5
2016029 Drumachose Primary School, Limavady Limavady 14.6 406 27.8
2016068 Artigarvan Primary School, Strabane Strabane 6.7 149.5 22.4
2016071 Greenhaw Primary School Londonderry 16 333 20.8
2016089 Gibson Primary School, Omagh Omagh 15.8 325 20.6
2016102 Tempo Primary School Enniskillen 4.6 84 18.3
2016124 Ashlea S, Tullyally Londonderry 5.4 106 19.6
2016127 Maguiresbridge Primary School Enniskillen 6.4 129 20.2
2016151 Irvinestown Primary School Enniskillen 7.6 152 20
2016152 Enniskillen Model Primary School Enniskillen 16 422 26.4
2016184 Lack Primary School, Enniskillen Enniskillen 2 28 14
2016203 Lisnagelvin Primary School Londonderry 24.9 577 23.2
2016218 Lisbellaw Primary School Enniskillen 8.7 214.5 24.7
2016262 Newtownstewart Model Primary School Omagh 3.4 67 19.7
2016372 Cumber Claudy Primary School Londonderry 8.4 147 17.5
2016395 Gortin Primary School, Omagh Omagh 2.8 71 25.4
2016426 Limavady Central Primary School Limavady 15 324 21.6
2016442 Sion Mills Primary School Strabane 11.4 222.5 19.5
2016564 Fountain Primary School, Londonderry Londonderry 7.4 90 12.2
2016645 Bready Jubilee Primary School, Strabane Strabane 5 113 22.6
2016656 Drumrane Primary School, Dungiven Londonderry 6 136 22.7
2016663 Cooley Primary School, Sixmilecross Omagh 5 105 20.9
2016700 Gaelscoil Neachtain, Dungiven Londonderry 8 134 16.8
2016701 Ardstraw Jubilee Primary School Omagh 4.4 83 18.9
2030364 Rosemount Primary School Londonderry 15 377 25.1
2030373 Nazareth House Primary School Londonderry 10 225 22.5
2030381 Holy Child Primary School, Derry Londonderry 15 301 20.1
2031828 St Patrick’s Primary School, Mullanaskea Enniskillen 8.6 192 22.3
2031863 Tattygar Primary School, Lisbellaw Enniskillen 3 65 21.7
2031868 St Tierney’s Primary School, Roslea Enniskillen 5.4 130 24.1
2031869 St Mary’s Primary School, Newtownbutler Enniskillen 8 175 21.9
2031874 St Patrick’s Primary School, Derrygonnelly Enniskillen 5 120 24
2031876 St Mary’s Primary School, Brookeborough Enniskillen 3 57 19
2031880 St Ninnidh’s Primary School, Derrylin Enniskillen 7 144 20.6
2031884 St Mary’s Primary School, Killesher Enniskillen 5 80 16
2031887 St John the Baptist Primary School, Roscor Enniskillen 3.6 29 8.1
2031890 St Mary’s Primary School, Mullymesker Enniskillen 6.4 135 21.1
2031895 St Mary’s Primary School, Maguiresbridge Enniskillen 6 142 23.7
2031897 Killyhommon Primary School, Enniskillen Enniskillen 4.6 80 17.4
2031898 St Paul’s Primary School, Irvinestown Enniskillen 10.6 232.5 21.9
2031901 St Ronan’s Primary School, Lisnaskea Enniskillen 15 338 22.5
2032212 Glendermott Primary School Londonderry 8.2 195 23.8
2032263 St Canice’s Primary School, Feeny Londonderry 5 93 18.6
2032278 Broadbridge Primary School, Eglinton Londonderry 17.6 425 24.1
2032286 St Matthew’s Primary School, Drumsurn Limavady 4 100 25
2032287 Termoncanice Primary School, Limavady Limavady 19 467 24.6
2032294 St Mary’s Primary School, Altinure Londonderry 6 133 22.2
2032300 Listress Primary School Londonderry 2.4 17 7.2
2032573 St Brigid’s Primary School, Altamuskin Omagh 2 42 21
2032603 Tummery Primary School, Dromore Omagh 2.2 34 15.5
2032607 St Mary’s Primary School, Killyclogher Omagh 14.6 319 21.8
2032628 Knocknagor Primary School, Trillick Omagh 3.4 49 14.3
2032639 Drumduff Primary School, Sixmilecross Omagh 2 18 9
2032662 St Brigid’s Primary School, Mountfield Omagh 3.2 57 17.8
2032676 St Patrick’s Primary School, Gortin Omagh 4.6 82 17.8
2032677 Drumlish Primary School, Dromore Omagh 3.4 36 10.6
2032682 St Eugene’s Primary School, Victoria Bridge Strabane 3 61 20.3
2032684 St Lawrence’s Primary School, Fintona Omagh 11 238 21.6
2032685 St Brigid’s Primary School, Cranagh Omagh 1.8 23 12.8
2032688 St Eugene’s Primary School, Tircur Omagh 2.2 28 12.7
2032694 St Caireall’s Primary School, Castlederg Castlederg 6 127 21.2
2032700 St Joseph’s Primary School, Drumquin Omagh 6.3 144 22.9
2032704 St Ronan’s Primary School, Recarson Omagh 4.6 107 23.3
2032705 St Patrick’s Primary School, Eskra Omagh 4.4 92 20.9
2032721 Sacred Heart Primary School, Tattyreagh Omagh 3 74 24.7
2032723 Roscavey Primary School, Beragh Omagh 4 64 16
2032730 St Columba’s Primary School, Clady Strabane 5.4 116 21.5
2032731 St Teresa’s Primary School, Loughmacrory Omagh 8 184 23
2032737 St Colmcille’s Primary School, Carrickmore Omagh 16 398 24.9
2033706 Faughanvale Primary School, Greysteel Londonderry 7 156 22.3
2033707 Mullabuoy Primary School Londonderry 3 79 26.3
2033708 St Aidan’s Primary School, Limavady Limavady 4 70 17.5
2036008 St Patrick’s Primary School, Newtownstewart Omagh 5.6 112 20
2036032 St John’s Primary School, Bligh’s Lane Londonderry 21.7 461 21.2
2036045 St Canice Primary School, Dungiven Londonderry 13.4 302 22.5
2036069 St Anne’s Primary School, Londonderry Londonderry 18.5 447 24.2
2036070 St Joseph’s Primary School, Ederney Enniskillen 6.1 132.5 21.8
2036082 St Colmcille’s Primary School, Claudy Londonderry 13 256 19.7
2036084 Steelstown Primary School, Londonderry Londonderry 20 445 22.3
2036085 St Peter’s & St Paul’s Primary School, Dungiven Londonderry 3 62 20.7
2036090 St Naile’s Primary School, Kinawley Enniskillen 5 109 21.8
2036094 St Patrick’s Primary School, Castlederg Castlederg 11 284 25.8
2036095 St Mary’s Primary School, Cloughcor Strabane 9 153 17
2036097 St Peter’s Primary School, Plumbridge Omagh 7 72 10.3
2036105 St Martin’s Primary School, Garrison Enniskillen 4.4 102 23.2
2036107 St Joseph’s Primary School, Donagh Enniskillen 4.4 75 17
2036116 St Conor’s Primary School, Omagh Omagh 17.4 420 24.1
2036142 St Brigid’s Primary School, Carnhill Londonderry 20.8 395 19
2036143 St Oliver Plunkett Primary School, Strathfoyle Londonderry 12 208 17.3
2036149 St Finlough’s Primary School, Sistrakeel Limavady 3.8 70 18.4
2036153 St Scire’s Primary School, Trillick Omagh 5.5 139 25.2
2036181 St Mary’s Primary School, Teemore Enniskillen 6.4 132 20.6
2036186 St Dympna’s Primary School, Dromore Omagh 8.8 208 23.6
2036187 St John’s Primary School, Dernaflaw Londonderry 6 165 27.5
2036213 St Columban’s Primary School, Belcoo Enniskillen 4.8 96 20
2036227 St Paul’s Primary School, Slievemore Londonderry 10 212 21.2
2036247 St Columba’s Primary School, Newbuildings Londonderry 3 51 17
2036258 St Davog’s Primary School, Belleek Enniskillen 3.8 95 25
2036259 Sacred Heart Primary School, Trench Road Londonderry 19 434 22.8
2036288 Good Shepherd Primary School, Derry Londonderry 17.1 432 25.3
2036291 St Oliver Plunkett Primary School, Beragh Omagh 5.8 110 19
2036356 St Mary’s Primary School, Tempo Enniskillen 6.8 155 22.8
2036415 Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, Greencastle Omagh 5.4 112 20.8
2036449 Christ the King Primary School, Omagh Omagh 10 198 19.8
2036458 St Mary’s Primary School, Gortnaghey Londonderry 4.6 73 15.9
2036459 St Theresa’s Primary School, Glebe Strabane 6.4 96 15
2036461 St Therese Primary School, Lenamore Londonderry 17 350 20.6
2036465 Chapel Road Primary School, Londonderry Londonderry 9 182 20.2
2036472 Holy Family Primary School, Derry Londonderry 29.8 540 18.1
2036473 St Eithne’s Primary School, Londonderry Londonderry 16 334 20.9
2036475 Longtower Primary School Londonderry 13.9 286 20.5
2036533 Hollybush Primary School, Culmore Londonderry 17 405 23.8
2036555 St Eugene’s Primary School, Derry Londonderry 10.4 162 15.6
2036557 All Saint’s Primary School, Tattysallagh Omagh 4.8 102 21.3
2036574 Bunscoil Cholmcille, Derry Londonderry 7 135 19.3
2036581 St Patrick’s Primary School, Pennyburn Londonderry 35 797 22.8
2036632 Holy Trinity Primary School, Mill Street Enniskillen 32.8 602 18.4
2036659 St Macartan’s Primary School, Roslea Roslea 4.2 95 22.6
2036674 Holy Family Primary School Junior Site, Omagh Omagh 15.6 370 23.7
2036696 St Mary’s Primary School, Strabane Junior Site Strabane 31.8 722 22.7
2036703 St Catherine’s Primary School Strabane 20.4 471 23.1
2036712 St Michael’s Primary School, Dunamanagh Strabane 4.4 83 18.9
2046638 Gaelscoil Ui Dhochartaigh, Strabane Strabane 9 167 18.6
2046646 Gaelscoil Eadain Mhoir, Derry Londonderry 8.6 198 23
2046669 Bunscoil an Traonaigh, Lisnaskea Lisnaskea 3.8 59 15.5
2046677 Gaelscoil Na gCrann, Omagh Omagh 8.8 190 21.6
2046687 Gaelscoil Na Daroige, Derry Londonderry 6 102 17
2046689 Gaelscoil Leim An Mhadaidh, Limavady Limavady 5 107 21.4
2066549 Enniskillen Integrated Primary School Enniskillen 17.8 406.5 22.8
2066552 Omagh Integrated Primary School Omagh 11.2 285 25.4
2066558 Oakgrove Integrated Primary School Londonderry 15.8 404 25.6
2066665 Roe Valley Integrated Primary School, Limavady Limavady 8 191 23.9
2116023 The Academy Nursery School Londonderry 2 53.5 26.8
2116232 Strathfoyle Nursery School Londonderry 2 52 26
2116233 Lisnagelvin Nursery School Londonderry 2 54 27
2116265 Omagh North Nursery School Omagh 2.6 52.5 20.2
2116266 Bligh’s Lane Nursery School Londonderry 2 56 28
2116267 Carnhill Nursery School Londonderry 2 52 26
2116336 Galliagh Nursery School Londonderry 2 55 27.5
2116345 Belmont Nursery School Londonderry 2 57 28.5
2116348 Trench Road Nursery School Londonderry 2 52 26
2116608 Enniskillen Nursery Enniskillen 2 52 25.9
2116628 Limavady Nursery School Limavady 2.4 49.5 20.6
2210065 Castlederg High School Castlederg 31.8 505 15.9
2210125 Omagh High School Omagh 37 406 11
2210302 Limavady High School Limavady 48.1 809 16.8
2210306 Lisneal College, Londonderry Londonderry 63.4 1,023 16.1
2210312 Devenish College, Enniskillen Enniskillen 45.2 669 14.8
2230077 St Mary’s, Limavady Limavady 36 584 16.2
2230081 St Mary’s College, Londonderry Londonderry 55.5 869 15.7
2230099 St Fanchea’s College, Enniskillen Enniskillen 23.4 329 14.1
2230100 St Joseph’s College, Enniskillen Enniskillen 23 287 12.5
2230109 St Mary’s College, Irvinestown Enniskillen 13.4 171 12.8
2230122 St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College, Claudy Londonderry 34 525 15.4
2230131 St Joseph’s Boys’ School, Creggan Londonderry 43.4 558 12.9
2230138 Dean Maguirc College, Carrickmore Omagh 40.7 611 15
2230144 St Patrick’s College, Dungiven Londonderry 18.6 301 16.2
2230148 St John’s Business and Enterprise College Omagh 14.6 175 12
2230166 St Aidan’s High School, Derrylin Enniskillen 16.5 255 15.5
2230188 St Cecilia’s College, Derry Londonderry 53 860 16.2
2230225 St Brigid’s College, Carnhill Londonderry 55.8 814 14.6
2230298 Sacred Heart College, Omagh Omagh 53.4 694 13
2230301 Holy Cross College, Strabane Strabane 103 1,599 15.5
2230322 St Kevin’s College Enniskillen 49 713 14.6
2240319 Gaelcholaiste Dhoire Dungiven 25.6 272 10.6
2260276 Oakgrove Integrated College Londonderry 43.8 577 13.2
2260280 Erne Integrated College, Enniskillen Enniskillen 30.8 368 11.9
2260283 Drumragh Integrated College, Omagh Omagh 43 693 16.1
2316528 Knockavoe School Strabane 23.6 146 6.2
2316661 Arvalee School and Resource Centre Omagh 26 162 6.2
2316662 Rossmar School Limavady 22.4 155 6.9
2316694 Willowbridge School Enniskillen 23.1 158 6.8
2316695 Ardnashee School and College Londonderry 51.8 349 6.7
2410048 Limavady Grammar School Limavady 51.9 871 16.8
2410066 Omagh Academy Grammar School Omagh 41.6 672 16.2
2410311 Strabane Academy, Liskey Road Strabane 42 604 14.4
2420041 Mount Lourdes Grammar School, Enniskillen Enniskillen 47.2 751 15.9
2420043 St Michael’s College, Enniskillen Enniskillen 39.6 695 17.6
2420052 Thornhill College, Derry Londonderry 86.5 1,404 16.2
2420054 St Columb’s College, Derry Londonderry 78.2 1,349 17.3
2420064 Christian Brothers Grammar School, Omagh Omagh 57.4 949 16.5
2420065 Loreto Grammar School, Omagh Omagh 51.6 896 17.4
2420229 Foyle College Londonderry 52 879 16.9
2420287 Lumen Christi College, Derry Londonderry 52.4 855 16.3
2420320 Enniskillen Royal Grammar School(Cooper Crescent Enniskillen 59 918 15.6
3010404 Tildarg Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 2.4 54 22.6
3010486 Larne & Inver Primary School Larne 10 201 20.1
3010553 Carrickfergus Model Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 15 400 26.7
3010558 Duneane Primary School, Toomebridge Antrim 2 18 9
3010570 Straid Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 3.4 38 11.2
3010572 Carrowreagh Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 4 85 21.3
3010594 Garryduff Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 3 77 25.7
3010631 Ballyclare Primary School Ballyclare 23.9 559 23.4
3010642 Parkgate Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 4.4 56 12.7
3010646 Olderfleet Primary School, Larne Larne 5.6 117 20.9
3010696 Woodburn Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 8 202 25.3
3010714 Buick Memorial Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 12.2 264 21.7
3010726 Dunseverick Primary School Bushmills 5 92 18.4
3010741 Creavery Primary School, Antrim Antrim 3.4 54 16.1
3010745 Loanends Primary School, Crumlin Crumlin 8.5 200 23.6
3010754 Doagh Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 5.6 111 19.8
3010779 The Thompson Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 7.3 177 24.2
3010780 Kirkinriola Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 4.4 74 16.8
3010781 Harryville Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 11.8 200.5 17
3010785 Eden Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 8.9 210 23.6
3010787 Lislagan Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 5.4 116 21.5
3010794 Gracehill Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 16.5 426 25.8
3010795 Landhead Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 3.3 60 18.1
3010796 Eden Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 3.3 83 25.4
3010802 Ballynure Primary School Ballyclare 7 158 22.6
3010804 Straidbilly Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 5 93 18.6
3010808 Glynn Primary School, Larne Larne 4.6 93 20.2
3010809 Ballycarry Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 3.4 57 16.9
3010816 Randalstown Central Primary School Antrim 8.3 169 20.4
3010817 Greenisland Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 15 398 26.5
3010818 Moorfields Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 7.6 186 24.5
3010822 Groggan Primary School, Randalstown Antrim 5.2 123 23.7
3010825 Carnaghts Primary School, Shankbridge Ballymena 4.9 102 20.6
3010826 The Diamond Primary School, Cullybackey Ballymena 6.3 153 24.4
3010827 Whitehouse Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 19.2 456 23.8
3010828 Kilbride Central Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 7.5 123 16.3
3010829 Antrim Primary School Antrim 22.8 588 25.8
3010834 Clough Primary School Ballymena 6.9 166 24
3010835 Kells and Connor Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 8 209 26.1
3010842 William Pinkerton Memorial Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 5.6 85 15.2
3010846 Whiteabbey Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 15.9 410 25.8
3010847 Portrush Primary School Portrush 9 189 21
3010850 Upper Ballyboley Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 3.4 18 5.3
3010860 Sunnylands Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 9 184 20.4
3010862 Abbots Cross Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 15 317 21.1
3010870 Moyle Primary School, Larne Larne 21 398.5 18.9
3010873 Bushmills Primary School Bushmills 6 112 18.7
3010874 Whitehead Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 17 419 24.6
3010875 Ballymena Primary School Ballymena 12.6 281 22.3
3010878 Kilmoyle Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 4.1 78 19
3010879 Straidhavern Primary School, Crumlin Crumlin 3 38 12.7
3010880 King’s Park Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 15.2 337 22.2
3010883 Linn Primary School, Larne Larne 20.6 421 20.4
3010891 Fourtowns Primary School, Ahoghill Ballymena 12 287 23.9
3010892 Ballytober Primary School, Bushmills Bushmills 4.2 87 20.7
3010893 Knockahollet Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 4.4 81 18.4
3010895 Rathcoole Primary School Newtownabbey 10 148 14.8
3012049 Carnalridge Primary School, Portrush Portrush 7 147 21
3012065 Culcrow Primary School, Aghadowey Coleraine 4.2 111 26.4
3012225 Damhead Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 8 197 24.6
3012229 Hezlett Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 8.6 198 23
3012233 Tobermore Primary School, Tobermore Magherafelt 3 70 23.3
3012234 Ampertaine Primary School, Maghera Maghera 5.4 118 21.8
3012237 Killowen Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 10 202 20.2
3012250 Portstewart Primary School Portstewart 10.2 258 25.3
3012264 Millburn Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 17.8 335 18.8
3012267 Magherafelt Primary School Magherafelt 9 206 22.9
3012269 Kilrea Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 5.7 105 18.4
3012284 D H Christie Memorial Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 18.4 383 20.8
3012288 Castleroe Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 5.4 103 19.1
3012290 Bellaghy Primary School Magherafelt 3 46 15.3
3012291 Maghera Primary School Maghera 5.2 82 15.8
3013301 Carnmoney Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 15.2 386 25.4
3013310 Broughshane Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 13.5 312 23
3013315 Ballykeel Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 20.2 433 21.5
3013322 Camphill Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 15.8 397 25.1
3013323 Mossgrove Primary School Newtownabbey 10 236 23.6
3013325 Leaney Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 12.6 306 24.3
3013330 Victoria Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 17 375.5 22.1
3013331 Ballycraigy Primary School Antrim 7.5 113 15.1
3013332 Toreagh Primary School, Larne Larne 5.2 122 23.5
3013700 Macosquin Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 10.4 192 18.5
3013703 Kilross Primary School, Tobermore Magherafelt 2.8 26 9.3
3013704 Castledawson Primary School Magherafelt 5 137 27.4
3016005 Silverstream Primary School, Greenisland Carrickfergus 8.8 147 16.7
3016014 Templepatrick Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 15.6 435 27.9
3016015 Mossley Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 25 586 23.4
3016037 Greystone Primary School, Antrim Antrim 8 177 22.1
3016038 Hollybank Primary School, Monkstown Newtownabbey 10.8 163 15.1
3016040 Armoy Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 5.6 98 17.5
3016052 Harpurs Hill Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 12.2 252 20.7
3016055 Gorran Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 5 95 19
3016058 Parkhall Primary School, Antrim Antrim 9 164 18.2
3016063 Dunclug Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 7.8 104 13.3
3016119 Garvagh Primary School Coleraine 5.7 98 17.2
3016125 Rasharkin Primary School Ballymena 3.9 78 19.8
3016129 Carniny Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 11.2 292 26
3016170 Ballyhenry Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 12 181 15.1
3016225 Woodlawn Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 9 154 17.1
3016244 Ashgrove Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 15.8 354 22.4
3016249 Earlview Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 9 220 24.4
3016252 Ballysally Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 16 303 18.9
3016257 Oakfield Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 12.4 292 23.5
3016260 Cloughmills Primary School Ballymena 5.4 81 15
3016264 The Irish Society’s Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 13 315.5 24.3
3016269 Cairncastle Primary School, Ballygally Larne 4.9 73 15
3016283 Knockloughrim Primary School, Magherafelt Magherafelt 5.8 119 20.5
3016414 Fairview Primary School, Ballyclare Ballyclare 22.4 476 21.3
3016440 Portglenone Primary School Ballymena 6.2 136 21.9
3016444 Hazelbank Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 7.9 150 19.1
3016447 Balnamore Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 4.6 45 9.8
3016594 Bushvalley Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 7.6 173 22.8
3016705 Islandmagee Primary School, Junior Campus Larne 8 123 15.4
3030434 Creggan Primary School, Randalstown Antrim 4.4 110 25
3030438 Millquarter Primary School, Toomebridge Antrim 6.6 134 20.3
3030547 St Patrick’s Primary School, Portrush Portrush 3.6 58 16.1
3030588 St Mary’s Primary School, Rathlin Ballycastle 2 19 9.5
3030621 St Mary’s Primary School, Portglenone Ballymena 9.6 239 24.9
3030688 Mount St Michael’s Primary School, Randalstown Antrim 17.8 388 21.8
3030708 Glenann Primary School, Cushendall Ballymena 3.8 62 16.3
3030719 St Olcan’s Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 4.4 78 17.7
3030815 Moneynick Primary School Antrim 3.4 64 18.8
3030832 St Comgall’s Primary School, Antrim Antrim 24.2 527 21.8
3030890 St Brigid’s Primary School, Cloughmills Ballymena 2.6 35 13.5
3030894 St Mary’s Primary School, Cushendall Ballymena 5.4 116 21.5
3030898 St Anne’s Primary School, Loughgiel Ballymena 4 77 19.3
3030900 St Anthony’s Primary School, Larne Larne 4 79 19.8
3032018 St Brigid’s Primary School, Tirkane Maghera 11.1 258 23.2
3032109 New Row Primary School, Castledawson Magherafelt 8 202 25.3
3032185 St Trea’s Primary School, Magherafelt Magherafelt 5.4 112 20.6
3032197 Knocknagin Primary School, Dessertmartin Magherafelt 4 77 19.3
3032202 St Columba’s Primary School, Garvagh Coleraine 5.2 102 19.7
3032205 St Columb’s Primary School, Desertmartin Magherafelt 4.4 83 19
3032218 Crossroads Primary School, Kilrea Coleraine 5 126 25.2
3032231 St Colum’s Primary School, Portstewart Portstewart 7.2 170 23.6
3032246 St John Bosco Primary School, Ballynease Ballymena 5.1 109 21.4
3032257 Anahorish Primary School, Toomebridge Toome 8 190 23.8
3032268 St Columba’s Primary School, Straw Magherafelt 8.6 167 19.4
3032271 St Eoghan’s Primary School, Magherafelt Magherafelt 5.8 134 23.1
3032273 St Mary’s Primary School, Draperstown Magherafelt 9 190 21.1
3032274 St John’s Primary School, Swatragh Maghera 9.5 222 23.4
3032275 St Mary’s Primary School, Greenlough Ballymena 6.6 168 25.5
3032281 St Mary’s Primary School, Bellaghy Magherafelt 8.6 204.5 23.9
3032285 St Patrick’s & St Joseph’s Primary School Coleraine 7.6 163 21.4
3032297 St Malachy’s Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 8 175 21.9
3033303 St Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School, Toomebridge Antrim 9 189 21
3033313 St Bernard’s Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 25.4 611 24.1
3033317 St John’s Primary School, Carnlough Ballymena 6.6 141 21.4
3033320 St Patrick’s Primary School, Rasharkin Ballymena 10 243 24.3
3033326 St Brigid’s Primary School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 10.6 196 18.5
3033709 St John’s Primary School, Coleraine Coleraine 8 175 21.9
3036026 St Joseph’s Primary School, Crumlin Crumlin 23.4 543.5 23.2
3036039 St Mary’s Primary School, Glenview Maghera 14 270 19.3
3036046 St Mary’s-on-the-Hill Primary School Newtownabbey 16.6 367 22.1
3036050 St Joseph’s Primary School, Antrim Antrim 16 353 22.1
3036100 St James Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 15.4 264 17.1
3036103 St Brigid’s Primary School, Knockloughrim Magherafelt 11.8 253 21.4
3036131 St Patrick’s Primary School, Glenariff Ballymena 5.4 76 14.1
3036139 St MacNissi’s Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 8.6 184 21.4
3036147 St Columba’s Primary School, Kilrea Coleraine 11.5 238.5 20.7
3036154 St Patrick’s Primary School, Loughgiel Ballymena 9 165 18.3
3036243 St Joseph’s Primary School, Dunloy Ballymena 10 264.5 26.5
3036268 St Ciaran’s Primary School, Cushendun Ballymena 4 45 11.3
3036292 St Patrick’s Primary School, Maghera Maghera 9.2 185 20.1
3036559 St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Primary School, Ballycastle Ballycastle 16 415.5 26
3036562 Holy Family Primary School, Magherafelt Magherafelt 25.6 544 21.3
3036563 St Nicholas’ Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 7.6 152 20
3036575 St MacNissi’s Primary School, Larne Larne 7.6 176 23.2
3036666 St Colmcilles Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 17.5 422 24.1
3036679 St Brigid’s Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 19.8 404 20.4
3036683 St Paul’s Primary School, Ahoghill Ballymena 3 40 13.3
3036704 Mary Queen of Peace Primary School Junior Campus, Cargan Ballymena 9 225 25
3046653 Gaelscoil An Chaistil, Ballycastle Ballycastle 6 115 19.2
3046678 Gaelscoil Na Speirini, Draperstown Magherafelt 4.8 73 15.2
3046684 Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach, Crumlin Crumlin 4.6 85 18.5
3046685 Gaelscoil Eanna, Glengormley Newtownabbey 9.3 209 22.5
3046691 Gaelscoil an tSeanchai, Magherafelt Magherafelt 7 119.5 17.1
3050519 Carnlough Integrated Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 2.7 35 13
3050791 Glengormley Integrated Primary School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 13.2 299 22.7
3050841 Carrickfergus Central Primary School Carrickfergus 7.6 135 17.8
3050859 Crumlin Integrated Primary School Crumlin 7.8 158 20.3
3050866 Ballymoney Model Controlled Integrated Primary School Ballymoney 16.8 403 24
3050899 Seaview Primary School, Glenarm Ballymena 4 86 21.5
3052071 Carhill Integrated Primary School, Garvagh Coleraine 4.2 67 16
3053333 Ballycastle Integrated Primary School Ballycastle 9.2 202 22
3056231 Six Mile Integrated Primary School Antrim 13 217 16.7
3056248 Round Tower Integrated Primary School Antrim 14.6 262 17.9
3056708 Mallusk Controlled Integrated Primary School Newtownabbey 4.4 107 24.3
3066544 Mill Strand Integrated Primary School, Portrush Portrush 16.7 379.5 22.8
3066551 Braidside Integratead Primary School, Ballymena Ballymena 12.5 292.5 23.3
3066561 Corran Integrated Primary School, Larne Larne 9 193 21.4
3066568 Acorn Integrated Primary School, Carrickfergus Carrickfergus 9 206 22.9
3066613 Spires Integrated Primary School, Magherafelt Magherafelt 8.6 208 24.2
3066652 Maine Integrated Primary School, Randalstown Randalstown 6.2 162 26.1
3110037 Ballymena Nursery School Ballymena 2.5 52 21.1
3116034 Ballymoney Nursery School Ballymoney 2.5 52 20.9
3116150 Sunnylands Nursery School Carrickfergus 2 50.5 25.3
3116162 Mossley Nursery School Newtownabbey 2 52 25.6
3116165 Dunclug Nursery School Ballymena 2 53 26.5
3116166 Ballyhenry Nursery School Newtownabbey 2 52 26
3116167 Steeple Nursery School Antrim 3.1 78 25.1
3116177 Magherafelt Nursery School Magherafelt 3.2 78 24.4
3116214 Ashgrove Nursery School Newtownabbey 2.2 52.5 23.9
3116215 Kylemore Nursery School Coleraine 2 40 19.7
3116219 Monkstown Nursery School Newtownabbey 2.2 52 23.6
3116220 Ballyclare Nursery School Ballyclare 3.7 78 21.3
3116263 Ballysally Nursery School Coleraine 2 53 26.5
3136183 St Joseph’s Nursery School Antrim 2.1 53 25.7
3136332 St Anthony’s Nursery School Larne 2 53 26.5
3210035 Magherafelt High School Magherafelt 40.8 596 14.6
3210038 Larne High School Larne 51.3 767 15
3210124 Ballycastle High School Ballycastle 28.8 429 14.9
3210133 Ballymoney High School Ballymoney 39.8 643 16.2
3210134 Ballyclare Secondary School Ballyclare 76.2 1,119 14.7
3210172 Cullybackey College Ballymena 45.7 715 15.6
3210202 Glengormley High School, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 51 826 16.2
3210208 Dunclug College, Ballymena Ballymena 57.8 870 15.1
3210222 Dunluce School Bushmills 19.4 203 10.5
3210300 Coleraine College Coleraine 31.8 391 12.3
3210313 Abbey Community College, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 54.7 833 15.2
3210323 Carrickfergus Academy Carrickfergus 72.6 1,052 14.5
3230075 Our Lady of Lourdes High School, Ballymoney Ballymoney 26.2 325 12.4
3230084 St Patrick’s College, Ballymena Ballymena 34.4 464 13.5
3230132 St Colm’s High School, Draperstown Magherafelt 29.8 474 15.9
3230168 St Pius X College, Magherafelt Magherafelt 60 1,015 16.9
3230203 Edmund Rice, Newtownabbey Newtownabbey 49.2 758 15.4
3230227 Cross & Passion College Ballycastle 47.1 803 17
3230234 St Patrick’s College, Maghera Maghera 85.7 1,340 15.6
3230308 St Benedicts College, Randalstown Randalstown 23.7 368 15.5
3230310 St Killian’s College, Garron Tower Campus Ballymena 53.4 849 15.9
3230318 St Conor’s College, Kilrea-Clady Portglenone 34.6 582 16.8
3250149 Crumlin Integrated College Crumlin 19.2 200 10.4
3250207 Parkhall Integrated College Antrim 64.1 1,006 15.7
3260289 Slemish Integrated College, Ballymena Ballymena 57.4 969 16.9
3260290 North Coast Integrated College Coleraine 35.6 431 12.1
3260299 Ulidia Integrated College Carrickfergus 42.8 704 16.4
3260303 Sperrin Integrated College, Magherafelt Magherafelt 37.7 592 15.7
3310018 Rosstulla School Newtownabbey 22.6 171 7.6
3316510 Hillcroft School Newtownabbey 31 233 7.5
3316512 Sandelford School Coleraine 31 230 7.4
3316514 Roddensvale School Larne 22.6 179 7.9
3316547 Thornfield House School Newtownabbey 10.8 88 8.1
3316570 Kilronan School Magherafelt 24.7 172 7
3316609 Riverside School Antrim 21.2 107 5
3316676 Castle Tower School Ballymena 49.2 351 7.1
3340002 Jordanstown School Newtownabbey 15.6 84 5.4
3410008 Ballyclare High School Ballyclare 75.3 1,245 16.5
3410098 Carrickfergus Grammar School Carrickfergus 48.6 786 16.2
3410209 Antrim Grammar School Antrim 49 851 17.4
3410297 Cambridge House Grammar School, Ballymena Ballymena 51.4 925 18
3420010 St Louis’ Grammar, Ballymena Ballymena 69.5 1,148 16.5
3420011 Ballymena Academy Ballymena 73.3 1,245 17
3420012 Dalriada Grammar Ballymoney 54.2 906 16.7
3420034 Loreto College, Coleraine Coleraine 61.5 984 16
3420046 Larne Grammar Larne 45.4 747 16.5
3420058 Rainey Endowed Grammar Magherafelt 42.6 746 17.5
3420068 Dominican College, Portstewart Portstewart 41 637 15.6
3420077 Belfast High School Newtownabbey 52.7 949 18
3420080 St Mary’s Grammar, Magherafelt Magherafelt 64.4 1,115 17.3
3420317 Coleraine Grammar School Coleraine 65.5 1,059 16.2
4010512 McKinney Primary School, Dundrod Crumlin 7.2 159 22.1
4010720 Ballycarrickmaddy Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 7.9 201 25.4
4010743 Largymore Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 9 193 21.4
4010762 Brownlee Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 9.4 199 21.1
4010788 Dunmurry Primary School Belfast 9 208 23
4010807 Lisburn Central Primary School Lisburn 10.4 199 19.1
4010882 Seymour Hill Primary School, Belfast Belfast 14.4 269 18.7
4010885 Tonagh Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 10.9 222 20.3
4011265 Ballyvester Primary School, Donaghadee Donaghadee 5.8 110 19
4011300 Greyabbey Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 5 81 16.2
4011310 Carrickmannon Primary School, Ballygowan Newtownards 4.4 87 19.8
4011345 Newtownards Model Primary School Newtownards 15.4 400 26
4011373 Kirkistown Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 4.2 64 15.2
4011462 Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 18.2 334 18.4
4011488 Victoria Primary School, Ballyhalbert Newtownards 7.6 135 17.8
4011507 Portavogie Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 9.5 216 22.6
4011566 Ballywalter Primary School, Ballywater Newtownards 8.6 170 19.8
4011567 Ballynahinch Primary School Ballynahinch 10 226 22.6
4011578 Derryboy Primary School, Crossgar Crossgar 4.2 66 15.7
4011584 Carr Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 3.5 72 20.3
4011587 Dundonald Primary School Belfast 31.9 833 26.1
4011588 Comber Primary School Newtownards 15.7 341 21.8
4011606 Gilnahirk Primary School, Belfast Belfast 17 409 24
4011608 Anahilt Primary School Hillsborough 5.8 136 23.3
4011619 Dromara Primary School Dromara 8.5 178 21
4011631 Holywood Primary School Holywood 17.9 471 26.3
4011632 Cregagh Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10 163 16.3
4011645 Crawfordsburn Primary School, Bangor Bangor 8.6 212 24.6
4011646 Victoria Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 24.6 499 20.3
4011650 Ballyholme Primary School, Bangor Bangor 25.2 622 24.7
4011654 Donaghadee Primary School Donaghadee 16.4 425 25.9
4011657 Lisnasharragh Primary School, Belfast Belfast 16.1 381 23.6
4011670 Clandeboye Primary School, Bangor Bangor 14.8 305 20.6
4011674 Knockbreda Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10 148 14.8
4011681 Millisle Primary School Newtownards 9.4 219 23.3
4011683 Braniel Primary School, Belfast Belfast 19.2 417.5 21.8
4011698 Newcastle Primary School Newcastle 8.7 194.5 22.4
4011699 Moneyrea Primary School Newtownards 8.6 233.5 27.1
4013013 Belvoir Park Primary School, Belfast Belfast 16 261 16.3
4013023 Bloomfield Primary School, Bangor Bangor 21.1 436 20.7
4013024 Cairnshill Primary School, Belfast Belfast 23 537 23.3
4013043 Leadhill Primary School, Belfast Belfast 7.6 161 21.2
4013044 Carryduff Primary School, Belfast Belfast 10.5 179 17
4013045 Grange Park Primary School, Bangor Bangor 16.6 405 24.4
4013046 Alexander Dickson Primary School, Ballygowan Newtownards 4.4 92 20.9
4013305 Harmony Hill Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 24.5 627 25.6
4013334 Knockmore Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 20.3 237 11.7
4016002 Kilcooley Primary School, Bangor Bangor 11.7 181 15.5
4016004 Londonderry Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 15.6 406 26
4016020 Carrowdore Primary School, Newtownards Carrowdore 8.2 165 20.1
4016067 Rathmore Primary School Bangor 24.8 570 23
4016083 West Winds Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 12.3 169 13.7
4016104 Moira Primary School Moira 15.9 399 25.2
4016111 Towerview Primary School, Bangor Bangor 17 439 25.8
4016123 Spa Primary School, Ballynahinch Ballynahinch 8.6 205 23.8
4016126 Andrews Memorial Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 15.8 372 23.5
4016144 Old Warren Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 8 169 21.1
4016145 Killowen Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 17.6 424.5 24.1
4016192 Kilmaine Primary School, Bangor Bangor 23.6 639 27.1
4016201 Academy Primary School, Ballynahinch Saintfield 16.6 431 26
4016202 Ballinderry Primary School Lisburn 12.1 267 22.1
4016235 Downpatrick Primary School Downpatrick 12.8 202 15.8
4016396 Killinchy Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 14.5 357 24.6
4016399 Abbey Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 23.4 591 25.3
4016401 Pond Park Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 22.8 620 27.2
4016417 Maghaberry Primary School Craigavon 11.8 290 24.6
4016430 Ballymagee Primary School, Bangor Bangor 16.1 416 25.8
4016441 Ballymacash Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 16.6 437 26.4
4016503 Brooklands Primary School, Belfast Belfast 26 532 20.5
4016615 Riverdale Primary School Lisburn 9.5 204 21.6
4016636 Meadow Bridge Primary School Hillsborough 12.6 283 22.4
4016649 Downshire Primary School, Hillsborough Hillsborough 24 606 25.2
4016650 Cumran Primary School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 11.2 208 18.6
4016681 Glasswater Primary School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 4 93 23.3
4030573 Ballymacward Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 4 93 23.3
4030823 Ballymacrickett Primary School, Glenavy Crumlin 16.5 381 23.1
4030897 St Joseph’s Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 15.8 379 24
4031231 St Joseph’s Primary School, Ballycruttle Downpatrick 3.4 35 10.3
4031328 Christ the King Primary School, Drumaness Ballynahinch 5 66 13.2
4031350 St Malachy’s Primary School, Kilclief Downpatrick 4 44 11
4031485 St Caolan’s Primary School, Saintfield Ballynahinch 4.4 82 18.6
4031526 St Patrick’s Primary School, Saul Downpatrick 8 170 21.3
4031531 St Francis’ Primary School, Drumaroad Castlewellan 5 95 19
4031550 St Joseph’s Primary School, Crossgar Crossgar 7 127 18.1
4031628 St Patrick’s Primary School, Holywood Holywood 14 295 21.1
4031660 St Joseph’s Primary School, Carryduff Belfast 17.2 495 28.8
4031662 St Mary’s Primary School, Comber Newtownards 5 93 18.6
4031663 St Joseph’s Primary School, Carnacaville Newcastle 9 194 21.6
4031665 St Patrick’s Primary School, Ballynahinch Ballynahinch 12 226 18.8
4031671 St Patrick’s Primary School, Castlewellan Castlewellan 4.3 52 12.1
4031672 St Mary’s Primary School, Saintfield Saintfield 2 17 8.5
4031673 St Mary’s Primary School, Ardglass(Dunsford Ardglass 3.8 91 23.9
4031676 St Bernards Primary School, Belfast Belfast 18 451 25.1
4033002 St Mary’s Primary School, Aughlisnafin Castlewellan 5 91 18.2
4033005 St Joseph’s Primary School, Strangford Strangford 4 86 21.5
4033007 St Macartan’s Primary School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 8.3 173 20.8
4033008 St Anne’s Primary School, Donaghadee Donaghadee 3.2 50 15.6
4033012 Holy Family Primary School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 7.4 185 25
4033017 St Finian’s Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 7.4 160 21.6
4033028 St Patrick’s Primary School, Ballygalget Newtownards 5.2 117 22.5
4033036 St Mary’s Primary School, Killyleagh Downpatrick 5 73 14.6
4033037 St Joseph’s Primary School, Tyrella Downpatrick 4.2 71 16.8
4033040 St Brigid’s Primary School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 11.6 259 22.3
4033306 St Aloysius Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 18 456 25.3
4033307 St Colman’s Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 17 389 22.9
4036016 St Joseph’s Primary School, Killough Killough 3.4 50 14.7
4036036 St Malachy’s Primary School, Kilcoo Newry 7.4 178 24
4036113 St Nicholas’ Primary School, Downpatrick Ardglass 9 156 17.3
4036133 Sacred Heart Primary School, Newcastle Newcastle 6.8 113 16.6
4036146 St Comgall’s Primary School, Bangor Bangor 14.6 304 20.8
4036148 St Malachy’s Primary School, Bangor Bangor 16.5 385.5 23.4
4036182 St Colmcille’s Primary School Downpatrick 19.4 355 18.3
4036285 Good Shepherd Primary School, Belfast Belfast 18.4 347 18.9
4036428 St Mary’s Primary School, Kircubbin Newtownards 8 135 16.9
4036454 St Malachy’s Primary School, Castlewellan Castlewellan 18.6 412 22.2
4036455 St Patrick’s Primary School, Legamaddy Downpatrick 7.5 157 20.9
4036480 St Kieran’s Primary School Belfast 24 385 16
4036530 St Mary’s Primary School, Portaferry Newtownards 8.2 166 20.4
4036591 Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School, Belfast Belfast 18 361 20.1
4036618 Christ The Redeemer Primary School, Dunmurry Belfast 32.7 741 22.6
4036635 St Mary’s Primary School, Newcastle Newcastle 17.5 371.5 21.2
4036642 St Ita’s Primary School, Belfast Belfast 27.4 669 24.4
4036693 Our Lady & St Patrick Primary School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 22.2 409 18.4
4036702 Holy Evangelist Primary School, Belfast Belfast 28.8 561 19.5
4046600 Scoil Na Fuiseoige Belfast 9 157 17.4
4046648 Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche, Castlewellan Castlewellan 8 139 17.4
4051569 Kircubbin Integrated Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 11 201 18.3
4051601 Portaferry Integrated Primary School Newtownards 3.6 59 16.4
4051680 Bangor Central Integrated Primary School Bangor 22.8 534 23.4
4053009 Annsborough Integrated Primary School, Castlewellan Castlewellan 3 30 10
4053020 Glencraig Integrated Primary School, Holywood Holywood 9.1 225 24.7
4053308 Fort Hill Integrated Primary School, Lisburn Lisburn 8.5 238 28
4056541 All Children’s Integrated Primary School, Newcastle Newcastle 8.6 211 24.5
4056709 Killyleagh Integrated Primary School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 6.9 121.5 17.6
4056710 Loughries Integrated Primary School, Newtownards Newtownards 4.6 92 20.1
4066579 Loughview Integrated Primary School, Belfast Belfast 19.7 442.5 22.4
4066588 Cedar Integrated Primary School, Crossgar Crossgar 8.6 213 24.7
4066611 Oakwood Integrated Primary School Belfast 10 201.5 20.2
4066644 Millennium Integrated Primary School, Saintfield Saintfield 17.4 385 22.1
4066668 Drumlins Integrated Primary School, Ballynahinch Ballynahinch 10.1 210 20.9
4066682 Rowandale Integrated Primary School, Moira Moira 16.2 338 20.9
4110029 Bangor Central Nursery School Bangor 2 52 26
4110030 Holywood Nursery School Holywood 1.7 39 22.9
4110035 Newtownards Nursery School Newtownards 2 54 27
4116018 Barbour Nursery School Lisburn 1.8 52 28.9
4116175 Trinity Nursery School Bangor 2 55 27.5
4116176 Downpatrick Nursery School Downpatrick 1 26 26
4116216 King’s Road Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
4116239 Knockbreda Nursery School Belfast 2 54 27
4116240 Castlereagh Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
4116307 Glenbrook Nursery School Newtownards 2 51 25.5
4116418 Pond Park Nursery School Lisburn 2 52 26
4136211 St Colmcille’s Nursery School Downpatrick 2 52 26
4136212 Convent of Mercy Nursery School Downpatrick 2 53 26.5
4136286 Good Shepherd Nursery School Belfast 2 53 26.5
4136317 Holy Trinity Nursery School Lisburn 2 52 26
4136368 St Luke’s Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
4136481 St Kieran’s Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
4136606 St Therese Nursery School Belfast 2 52 26
4136626 Kircubbin Community Nursery School Newtownards 1 26 26
4210012 Movilla High School Newtownards 30 402 13.4
4210029 The High School Ballynahinch Ballynahinch 27.2 317 11.7
4210045 Nendrum College, Newtownards Newtownards 28.5 443 15.6
4210046 Glastry College, Newtownards Newtownards 39.2 621 15.8
4210051 Lisnagarvey High School, Lisburn Lisburn 43.2 634 14.7
4210063 Saintfield High School Saintfield 23 385 16.7
4210201 Laurelhill Community College, Lisburn Lisburn 56.4 879 15.6
4210262 Dundonald High School Belfast 46.1 585 12.7
4210296 Bangor Academy & Sixth Form College Bangor 104.5 1,803 17.3
4210316 Breda Academy Belfast 49.4 686 13.9
4230023 St Mary’s High School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 28.2 448 15.9
4230067 St Columba’s College Newtownards 15.4 148 9.6
4230102 St Colmcille’s High School Crossgar 20.2 290 14.4
4230107 St Columbanus’ College Bangor 51.2 810 15.8
4230161 St Colman’s High & Sixth Form College Ballynahinch Ballynahinch 35.1 527 15
4230165 St Patrick’s Academy, Lisburn Lisburn 36.4 552 15.2
4230211 St Malachy’s High School, Castlewellan Castlewellan 71.8 1,026 14.3
4230223 St Colm’s High School, Belfast Belfast 39.7 602 15.2
4230224 De La Salle High School Downpatrick 29.4 400 13.6
4250024 Priory College, Holywood Holywood 45.4 706 15.5
4250072 Fort Hill Integrated College, Lisburn Lisburn 60.6 910 15
4260255 Lagan College, Belfast Belfast 98.1 1,435 14.6
4260281 Shimna College, Newcastle Newcastle 43 659 15.3
4260295 Strangford College, Newtownards Carrowdore 55.2 836 15.1
4260309 Blackwater Integrated College, Downpatrick Downpatrick 21.2 228 10.8
4310008 Beechlawn School Hillsborough 30.6 256 8.4
4310013 Killard HouseSchool Donaghadee 31 223 7.2
4310019 Ardmore House School Downpatrick 11.8 22 1.9
4316022 Brookfield School Craigavon 21.2 152 7.2
4316273 Longstone School Belfast 28.6 208 7.3
4316515 Parkview School Lisburn 28 205 7.3
4316516 Knockevin School Downpatrick 24.6 146 5.9
4316517 Tor Bank School Belfast 28.6 193 6.7
4316518 Clifton School Bangor 31.6 197 6.2
4316614 Lakewood School Bangor 7 4 0.6
4410063 Regent House Grammar Newtownards 86.6 1,497 17.3
4410085 Down High School Downpatrick 57.8 965 16.7
4410097 Glenlola Collegiate, Bangor Bangor 63.4 1,015 16
4420015 Bangor Grammar School Bangor 51.5 914 17.7
4420044 Sullivan Upper School, Holywood Holywood 63 1,069 17
4420050 Friends’ School, Lisburn Lisburn 62.6 998 16
4420051 Wallace High School, Lisburn Lisburn 68.8 1,213 17.6
4420086 Assumption Grammar School, Ballynahinch Ballynahinch 52.6 892 17
4420088 St Patrick’s Grammar School, Downpatrick Downpatrick 50.1 784 15.6
4420259 Our Lady & St Patrick’s College, Belfast Belfast 86.6 1,373 15.9
4610063 Regent House Preparatory Newtownards 4.8 67 14
4620044 Sullivan Upper Preparatory, Holywood Holywood 9.4 183 19.4
4620050 Friends’ School Preparatory, Lisburn Lisburn 8.5 153 18
4620051 Wallace High Preparatory, Lisburn Lisburn 8.8 145 16.5
5010909 Foley Primary School, Tassagh Armagh 5.4 110 20.4
5010992 Lurgan Model Primary School Lurgan 10.6 225 21.2
5011019 Mullaglass Primary School, Newry Newry 4 75 18.8
5011095 Mullavilly Primary School, Tandragee Tandragee 7 118 16.9
5011112 Hardy Memorial Primary School, Richhill Armagh 18.4 436 23.7
5011115 The Armstrong Primary School, Armagh Armagh 23.6 517 22
5011116 Tandragee Primary School, Tandragee Tandragee 13.6 368 27
5011119 Darkley Primary School Armagh 5 114 22.8
5011124 King’s Park Primary School, Lurgan Lurgan 33.4 700 20.9
5011127 Carrick Primary School, Lurgan Lurgan 22.1 474 21.4
5011129 Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown Craigavon 18.2 465 25.5
5011132 Killylea Primary School, Armagh Armagh 4.4 92 20.9
5011137 Newtownhamilton Primary School Newry 3.8 64 16.8
5011142 Clare Primary School, Tandragee Tandragee 6.4 134 20.9
5011152 Kingsmills Primary School, Armagh Armagh 3.2 32 10.1
5011153 Lisnadill Primary School, Armagh Armagh 5.4 139 25.7
5011157 Derryhale Primary School, Portadown Portadown 4.4 75 17.2
5011161 Mountnorris Primary School Armagh 4.4 108 24.5
5011165 Richmount Primary School Portadown 5.2 92 17.7
5011174 Birches Primary School, Portadown Craigavon 7 178 25.4
5011175 Cortamlet Primary School, Altnamackin Newry 4.2 76 18.1
5011179 Bessbrook Primary School, Newry Newry 7 123 17.6
5011189 Edenderry Primary School, Portadown Portadown 19.6 405 20.7
5011190 Tullygally Primary School, Craigavon Lurgan 13.8 250 18.1
5011520 Dromore Road Primary School, Warrenpoint Warrenpoint 4.8 83 17.3
5011575 Dromore Central Primary School Dromore 31 733 23.6
5011594 Abercorn Primary School, Banbridge Banbridge 14.8 339 22.9
5011596 Gilford Primary School, Craigavon Craigavon 5.4 91 16.9
5011598 Waringstown Primary School, Waringstown Craigavon 16.2 408 25.3
5011602 Bleary Primary School, Lurgan Craigavon 7.8 168 21.5
5011611 Iveagh Primary School, Newry, Rathfriland Newry 12.2 276.5 22.6
5011617 Ballydown Primary School, Banbridge Banbridge 13.8 345 25
5011649 Kilkeel Primary School Kilkeel 23 510 22.2
5011651 Milltown Primary School Banbridge 3.2 53 16.6
5011664 Scarva Primary School, Scarva Craigavon 4 64 16
5011684 Annalong Primary School, Newry Newry 7.3 189 25.9
5011687 Maralin Village Primary School, Craigavon Craigavon 11.6 264 22.8
5012280 Moneymore Primary School Magherafelt 9.4 251 26.6
5012538 Churchill Primary School, Caledon Caledon 5.4 104 19.3
5012615 Ballytrea Primary School, Stewartstown Dungannon 3 55 18.3
5012621 Aughnacloy Primary School Aughnacloy 7.4 158 21.4
5012632 Donaghmore Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 3.4 66 19.4
5012635 Augher Central Primary School Augher 4 78 19.6
5012636 Moy Regional Primary School Dungannon 4 77 19.3
5012643 Stewartstown Primary School Stewartstown 3.4 59 17.4
5012646 Howard Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 13.6 328 24.1
5012649 Coagh Primary School Cookstown 5.4 110 20.4
5012657 Walker Memorial Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 3 54 18
5012696 Carntall Primary School, Clogher Clogher 4.2 93 22.1
5012719 Newmills Primary School Dungannon 5.2 114 21.9
5012720 Dungannon Primary School Dungannon 16.6 304 18.3
5012726 Cookstown Primary School Cookstown 24 514 21.4
5013019 Edenderry Primary School, Banbridge Banbridge 18 418 23.2
5013702 Woods Primary School, Magherafelt Magherafelt 7 194 27.7
5016007 Millington Primary School, Portadown Craigavon 26.2 641 24.4
5016027 Drumhillery Primary School, Middletown Armagh 4.2 65 15.5
5016065 Dickson Primary School, Lurgan Lurgan 11.4 237 20.8
5016078 Poyntzpass Primary School Poyntzpass 6.8 141 20.7
5016079 The Cope Primary School, Loughgall Armagh 4.8 103 21.5
5016080 Drumgor Primary School, Craigavon Craigavon 15.2 302 19.9
5016088 Fivemiletown Primary School Fivemiletown 9.6 209 21.8
5016098 Brackenagh West Primary School, Kilkeel Kilkeel 8 157 19.6
5016117 Ballyoran Primary School Portadown 13.5 264 19.6
5016138 Bocombra Primary School, Portadown Portadown 13.4 349 26
5016141 Churchtown Primary School, Killybasky Cookstown 2 41 20.5
5016178 Donacloney Primary School Craigavon 8.9 235 26.5
5016179 Hamiltonsbawn Primary School, Armagh Armagh 5.6 135 24.1
5016200 Queen Elizabeth II Primary School, Pomeroy Dungannon 3.2 37 11.6
5016221 Orritor Primary School, Cookstown Cookstown 10.6 209 19.7
5016224 Donaghey Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 4.3 111 25.8
5016391 Bush Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 8.5 193 22.7
5016436 Markethill Primary School Armagh 11.2 314 28
5016451 Windsor Hill Primary School, Newry Newry 12 210 17.5
5016543 Moyallon Primary School, Portadown Craigavon 8.4 203 24.2
5016599 Fair Hill Primary School, Dromara Dromore 11 277 25.2
5016612 Bronte Primary School, Banbridge Banbridge 7.8 178.5 22.8
5016616 Drumadonnell Primary School, Banbridge Banbridge 8.9 217.5 24.5
5016643 Richmond Primary School Dungannon 5.4 115 21.3
5016658 Orchard County Primary School Craigavon 6.7 155.5 23.3
5016680 Killyman Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 7.6 186 24.5
5030958 St John’s Primary School, Eglish Craigavon 4 77 19.3
5030972 St Oliver Plunkett Primary School, Forkhill Newry 5.8 133 22.9
5030975 St Malachy’s Primary School, Ballymoyer Armagh 4 77 19.3
5031070 St Michael’s Primary School, Newtownhamilton Newry 4.6 79 17.2
5031080 Clintyclay Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 5 91 18.2
5031086 Clonalig Primary School, Crossmaglen Newry 7.6 183 24.1
5031088 Dromintee Primary School, Newry Newry 7.8 170 21.8
5031103 Tannaghmore Primary School, Lurgan Craigavon 23.8 629 26.4
5031107 St Teresa’s Primary School, Tullyherron Armagh 3.2 59 18.4
5031108 Clea Primary School, Keady Keady 6.6 117 17.7
5031110 Armagh Christian Brothers Primary School Armagh 28.2 569 20.1
5031126 Mount St Catherine’s Primary School, Armagh Armagh 9.6 197 20.5
5031130 St Moninna’s Primary School, Cloughoge Newry 19 468 24.6
5031133 St Malachy’s Primary School, Armagh Armagh 8 205 25.6
5031135 St Oliver’s Primary School, Carrickrovaddy Newry 3.4 52 15.3
5031138 St Joseph’s Primary School, Madden Armagh 8 175 21.9
5031148 St Patrick’s Primary School, Crossmaglen Newry 26 505 19.4
5031154 Killean Primary School, Newry Newry 6 127 21.2
5031158 St Patrick’s Primary School, Newry Newry 18.2 453 24.9
5031160 St Teresa’s Primary School, Lurgan Lurgan 7.9 184 23.3
5031163 St Brigid’s Primary School, Glassdrummond Newry 8 202 25.3
5031164 St Mary’s Primary School, Maghery Dungannon 3 60 20
5031166 St Michael’s Primary School, Clady Armagh 2.6 74 28.5
5031168 St Patrick’s Primary School, Aghacommon Craigavon 10 216 21.6
5031169 St Brigid’s Primary School, Drumilly Belleek 6.2 127 20.5
5031172 St Mary’s Primary School, Granemore Armagh 8.8 216 24.5
5031176 St Peter’s Primary School, Cloughreagh Newry 14 359 25.6
5031183 St Patrick’s Primary School, Armagh Armagh 21 452 21.5
5031184 St Anthony’s Primary School, Craigavon Craigavon 32.8 686 20.9
5031188 St Joseph’s Primary School, Meigh Newry 8 192 24
5031318 Killowen Primary School, Newry Newry 4 47 11.8
5031340 St Joseph’s Convent Primary School, Newry Newry 23.6 489 20.7
5031558 Ballyholland Primary School, Newry Newry 9.9 203 20.5
5031589 Grange Primary School Newry 5 117 23.4
5031609 Carrick Primary School, Warrenpoint Warrenpoint 15.7 387 24.7
5031653 St Matthew’s Primary School, Magheramayo Castlewellan 6.4 93 14.5
5031667 St Patrick’s Primary School, Magheralin Craigavon 5.4 116 21.5
5031669 St John’s Primary School, Gilford Craigavon 6.4 143 22.3
5031694 Holy Cross Primary School, Newry Newry 6 110 18.3
5031695 St Mary’s Primary School, Barr Newry 6.4 142 22.2
5031697 St Patrick’s Primary School, Mayobridge Newry 15 345.5 23
5032208 Ballylifford Primary School, Coagh Cookstown 3 71 23.7
5032262 Lissan Primary School, Cookstown Cookstown 4.4 118 26.8
5032306 St Malachy’s Primary School, Glencull Dungannon 5.4 109 20.2
5032387 Derrylatinee Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 4.8 90 18.8
5032463 Blessed Patrick O’Loughran Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 4.4 101 23
5032558 Laghey Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 4.6 98 21.3
5032585 Edendork Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 13 294 22.6
5032591 Roan St Patrick’s Primary School, Eglish Dungannon 6 158 26.3
5032592 St Mary’s Primary School, Lisbuoy Dungannon 4.4 78 17.8
5032624 St MacCartan’s Convent Primary School Clogher 4 111 27.8
5032678 St Patrick’s Primary School, Donaghmore Dungannon 8 222 27.8
5032692 St Mary’s Primary School, Stewartstown Stewartstown 4 91 22.8
5032697 St Patrick’s Primary School, Aughadarragh Augher 4 81 20.3
5032698 St Brigid’s Primary School, Mountjoy Coalisland 5.9 126 21.3
5032699 St Mary’s Primary School, Dunamore Cookstown 8 181 22.6
5032703 St Peter’s Primary School, Moortown Cookstown 7.6 179 23.6
5032713 Derrychrin Primary School, Cookstown Cookstown 6.6 182 27.6
5032714 Holy Family Primary School, Aughamullan Dungannon 3 67 22.3
5032715 St John’s Primary School, Moy Dungannon 9.1 198 21.8
5032717 St Patrick’s Primary School, Mullinahoe Dungannon 11 237 21.5
5032729 St John’s Primary School, Kingsisland Dungannon 10 212 21.2
5032734 St Mary’s Primary School, Cabragh Dungannon 8 212 26.5
5032735 St Mary’s Primary School, Ballygawley Ballygawley 6.4 141 22
5032736 St Mary’s Primary School, Fivemiletown Fivemiletown 2.2 32 14.5
5033003 St Paul’s Primary School, Cabra Newry 5.2 96 18.5
5033004 St Mary’s Primary School, Rathfriland Newry 4.8 98 20.4
5033006 St Michael’s Primary School, Finnis Dromore 4 80 19.8
5033011 St Mary’s Primary School, Dechomet Castlewellan 4 94 23.5
5033025 St Patrick’s Primary School, Ballymaghery Newry 12.6 318 25.2
5033324 St Patrick’s Primary School, Derrynaseer Craigavon 4.4 93 21.1
5036000 St Colman’s Primary School, Dromore Dromore 5.4 97 18
5036006 St Mary’s Primary School, Derrymore Craigavon 7.4 149 20.1
5036009 St Mary’s Primary School, Derrytrasna Craigavon 5.4 107 19.8
5036031 St Patrick’s Primary School, Loup Magherafelt 7 157 22.4
5036033 St Joseph’s Primary School, Galbally Dungannon 9.6 212 22.1
5036043 St Mary’s Primary School, Banbridge Banbridge 21.2 515 24.3
5036047 St Patrick’s Primary School, Annaghmore Dungannon 8.6 175 20.3
5036057 St Malachy’s Primary School, Drummullan Magherafelt 3.6 46 12.8
5036061 St Colman’s Primary School and All Saints NU, Annaclone Banbridge 8.6 210 24.4
5036064 St Malachy’s Primary School, Camlough Newry 10.6 292 27.5
5036087 St Mary’s Primary School, Mullaghbawn Newry 11.9 316 26.6
5036099 St Patrick’s Primary School, Cullyhanna Newry 10.4 237 22.8
5036101 St Brendan’s Primary School, Craigavon Craigavon 17.6 414 23.5
5036108 St Joseph’s Primary School, Killeenan Cookstown 4.6 93 20.2
5036110 St Joseph’s Primary School, Bessbrook Newry 20 398 19.9
5036118 St Mary’s Primary School, Pomeroy Dungannon 9.2 186 20.2
5036120 St Patrick’s Primary School, Moneymore Magherafelt 4.4 100 22.7
5036121 St Jarlath’s Primary School, Blackwatertown Dungannon 7 172 24.6
5036122 Jonesborough Primary School, Newry Newry 5.4 92 17
5036130 St Laurence O’Toole Primary School, Belleek Belleek 4.4 72 16.4
5036136 Sacred Heart Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 5.8 121 20.9
5036173 St John the Baptist Primary School, Portadown Craigavon 19.6 454 23.2
5036180 St Oliver Plunkett Primary School, Ballyhegan Loughgall 5.4 132 24.4
5036363 St Mary’s Primary School, Aughnacloy Aughnacloy 6 112 18.7
5036400 St Colman’s Primary School, Bann Craigavon 5 123 24.6
5036409 St Ronan’s Primary School, Newry Newry 17.6 451 25.6
5036433 St Malachy’s Primary School, Carnagat Newry 15 311 20.7
5036457 St Francis’ Primary School, Aghaderg Banbridge 7.6 162 21.3
5036463 St Joseph’s Primary School, Caledon Caledon 2 26 13
5036504 St Patrick’s Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 41 837 20.4
5036545 St Colman’s Primary School, Kilkeel Newry 10 218 21.8
5036567 Holy Trinity Primary School, Cookstown Cookstown 28 673 24
5036572 St Colman’s Primary School, Saval Newry 8.8 228 25.9
5036583 St Dallan’s Primary School, Warrenpoint Warrenpoint 22.7 469 20.7
5036586 Presentation Primary School, Portadown Craigavon 13.5 299 22.1
5036590 Primate Dixon Primary School Coalisland 30.8 546.5 17.7
5036595 St Peter’s Primary School, Collegelands Dungannon 6.2 143 23.1
5036598 Our Lady’s Primary School, Tullysaran Dungannon 7.2 189 26.3
5036605 St Patrick’s Primary School, Drumgreenagh Newry 4.4 86 19.5
5036610 St Francis of Assisi Primary School, Keady Keady 9.2 195 21.2
5036622 St John’s Primary School, Middletown Armagh 9.2 179 19.5
5036633 St Francis’ Primary School, Lurgan Lurgan 35.6 816 22.9
5036634 St Clare’s Abbey Primary School, Newry Newry 21 471 22.4
5036639 Our Lady’s & St Mochua’s Primary School, Keady Keady 7.8 163 20.9
5036673 St Bronagh’s Primary School, Rostrevor Rostrevor 7.4 216 29.2
5036675 St Joseph’s and St James’s Primary School, Poyntzpass Newry 6 122 20.3
5036706 St Columban’s Primary School, Kilkeel Kilkeel 8 198 24.8
5046137 Seagoe Primary School, Portadown Portadown 15 361 24.1
5046241 The Drelincourt, Church of Ireland, Armagh Armagh 2 6 3
5046597 Bunscoil an Iuir, Newry Newry 5.2 110 21.2
5046637 Gaelscoil Ui Neill , Dungannon Coalisland 8.8 145 16.5
5046692 Gaelscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel Kilkeel 5 80 16
5046695 Gaelscoil Aodha Rua, Dungannon Dungannon 8 142 17.8
5046699 Gaelscoil Eoghain Cookstown 5.6 119 21.3
5056013 Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, Newry Newry 6.4 140 21.9
5066540 Bridge Integrated Primary School, Banbridge Banbridge 16.6 418 25.2
5066553 Portadown Integrated Primary School Portadown 17.9 448 25
5066554 Windmill Integrated Primary School, Dungannon Dungannon 10 246 24.6
5066578 Saints and Scholars Integrated Primary School Armagh 13 291 22.4
5066657 Phoenix Integrated Primary School NU, Cookstown Cookstown 8.4 210 24.9
5110017 Railway Street Nursery School Armagh 1 27 27
5110021 Edenderry Nursery School Portadown 2 53 26.5
5116112 Ashgrove Nursery School Newry 1.4 26 19
5116189 Millington Nursery School Portadown 3 81 27
5116190 Harrison Nursery School Lurgan 2 54 27
5116197 Kilkeel Nursery School Newry 2 54.5 27.3
5116223 The Grove Nursery School Armagh 2 52 26
5116236 Dungannon Nursery School Dungannon 2 53 26.5
5116237 Cookstown Nursery School Cookstown 2 52 26
5116238 Banbridge Nursery School Banbridge 2 54 27
5116256 Downshire Nursery School Banbridge 2 53 26.5
5116625 Dromore Nursery School Dromore 2 53 26.5
5116640 Tandragee Nursery School Tandragee 2 53 26.5
5136217 St John the Baptist Nursery Craigavon 2 52 26
5136342 St Malachy’s Nursery School Newry 2.2 52 23.6
5136607 College Farm Nursery School Armagh 1 54 54
5136627 Little Flower Nursery School Coalisland 2 54 27
5136629 Seaview Nursery School Warrenpoint 3 78 26
5136631 Drumnamoe Nursery School Lurgan 3 79 26.3
5210016 Kilkeel High School Newry 46.6 712 15.3
5210025 Newtownhamilton High School Newry 14.7 203 13.8
5210043 Clounagh Junior High School Portadown 41.7 696 16.7
5210047 Banbridge High School Banbridge 38.2 616 16.1
5210054 Killicomaine Junior High School, Portadown Portadown 38.3 612 16
5210064 Dromore High School Dromore 61.5 1,009 16.4
5210083 Markethill High School Armagh 32.1 503 15.7
5210097 Fivemiletown College Fivemiletown 26 388 14.9
5210121 City of Armagh High School Armagh 24 331 13.8
5210127 Rathfriland High School Newry 21.2 361 17
5210143 Tandragee Junior High Tandragee 22 302 13.7
5210153 Aughnacloy College Aughnacloy 11.4 190 16.7
5210186 Newry High School Newry 32.3 446 13.8
5210230 Cookstown High School Cookstown 56.4 864 15.3
5210231 Drumglass High School, Dungannon Dungannon 21.6 367 17
5210271 Lurgan Junior High School Lurgan 43.1 721 16.7
5210282 Craigavon Senior High School, Portadown Craigavon 50.2 728 14.5
5230056 St Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Newry Newry 28 434 15.5
5230076 St Patrick’s College, Banbridge Banbridge 37.6 603 16
5230108 St Mary’s High School, Newry Newry 39.6 585 14.8
5230135 St Mark’s High School, Warrenpoint Newry 62.2 985 15.8
5230152 St Ciaran’s College Dungannon 54.5 818 15
5230157 St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook Newry 112.5 1,709 15.2
5230167 St Joseph’s High School, Crossmaglen Newry 45.2 727 16.1
5230187 St Patrick’s High School, Keady Keady 63 1,005 16
5230192 St Joseph’s College, Coalisland Dungannon 33.8 448 13.3
5230213 Lismore Comprehensive School, Drumgask Craigavon 82 1,205 14.7
5230218 St Catherine’s College, Armagh Armagh 76.6 1,154 15.1
5230278 Holy Trinity College, Cookstown Cookstown 65.5 985 15
5230293 St Patrick’s College, Dungannon Dungannon 46.6 741 15.9
5230321 St John the Baptist’s College, Portadown Portadown 36.4 473 13
5250216 Brownlow College, Craigavon Craigavon 26.2 418 16
5260285 New-Bridge Integrated College Banbridge 42.5 641 15.1
5260286 Integrated College Dungannon Dungannon 47.1 710 15.1
5316519 Rathore School Newry 34.5 220 6.4
5316520 Donard School Banbridge 19.7 119 6
5316521 Ceara School Lurgan 25.3 178 7
5316523 Sperrinview School Dungannon 23.2 142 6.1
5316577 Lisanally School Armagh 20.6 127 6.2
5410013 Banbridge Academy Banbridge 75.2 1,353 18
5410057 Lurgan College Craigavon 28.6 487 17
5410067 Portadown College Craigavon 50.4 809 16.1
5420045 St Louis Grammar, Kilkeel Kilkeel 48.1 725 15.1
5420059 Abbey Christian Brothers Grammar, Newry Newry 54.6 900 16.5
5420060 Our Lady’s Grammar School, Newry Newry 60.6 930 15.4
5420062 St Colman’s College - Newry Newry 49.4 908 18.4
5420073 St Joseph’s Grammar School Dungannon 51.3 854 16.6
5420076 Sacred Heart Grammar School, Newry Newry 49.8 852 17.1
5420260 The Royal School, Dungannon Dungannon 39 675 17.3
5420263 The Royal School, Armagh Armagh 47.3 800 16.9
5420268 St Patrick’s Grammar School, Armagh Armagh 54.2 889 16.4
5420304 St Patrick’s Academy, Dungannon Dungannon 83 1,443 17.4
5420314 St Ronan’s College, Lurgan Lurgan 103.8 1,743 16.8
5620263 Armagh Royal Preparatory Department Armagh 3 36 12

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